Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: A Woman Burned Her Husband’s Clothes . . . and Accidentally Set Their House on Fire

I totally understand that burning your significant other’s stuff is an incredibly cathartic way to get revenge when they “burn” you. But just know that it’s probably going to go wrong . . . it almost always does.

There’s a 42-year-old woman in Pontiac, Michigan who was furious at her husband on Sunday. We’re not sure why, but it had to be big, because she took all of his clothes outside, dumped gas on them, and set them on fire.

But . . . the fire spread to the house, and firefighters had to come put it out. And she was arrested.


Dailey Bailey: A Teenager With an Incurable Disease Hosted Her Own Prom

There’s a 14-year-old girl in Wisconsin named Jerika Bolen, and she has an incurable genetic disease called spinal muscular atrophy type two. It means she’s pretty much immobile, she’s had over 30 surgeries, and she has chronic pain.

But this past Friday, she celebrated her life at a community prom thrown in her honor. And listen to this next part, because it’s pretty intense: The whole thing went down one month before the physician-assisted suicide she has planned.

So you know, Jerika is totally at peace with her decision. She told the local newspaper that she’s only sad for the people she’s going to leave behind, because of the way they will feel.

Quote, “I realized I’m going to be in a better place, and I’m not going to be in this terrible pain. I’ve been working on it and thinking about it for way longer than anyone else has . . . I’m super happy and I don’t have to think about anything bad at the moment.”

So on Friday, Jerika rocked a gown and purple hair, was escorted to a limo by paramedics, and was crowned Prom Queen by hundreds of people at a huge dance. Her family set up a GoFundMe page to raise $33,000 for the whole thing.

Unfortunately, they’re going to shut down the ventilator Jerika uses at the end of August, and she’ll just be put on morphine.

But as sad as this all is, you have to applaud how courageous this amazing girl is.


Dailey Bailey: Two Paramedics Got Arrested for Taking Selfies With Their Most Messed-Up Patients

When you’re having the most traumatic and painful moment of your life, it’s really messed up if someone else is turning it into a game. But that’s exactly what these two people did.

para selfie33-year-old Christopher Wimmer and 24-year-old Kayla Dubois are both paramedics in Okaloosa County, Florida.

And apparently they were having a “selfie war” with each other for the past year . . . where they’d pose for selfies with their patients to see who could get the funniest one.

And by “funniest,” I mean they were trying to see who could get one with a patient who was the most jacked up, or in the most distress.

Like, one of Christopher’s pictures was in front of an elderly woman with her breast hanging out. And Kayla took a video where she was smiling and laughing while a patient was flailing his arms and legs behind her.

They finally got busted last week, and they were both arrested on felony charges for illegal interception and disclosure of oral communications.


Dailey Bailey: Half of People Stalk Someone on Social Media Before a Date

Here’s how dating works in 2016. Meet someone online . . . stalk them on social media . . . then go on a casual date and pretend you didn’t learn all the stuff they’re telling you during your stalking mission.

Check out these results from a new survey on dating . . .

1. At least one out of three single people only use apps like Tinder to find dates . . . they never try to meet people in real life.

2. One out of every four first dates are people who met online.

3. Half of people stalk their dates on social media or search engines before they go out. (Back in my day, we had to do all of our stalking in person. We had it so much harder.)

4. And the most popular first date option is going out for a drink.

The survey also found that once you’re in a relationship, the most popular date is hanging out on the couch, eating pizza, and watching a movie.


Dailey Bailey: Here’s Why You Don’t Steal Your Coworkers’ Stuff From the Fridge

Remember this the next time you think about stealing your coworkers’ food out of the fridge.

Someone just posted a picture on from a Post-It that one of their coworkers left on a bottle of Coffee Mate in the fridge.

Quote, “To whomever has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week . . . surprise! You’ve been drinking my breast milk. Hope you’ve enjoyed. Cheers!”

breast milk


Dailey Bailey: The Last VCRs Ever Will Be Made This Month

I think it’s finally time to get rid of your old VHS copies of “Armageddon” and “She’s All That”. The dream is over.

There’s a company in Japan called Funai, and they’re the last company left in the world still producing VCRs. They make them in China, then ship them off to be sold under other brand names, like Sanyo.

Well, they just announced they’re going to stop producing them by the end of this month. And believe it or not, they sold 750,000 of ’em last year . . . but they still think it’s time to move on.


Dailey Bailey: There’s Secret Body Language to Always Get What You Want . . . The Kindly Brontosaurus

We’re going to tell you about a secret body language technique today that you can use to get whatever you want, whenever you want it. So don’t tell anyone else, okay? Here’s how it works . . .

Approach the person you’re asking for a favor . . . like, say, the airline employee at the desk. Give your name, and make your request. If they say no, smile and say, “Well, I’m sure we can find a way to work things out.”

Then stand off to the side in their peripheral vision . . . lean forward a little . . . clasp your hands in front of your stomach . . . smile . . . and never stop looking at their face.

Don’t speak unless they ask you a question. Nod enthusiastically whenever the person says something to someone else.

Eventually, they’ll help you because you look nice, friendly, respectful, non-threatening . . . but also really annoying and a little creepy.

A body language expert nicknamed the pose “kindly brontosaurus” . . . because you’re kind of craning your neck and holding your arms like a brontosaurus.

kindly brontosaurus pose


Dailey Bailey: An Original Gospel Song Called “Keep Yo Business Off Yo Facebook”

A church group performing of an original gospel song called “Keep Yo Business Off Yo Facebook” is getting a bunch of hits on YouTube.

Basically, it’s about people who post everything online, even if it’s scandalous. The best line is, “Sunday you actin’ like a saint / But yo Facebook status say you ain’t.” And ironically, a ton of people are sharing it on Facebook.


Dailey Bailey: A Woman Stabs Her Husband in the Chest for Not Buying Her Donuts

We take our sugary breakfasts very seriously. And this should go without saying, but any type of donut is always better than no donut at all . . .

A 37-year-old woman named Michelle Nelson sent her husband Timothy out to get donuts last Friday in New Albany, Indiana, just outside Louisville, Kentucky.

But the place was out of the kind she usually gets, so he came home with nothing. And she was so angry . . . she stabbed him in the chest with a BBQ fork!!

Apparently it was deep enough that it stuck in his chest, and he had to pull it out. And cops found him across the street, leaning against a tree with a blood-soaked t-shirt.

There’s no word on what type of donut Michelle was expecting. But she told police that they’ve been married for several years . . . so he should have known what her second-favorite type was.

She’s facing charges for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.


Dailey Bailey: A Toothless Woman Tries to Suck the Gas Out of a Propane Tank Then Gums a Cop on the Hand

There’s a 45-year-old woman in Naples, Florida named Sarah Jo Longacare, and she’s not perfect. She seems to have a serious substance abuse problem. She takes dangerous risks. She’s toothless.

Anyway, Sarah drank two liters of alcohol this weekend . . . then she stripped down naked and headed out to the garage. Why? Because she was trying to suck the propane out of a gas tank.

Her mother called the cops, and when they got there, Sarah pulled out a lighter and threatened to blow everyone up with the propane. Fortunately, it was empty so no one was hurt.

And then when the cops went to arrest Sarah, she bit one of them on the hand. Well . . . she gummed him because, again, no teeth.

She was hit with several charges, including making threats and resisting arrest.
