Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: They Sent Her Home Because Her Outfit Was Too Revealing… Is It?

too revealingShe was asked to go home and change, her shorts were too revealing her JC Penny boss said.

He asked how long it would take to go home and change and she told him probably all day because she quit!

She had purchased the shorts in the “career” section of the store! Are these shorts too revealing?

JC Penny has come back with a statement that revealing or not, shorts are not on the approved list of items that employees may wear… at any time.

But still… would you say that these are “too revealing?” If so, should they be pulled from the “career” section of the store?



Dailey Bailey: Couples Who Get Drunk Together Are Happier

According to a study from the State University of New York in Buffalo, drunk couples are happier.

A professor of health behavior named Dr. Gregory Homish led the research . . . he’s been studying the behavior and satisfaction of couples for ten years.

He wanted to see if drinking and smoking caused problems in relationships over time, or if it was the difference in the amount of drinking and smoking between a husband and wife that caused problems.

So they had 600 couples answer questions before their wedding, then a year later, then two years, four, and seven.  And not surprisingly, all couples saw their satisfaction go down somewhat over the years, no matter what their vices were.  Bummer.

And yeah, drinking and smoking a lot can strain a marriage.  But . . . couples with different habits at different levels were more likely to feel dissatisfaction.

In other words, couples who both drank and smoked were more likely to be happy with their marriage.  And they were even more likely to be happy if it was at the same level.  Also, the satisfaction was higher when it comes to alcohol, compared to smoking.

Which maybe isn’t that surprising, when you factor in the randiness that comes with getting your drink on.


A Woman Says Her Cousin Set Her Garage on Fire . . . Because He Wanted to Get With Her?

This story is putting Leavittsburg, Ohio on the map. Although they’re probably not thrilled.

The CBS station in Youngstown, Ohio sent a reporter down the road to Leavittsburg last week, to check out a fire that started in a garage and spread to two houses.

The garage belonged to a woman named Heather Tenney who was willing to talk on camera. And the reporter accidentally got a great scoop from her.

When he asked her if she knew how the fire started, she told him her cousin did it. Why? Quote, “He’s mad because he can’t get with me. I’m married to my husband (who looks like the child of Kid Rock and Stykman) . . . he already put him in the hospital once last month.”

As far as we know, her cousin hasn’t been arrested yet.


Dailey Bailey: Are These the Creepiest Mascots in the NFL?

The website ranked all 28 NFL mascots in order of creepiness. Yes, there are only 28 mascots, because the Giants, Jets, Packers, and Redskins don’t have one.

The Titans T-Rac came in at 22 Uproxx thought it stood for Terrible Racoon. They go on to say

This is Nashville, Tennessee. Why is the mascot not Elvis? Anyway the mascot is fairly generic and forgettable, just like the Titans.

What??? Elvis??? Thats Memphis guys!

They gave the top spot to the San Diego Chargers mascot Bolt Man, which they described as, quote, “A Lovecraftian Otherworld Horror.” Here’s the Top 10 . . .

1. Bolt Man, The San Diego Chargers

2. Pat Patriot, The New England Patriots

3. Steely McBeam, The Pittsburgh Steelers

4. Poe, The Baltimore Ravens

5. Blue, The Indianapolis Colts

6. Miles, The Denver Broncos

7. Sir Saint, The New Orleans Saints

8. Rowdy, The Dallas Cowboys

9. Viktor, The Minnesota Vikings

10. Raider Rusher, The Oakland Raiders


A Guy Got Busted For Smoking When His Wife Saw Him On Google Maps

58-year-old Donald Ryding from Merseyside, England told his wife Julie he quit smoking last year . . . he promised her he would after he suffered a heart attack.

But he lied.  He would still go outside and smoke in their driveway.

And he might have gotten away with it . . . if it wasn’t for Google Street View.

Donald was outside smoking when the Google mapping car drove by, and took a picture of him in front of the house.

Then when Julie checked out their place on Google Street View later that week, she busted him.  Even though it was hard to see the cigarette in his hand, she knew what he was doing.

Donald says he’s actually cut back since he got caught lying.


The Facekini . . . a Ski Mask for the Beach

Any interest in buying a ‘Facekini’? It looks like a ski mask, only it’s for the beach.

facekini1It’s made out of a bathing suit material, and you wear it over your head to protect yourself from the sun . . . and from any jellyfish stings you might get when you swim.

It’s been popular in China since it was invented in 2012 . . . of course it has. And yes, it looks BEYOND ridiculous.

And now . . . it looks like the Facekini is coming to America.

Some fashion designers in New York have been working on a line of Facekinis to break them into the American market.

There’s no word on when they could come out . . . or if any of us would even want them once they do.
