Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: French Gymnast Samir Ait Said Broke His leg, And It’s Hard To Watch.

The Olympics had just gotten started on Saturday when its first viral video was born. French gymnast Samir Ait Said broke his leg on a vault during the preliminaries, and it’s hard to watch.

What could be worse than that? How about the paramedics dropping the stretcher? Yeah, it happened. But Said’s tough. He’s already promising to be ready for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.


Dailey Bailey: A Dentist in Chicago Dropped a Drill Down a Patient’s Throat

It’s been a rough week for dentists. First we found out they’ve been lying to us about flossing. Turns out there’s no proof we should be doing it. And now this . . .

A guy in Chicago named Janusz Pawlowicz went in for a root canal about two years ago. (His name is pronounced Yanus Pavlovitch. We’re not sure how old he is, but he looks about 60.)

And while his dentist was working on him, she dropped a tiny drill bit called a “barbed breach” that’s about an inch long. She couldn’t find it on the floor, but she figured they’d find it later . . . so she sent the guy home.

But three days later, he ended up in the hospital with severe stomach pains. And when they did an X-ray, it turned out the drill bit had fallen in his MOUTH, and he’d SWALLOWED it.

His doctors had to do emergency surgery to get it out, and he says he’s had lingering issues ever since.

So he filed a lawsuit that claimed his dentist should have been using a dental dam to make sure it didn’t happen. And they recently settled for $675,000.


Dailey Bailey: Two Burglars Try to Pawn Stuff They Just Stole . . . From the Pawn Shop Owner’s House

These have to be some of the most unlucky burglars in the world.

burg 1A 30-year-old guy named Jeremy Watts and a 24-year-old woman named Jessica Heady broke into a random house in Clarksville, Tennessee on Tuesday. They stole a bunch of stuff, including two Playstations, some DVDs, and video games.

Then they took it all to a pawn shop to get some cash.

But . . . they didn’t realize they’d robbed the OWNER of the pawn shop. He recognized his stuff immediately, and ran home to see if they’d robbed him.

burg 2When he found out they really HAD broken into his house, he called the cops. And they arrested Jeremy and Jessica while they were still inside the shop.

They’ve both been charged with aggravated burglary.


Dailey Bailey: 25% of Us Have Texted Someone in the Same Room Instead of Talking to Them

Yeah, I’ve totally done this.

A new survey found that 25% of adults say they’ve texted someone in the SAME ROOM. Maybe it was out of laziness . . . or maybe they did it because the other person was SO focused on their phone that it was the only way to communicate.

Here are four more results from the survey on our phone and Internet obsession . . .

1. 34% have tried to “detox” by not using the Internet for anywhere from a day to a month. 45% of them say they hated it.

2. One in four people say they’ve had someone bump into them because they were staring at their phone.

3. 47% of us have missed out on sleep because we were messing around on the Internet.

4. And 59% of us say we’re addicted to our phone.


Dailey Bailey: Two Women Brawl at a Relative’s Funeral After One Moons the Other in Front of the Casket

I’m not sure anyone left this funeral saying it was lovely and respectful . . . but it was damn sure memorable.

A 71-year-old woman from Pittsburgh died last week, and her funeral was Friday night. One of the relatives there was a 62-year-old woman named Suzanne Troy, who had been estranged from the family and especially the woman who died.

49-year-old Tracey Schweitzer is the woman’s niece, and she’s a police officer. She stepped up and asked Suzanne to leave out of respect.

But Suzanne responded by lifting up her skirt in front of the casket to MOON Tracey and she told her, quote, “kiss my [a**].” Then she threatened to go get a gun, come back, and shoot Tracey in the head.

So they went outside and started BRAWLING. They both landed some pretty good shots before the cops got there and broke it up.

Tracey was arrested for simple assault, and Suzanne was arrested for assault and making a terrorist threat.


Dailey Bailey: A Runner Adopted a Stray Dog That Joined a Marathon

A 41-year-old guy from Scotland named Dion Leonard ran a 150-mile ultra-marathon in China recently. Yeah, apparently that’s a thing. It took a full WEEK. And on day two, a stray dog started running with him.

It’s a mutt that kind of looks like a Yorkshire terrier. And he was surprised it could keep up with him, because it was so small.

Then after they ran about 15 miles that day, the dog followed him into his tent and SLEPT with him. Then it ran three MORE stages of the race with him too.

Dion says there were sections where he had to cross some pretty big rivers. So he carried the dog across, even though it slowed him down.

And in the end, it ran more than half of the race. So he decided to ADOPT it, named it Gobi, and started a GoFundMe campaign to help get it back to Scotland.

That’ll cost about $6,500, because he has to pay for the quarantine and the vet bills. But people have already donated over 12 grand to help. And any money that’s left over will go to charity.


Dailey Bailey: Check and See If Your Hands Are Bigger Than Donald Trump’s

A lot has been made of the size of DONALD TRUMP’s hands, which led to that infamous back-and-forth between Trump and MARCO RUBIO.

Well, now we know the EXACT size of Trump’s right hand . . . it’s just over 7.25 inches long. And that’s just slightly less than the average male hand size of 7.44 inches . . . measured from the tip of the middle finger to the wrist.

Madame Tussauds has a bronze impression of Trump’s right hand, from when they took his measurements for a wax figure back in 1997. That impression is still on a plaque in their New York museum.

You can see how your hands stack up against his by printing out this image. For what it’s worth, my right hand is totally average, BUT bigger than Trump’s.

Speaking of Trump’s insecurities . . . when he was roasted on Comedy Central in 2011, there was only ONE subject that was off-limits. The roasters weren’t allowed to suggest that he’s not as rich as he claims to be


Dailey Bailey: Half of People Decide Within an Hour Whether They Could Ever Date You

When you want to date someone but they only think of you as a friend, you’re basically screwed. And that’s pretty bad news, considering they BARELY ever gave you a shot.

A new study by found more than HALF of people say they decide within an hour of meeting you whether or not they could date you . . . or if they only see you as a friend.

And women make the decision even faster than men.

The top five reasons people decide they don’t want to date someone are: No physical attraction . . . they’re boring . . . they have bad manners . . . your sense of humor doesn’t match up . . . and they still live with their parents.

On the bright side, 77% say that it IS possible for them to change their mind . . . but it’s rare.
