One day, big fashion companies are going to stop this trend from the past few years of producing the STUPIDEST jeans they can think of. That day is not today.
The latest dumb jeans come from a company called Unravel Project and they’re INSIDE-OUT JEANS. And yes, they basically just look like a pair of jeans turned inside-out. Also they have mesh tights dangling from them for some reason.
If you want them . . . they’re “on sale” now for $475. Or, you know, you could just turn a pair of your own jeans inside-out for free.
’90s country singer Daryle Singletary, known for hits “I Let Her Lie” and “Too Much Fun,” has passed away at the age of 46. No other details have been released at this time, however initial reports say he died of a blood clot.
It was more or less a place to take your girlfriend in high school and try to scare her in hopes the event would be traumatic enough that she would make out with you!
Crazy George’s Bridge is located about 5 miles west of Monterey on the old Lawson Rd. now called Woodbridge Rd.
Legend has it the bridge marks the place where a railroad worker named George met his untimely end.Word has it he was a big drinker, George was wandering the tracks one night near the bridge when he go hit by a train and beheaded.
Growing up people would say that if you come out to Crazy George’s Bridge after midnight and turn off your car, it won’t start again. And if you call for Crazy George three times,he shows up carrying a light as he searches for his lost head.
But that’s not exactly the truth… In fact is name wasn’t even George!
Dale Welch from the Monterey Depot Museum Says ” Tennessee Tech students started the story about a night watchman whose job it was to warn people a train was coming and to pick up the rock that fell in “Rattle Snake Cut”. The story from the Tech students goes on to say that he was killed by a train and still warns people about the train”
Well, that story isn’t true either.
Hear Dale tell the story:
The real story Dale says happened on May 2 1931. “There was a night watchman but his name wasn’t George and he wasn’t crazy, his name was Jerry Holloway”.
That night a man named Narman Stamps… not Norman… Narman. Narman was to get married to his sweetheart the next Friday night and they had been at a revival service at Woodcliff Baptist Church. After he walked her home Narman went down to the night watchman’s shack to talk to Jerry about a couple of Coon Dog pups that were going to be born.
Dale goes on to say “By the time Narman got to the night watchman he had to much liquid spirit and not the Holy Spirit he got a church”.
Jerry talks to Narman about the pups and tells him he needs to stay with him because he had to much to drink but Narman didn’t listen and walks on down the tracks.
The next morning Jerry goes to check the tracks and sees Narman’s hat then his watch…. Then he found Narman all over the tracks!
Jerry calls for help and they pick up what they can of Narman… They stop in the church on they way back to tell people what happened and Narman’s sweetheart was in the church!
“When she heard about Narman she screamed and passed out”
She must have not been that upset because on the Friday night she was supposed to marry Narman she married another man!!
There was an investigation into Narmans death but nothing could be proved.
And that’s the real story of Crazy Georges Bridge.
58-year-old Richard Gibson of Lafayette, Louisiana might have the most disgusting hobby in the world. And we’re not exaggerating.
For the past 36 years, Richard has kept every single one of his fingernail and toenail clippings . . . and put them in a jar. Yes, in 1978, when he was 22 years old, he started collecting his nails. And now, at 58 years old, he’s still going.
Richard says his jar of nail clippings is his most cherished possession, and it’s prominently displayed on a shelf in his house.
It hasn’t always been . . . his ex-wife used to make him keep it hidden. That’s right . . . ex-wife. Wonder what drove them apart.
Just to make this a little grosser, Richard doesn’t cut his nails that often . . . he waits until they’re really long. In the close-up photo we’ve got of his nail jar, there are a few in there that are close to an inch long.
The Cookeville City Council approved an ordinance banning smoking at Dogwood Park. But thats not all that was banned. Check out the list before you head that way.
No tossing babies more than 18 inches vertically and they must be caught.
Nothing will be served with sugar because sugar is even more addictive than heroin.
No screaming kids. Screaming kids must leave the park within 5 minutes of first scream
No peeing in the splash pad and a fine for peeing if you had asparagus.
No one named Daryl will be allowed because Daryl just sounds like a smokers name.
Vaping is allowed but only if you use rain forest coconut oil.
Must be under 145lbs to wear yoga pants and certainly no flesh tones.
Flatulence is strictly prohibited, the park will enforce the smeller is the feller rule.
No stage diving during Community Band Concerts
If your dog relieves its self at the park Cookeville PD will rub your nose in it.
Oh and by the way…. this is all fake….but surely you could have figured that out.
A teenager broke down in tears when he was given a brand new guitar that his late father bought him for his 16th birthday. His sister knew about the gift, so she picked him up from school on his birthday and took him to the store where the surprise took place.
Some guy fires a gun at a refrigerator that’s in a field and filled with explosives. He’s behind a tree, which is smart, because the fridge’s door is catapulted right at him and is stopped by a large branch. Although some people think it looks like it could be fake.