Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: A Man Goes Crazy on His Wife For Making His Grilled Cheese Too Cheesy

Everyone is wound so tight these days that sometimes even good things make us explode.

There’s a 55-year-old guy in Athens, Georgia named James De Paola, and last week, his 51-year-old wife Michelle made him a grilled cheese sandwich.

But she used three pieces of cheese instead of two like he was used to, and that made the sandwich too cheesy for him. So . . . he flipped out.

He started shouting in Michelle’s face and spitting. She says he has a history of being violent, so she had their nine-year-old daughter call the cops. And as she was doing it, James ripped the phone out of the wall.

He was arrested for obstruction of a 911 call and criminal trespassing.


Dailey Bailey: 12% of People Say the Person They’re With Isn’t “The One”

This number seems low to me . . . I figured there were a lot more people who wound up settling than this.

A new survey found only 12% of people say the person they’re with isn’t “The One.” That means 88% of us think we were brought together with our significant other by fate and destiny and all that junk.

But even the people who aren’t with “The One” mostly say they’re making it work. 72% say they’re completely happy with the person they wound up with, and only 11% say they’re totally unhappy.

But . . . about three out of four have thought about ending their relationship. And a quarter of them have thought about it within the past few weeks.


Dailey Bailey: The Government Admits That No Study Has Ever Proven Flossing Is Effective

Well you can finally stop lying to your dentist about flossing.

The Associated Press just looked at the research on the benefits of flossing, and they got the Department of Health and Human Services to admit, quote, “The effectiveness of flossing has never been researched, as required.”

There have been plenty of studies on flossing, but none of them have definitively found that it helps you get rid of plaque or prevents gum disease. The AP looked into 25 of the biggest studies and found all of them were unreliable.

So why has the government been recommending that we all floss every day for almost four decades?

A dentist from the National Institutes of Health summed it up. Quote, “It’s low risk, low cost. We know there’s a possibility that it works, so we feel comfortable telling people to go ahead and do it.”

That’s probably true, except for one thing: Floss is a $2 billion market around the world, and half of that comes from the United States.


Dailey Bailey: [Watch] A Stranger Surprises a High School Custodian With a Free Car

There’s a woman in St. Petersburg, Florida named Ernestina Nunez who works as a high school custodian. And she couldn’t afford a car, so she’d walk about a mile to work every day carrying a bunch of bags.

She would always walk past an auto shop that’s owned by a guy named Richard Newberry. And on Friday, he finally went outside to talk to her.

He found out her story . . . and it turns out her son is a former Marine who took his own life because of PTSD. She moved to Florida a few weeks ago to try to get a fresh start.

Richard used to be homeless and had been through rough times himself, so he offered to sell Ernestina a used car at a huge discount. First he said he’d only charge her $600 . . . but she couldn’t afford it, so he lowered it to $300. But she still couldn’t do it.

So . . . he just gave her the car.

He streamed the whole thing on Facebook, and the video’s been viewed almost 20,000 times. The shop has also setup a GoFundMe page, to help Ernestina with extra costs like car registration, insurance, and gas.

He told her, quote, “I’ve been in this boat, I’ve been where you’re at and I’ve made it through.” She thanked him, and says, quote, “He’s given me hope on life.”


Dailey Bailey: We’re Only Productive Three Days a Week . . . Plus the 10 Things That Kill Our Productivity

Are you productive from the minute you get to work to the minute you leave? Yeah . . . uh . . . me too.

A new survey found the average person is only productive for a total of three days a week. And when it’s hot outside, that drops down to two-and-a-half days. So what’s killing our productivity? Here are the top 10 answers . . .

1. Getting a bad night of sleep.

2. Being too hot in the office.

3. Your coworkers distracting you or talking to you.

4. Computer problems.

5. A noisy office.

6. Boredom.

7. Being distracted by personal issues.

8. Feeling hungry.

9. Being too cold in the office.

10. Being hungover.


Dailey Bailey: A Guy Lights a Candle to Cover His Poop Smell in His Yacht Bathroom . . . and Burns It Down

I’m glad no one got hurt in this fire, because it really lets us enjoy it to its fullest.

There’s a guy in Hollywood, Florida who owns a 38-foot yacht worth $170,000, and he keeps it docked in a marina.

He was on his boat on Thursday night, and after he did some stinky business in the bathroom, he lit a candle to cover up the smell. Which was a decent plan, I guess . . . until the candle tipped over and the whole boat caught on fire.

He got off safely, but the fire totally destroyed the yacht. It also damaged the two yachts docked next to his.

As far as we know, the guy isn’t going to be facing any charges since it was an accident, and we assume insurance will take care of the damages.


Dailey Bailey: The Five Things You Do Around the House That Are Most Likely to Destroy Your Relationship

Man, if you die alone, how stupid are you going to feel that you once broke up with someone over the way they loaded the dishwasher?

A new survey found the five things you do around the house that are most likely to cause major arguments . . . and possibly even lead to breaking up. Check ’em out . . .

1. Leaving dirty dishes in the sink and being too lazy to put them in the dishwasher.

2. Leaving dirty clothes around instead of putting them in the laundry basket.

3. Not doing the laundry.

4. Not mowing the lawn.

5. Arguing while you try to put together furniture.


Dailey Bailey: A Guy Tries to Rob a Woman Sunbathing in a Bikini . . . But It Turns Out She’s a Cop

I’m pretty sure every single woman in Sweden walks around in a bikini all summer long, so I’m surprised we don’t hear stories like this more often.

A homeless guy in Stockholm, Sweden stole a phone from a woman named Mikaela Kellner while she was sunbathing last week.

But he didn’t realize Mikaela was a cop! So she immediately jumped up, chased him down, and tackled him. Then she held him down until some on-duty cops could get there to arrest him.

She was in her bikini the whole time, and a photo of her arresting the guy made it to social media. And if you’re into muscular women doing awesome stuff, you need to check it out.


Dailey Bailey: A Skydiver Jumped From 25,000 Feet Without a Parachute

A 42-year-old skydiver named Luke Aikins jumped from 25,000 feet on Saturday . . . without a parachute. He landed on a net 200 feet above the ground . . . and it was only 100 feet long and 100 feet wide. It happened in Simi Valley, an hour north of L.A.

It’s the first skydive attempt without a parachute or a wingsuit . . . and he did it live on Fox. Just to give you an idea, 25,000 feet is only 4,000 feet less than the summit of Mount Everest. So he needed an oxygen mask for the first 7,000 feet.

Then he handed the mask to one of the three guys with parachutes who jumped with him, and used GPS and lights on the ground to aim for the center of the net. All in all, he was free-falling for two whole minutes between 120 and 150 miles an hour.

He planned for two years, and he’s jumped 18,000 times since he was 12. But still . . . No parachute!


Dailey Bailey: A Man Is Busted For Playing “Pokemon Go” Bottomless . . . He Says Pants Are Too Constricting

When you’re out chasing Pokemon in “Pokemon Go”, you need free range of motion. But maybe not this free.

A 31-year-old guy named Joseph Sweitzer was playing “Pokemon Go” in Blaine, Washington last week . . . bottomless!!

Someone called the cops and reported him. When they got there, they found Joseph was just wearing a shirt, shoes, and a backpack. He told them he wasn’t wearing pants because, quote, “They were too constricting.”

And to prove that he was better without pants, he told the cops he’d just managed to catch three Pokemon in front of a motel and Chinese restaurant.

I’m not sure if the cops were impressed with that or not . . . but Joseph got very lucky because the person who called the police decided not to press charges for indecent exposure.

So the cops just told Joseph to put his pants on. He did . . . and then he got back to Pokemon hunting. Constricted Pokemon hunting.
