Saturday, February 15, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Will Hearn

Photos: 1960s beach culture on Australia’s Gold Coast


The Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, has been known for its golden sands and beach bums for decades. But it’s also home to Australia’s meter maids, bronzed bods and glitzy nightlife — a trait that some consider to be a rip-off of the Miami scene.

During the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s, events such as the Sun Girl Quest and the beer belly competition drew both locals and tourists. As the Gold Coast began to boom, photographer Graham Burstow captured the crowd and a different time in Australia’s image. He is now considered one of the area’s most renowned snappers.

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More about Australia, Us World, Pics, and Gold Coast

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Source:: Mashable


The ‘Dad Bod’ Is A Thing

For those unfamiliar with its every fleshy curve, the dadbod is defined as ‘undefined muscles beneath a light layer of flab, usually topped off with a beer belly.’

It is achieved through little-to-no exercise, combined with regular dedicated beer and pizza binges. Celebrity poster boys include Seth Rogan, Vince Vaughan and, of course, Leonardo DiCaprio.

And now a new Instagram account has sprung up.

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The Jobs Where People Are Most Likely to Cheat on You . . . Bankers Came in First

This is pretty groundbreaking stuff: Believe it or not, there’s a connection between having lots of money and lots of opportunities for sex. is one of the big websites for people looking for affairs, and they just analyzed what jobs are most common for their members. In other words . . . which professions have the most people looking to cheat on their significant others.

Here’s the list . . .

1. Banking and finance, 18%.

2. Management and HR, 12%.

3. Self-employed, 8%.

4. Engineering and IT, 6%.

5. Accounting, 5%.

6. Sales and marketing, 4%.

7. Government . . . healthcare and medical . . . and legal, 3%.

8. Advertising . . . media . . . design . . . education . . . science . . . and retired, 2%.

9. Customer service . . . administration . . . hotels and tourism . . . and retail, 1%.


Sell Your Wares At The Barn Sale

Barn saleShow your wares or feed the famished Fourth goers. Be a part of Cookeville’s Boom At The Barns Barn Sale and Antique Show at the Putnam County Fairgrounds July 3rd and 4th. Read More »
