Saturday, February 15, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Will Hearn

Six Things Men Hate About Other Men

Guys, if we asked you what you hate about other men, you probably wouldn’t answer. You’d think it was some lame social experiment to prove that men are CATTIER than women.

But don’t sweat it. Someone on just asked that question and got a TON of answers. Once guys started talking about how men are annoying, they couldn’t stop. Here are six of our favorite answers . . .

1. “Who is ripping out their pubic hair and scattering it all over urinals across America?”

2. “I hate the guys who drink and try to fight everybody, including their own friends.”

3. “When guys comment on girls’ Facebook pics with idiotic crap like, ‘Wow, sexy’ and ‘Hey beautiful’ and other things that reek of desperation.”

4. “I hate guys that are so judgmental about how attractive women look, yet they themselves are ugly.”

5. “Dudes who can’t fend for themselves when it comes to domestic duties. Learn how to cook a couple meals, clean a toilet, and turn on a vacuum.”

6. “I hate that a lot of them can grow a full beard without childish, visible patches.”


Emma and Noah Are the Most Popular Baby Names of 2014

The Social Security Administration just released its data on the most popular baby names for last year, and there aren’t any big surprises.

The most popular name for boys was Noah, for the second year in a row. Almost 1% of all the boys born in the U.S. last year got the name.

The most popular name for girls was Emma. The last time it was number one was 2008, but it’s never dropped lower than number three since. More than 1% of all the girls born in the U.S. last year got the name.

The top 10 names for boys in 2014 were: Noah . . . Liam . . . Mason . . . Jacob . . . William . . . Ethan . . . Michael . . . Alexander . . . James . . . and Daniel.

The top 10 names for girls were: Emma . . . Olivia . . . Sophia . . . Isabella . . . Ava . . . Mia . . . Emily . . . Abigail . . . Madison . . . and Charlotte.

The boys’ names that had the biggest jumps in popularity from 2013 to 2014 were Bode, Axl, and Gannon . . . for girls, the biggest jumps were Aranza, Montserrat, and Maisie.

The boys’ names with the biggest drops in popularity were Bently, Damion, and Amare . . . for girls, it was Miley, Karly, and Britney.


Kaitlyn Knight From Jackson County Is This Weeks Dream Big Scholar

Kaitlyn Knight- Jackson County High School106-9 Kicks Country and The Tennessee Credit Union awarded Kaitlyn Knight of Jackson County as a Dream Big Scholar.

Kaitlyn has accomplished so much in High School, she will graduate with a 4.0 GPA! Kaitlyn’s other accomplishment are: Girls’ State Delegate, UCEMC Washington Youth Tour Essay Contest Winner, and UCEMC Youth Leadership Summit Attendee.

While attending Jackson County High School Kaitlyn was a member of the Advanced Choir, Yearbook Staff, Beta Club, and was the Secretary for the Knight’s Chapel FWB Youth Group.

After graduation Kaitlyn plans to attend Tennessee Technological University and earn a bachelor’s degree in accounting.

Congratulation to Kaitlyn Knight, she’s now be eligible to win scholarship money from 106-9 Kicks Country and The Tennessee Credit Union.



Which Baby Names Are Googled Most in Each State?

Before anyone picks a baby name in this day and age, you have to vet it on the Internet, right?

Google just analyzed searches for baby names in the past year, and found the most common names new parents have been searching for.

The top three boy names nationwide are: Michael, James, and Avery. The top three girl names are: Elizabeth, Olivia, and Emma.

They also broke down the most popular names in each state. Most states have pretty traditional results . . . after all, when you have millions of people searching, it’s hard for something TOO obscure to break through. And yet . . . some states still found a way.

The most obscure boy names that managed to be the top search in a state are: Ahmed in South Dakota . . . Ezekiel in Kansas . . . Zyion in Arkansas . . . Nico in Massachusetts . . . and Aniyah in Hawaii.

The most obscure girl names that managed to be the top search in a state are: Matilda in Wyoming . . . Malachi in New Mexico . . . Aurora in Arizona . . . Holga in Vermont . . . Maeve in New Hampshire . . . and Risley in Maine.

boy names google

girl names google

Share Added New Words

The English language is evolving with new stupid words daily . . . and the dictionaries are trying their best to keep up. just updated with a bunch of new, modern words . . . here are the six highlights . . . Read More »


McDonald’s is Bringing Back the Hamburglar as a Middle-Aged Hipster

Other than Ronald McDonald, there’s no McDonald’s character more famous than the Hamburglar. Well, maybe Grimace. Mayor McCheese? Please.

Hamburglar hipsterBut the Hamburglar’s been in exile for a while now . . . they haven’t used him in an ad since 2002.

Except yesterday they announced he’s making a comeback. And he looks . . . um . . . different.

The Hamburglar you remember was cartoonish . . . he had a giant round head, one tooth, and a goofy smile. The new Hamburglar? He’s a middle-aged hipster.

The guy playing the character in commercials isn’t wearing a big funny mascot head anymore . . . it’s just a regular dude with stubble. He’s still got the black mask over his eyes, a hat, and a striped shirt . . . but also has skinny jeans and red leather high tops.

Oh . . . and he’s a dad now.

He’s about to start appearing in commercials for a new McDonald’s product, the Sirloin Third Pound Burger.
