Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

A Guy Was Killed When His Selfie Stick Was Struck By Lightning

Selfie sticks finally crossed the line from obnoxious to deadly.  It was just a matter of time.  And maybe . . . just maybe . . . we’re okay with that?

A guy from England was hiking a mountain in Powys, Wales this weekend when a thunderstorm suddenly hit.

And apparently he took out his selfie stick to get a sweet picture of himself in the storm.  Because let’s face it . . . that’s just what you do in 2015 when you’re hiking a mountain in Wales during a thunderstorm.

But his selfie stick had some metal in it . . . so it was basically like he was holding up a lightning rod.

And right on cue, a bolt of lightning hit the selfie stick . . . traveled through his body . . . and killed him on the spot.

There you have it . . . the world’s first “death by selfie stick.”  And something tells us it won’t be the last.


A Guy Floats on a Lawn Chair Thanks to 110 Helium Balloons . . . and Gets Arrested When He Lands

ballon guy26-year-old Daniel Boria of Calgary, Alberta, Canada wanted to get some viral attention for his cleaning company on Sunday, so he decided to risk his life. He tied 110 helium balloons to a lawn chair and let them take him up into the sky.

He floated through the air . . . he’s not sure exactly how high he got, but it was high enough to get a LOT of attention. Unfortunately for him, some of that attention came from the cops . . . and they arrested him when he landed.

He was charged with mischief since the chair could’ve hurt someone when it fell . . . and he could be facing more charges for violating Canada’s federal aviation laws.

Daniel says the stunt cost him about $20,000 and he wore a parachute just in case things went wrong. Quote, “You can spend the same marketing dollars on a billboard, or you can fly . . . seems like more fun, right?”


Six Celebrities With Hidden Talents

Did you know Condoleeza Rice is a classical pianist? A video of her playing “Amazing Grace” with a violinist named Jenny Oaks Baker has been making the rounds this week. Here are five more celebrities with hidden talents . . .

Pierce Brosnan can breathe fire. He learned to do it in 1969 when he was 16, but stopped after he burned the inside of his mouth on an episode of “The Muppets” in 1996.

Mike Rowe from “Dirty Jobs” was an opera singer. He wanted to be an actor, but couldn’t get his union card until he found out he could get it a lot faster if he started singing in the opera. So he auditioned for the Baltimore Opera Company, and did shows there for the next six years. Watch it here
Geena Davis is a world-class archer. She started doing it as a hobby in the late ’90s, and almost made the Olympic team about two years later.

Steve Buscemi is an excellent juggler. He wanted to be a street performer, and practiced every day as a kid. He showed off his skills on an episode of “Boardwalk Empire” in 2012.

Christopher Walken was a lion tamer. He did it while he worked for a traveling circus as a teenager.


[Watch] Tiny Hamsters Have a Tiny Fourth of July Barbecue

these are starting to get a little old, but the people who do the “tiny hamsters eating tiny food” videos posted a new one for the Fourth of July. It’s a hamster and a bunch of other undersized animals eating tiny hamburgers and corn on the cob.


More Than Half of Men Have Never Seen Their Partner’s Real Hair Color

It’s going to be really jarring when you’re 83 and your wife tells you she actually isn’t a redhead.

According to a new survey, 54% of women say their partner has never seen their natural hair color.

Yes, that means the odds are you’ve never seen what your wife or girlfriend’s hair really looks like.

The survey also found that men have hair issues too. 52% pluck their gray hairs, and one-third try to hide the fact that they’re going bald by shaving their head or going for a sweet combover.
