Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: The Eight Weirdest Gifts People Have Gotten From Secret Santas at Work

If you’re doing a Secret Santa gift exchange at work, your best case scenario is a gift card. And your worst case scenario is . . . well, literally anything else. especially stuff like this . . .

A new survey by CareerBuilder asked people for the weirdest thing they ever got from a coworker in a gift exchange. Here are the top eight:

1. A squirrel toilet seat decal.

2. A roll of duct tape.

3. A giant heart shaped box of candy leftover from Valentine’s Day.

4. A picture of a bear.

5. A bowling ball.

6. A bell on a string.

7. A ceramic sheep with different outfits.

8. And homemade sausages.

The survey also found 54% of companies plan on giving their employees a holiday bonus this year.




Dailey Bailey: Eight Bizarre “Star Wars” Products You Can Buy on Etsy

It’s “Star Wars”.  All day, every day, all over the world.  Okay, maybe not in Syria, but everywhere else.  See just how ridiculous it’s getting with this list of “Star Wars” products you can actually buy on Etsy . . .

1.  A Princess Leia bun hat . . . for your CAT.  $22

2.  A Princess Leia costume for your BEARDED DRAGON.  $13

3.  A knit Yoda hat for your baby.  $34.95

4.  A tank top of a shirtless Stormtrooper pumping iron.  $13.99

5.  RD-D2 and C-3PO nipple pasties.  $20

6.  A Stormtrooper action figure with a Barbie Doll head.  $450

7.  A violin shaped like the Millennium Falcon.  $700

8.  A watercolor painting of a Lego Stormtrooper at the bottom of a coffee cup.  $500


Check out 22 more items here.


Dailey Bailey: The Ten Holiday Smells We Love Most

What’s the one smell that hits your nose, and you immediately know it’s the holidays? According to a new survey, here are the ten holiday smells we love the most . . .

1. Hot chocolate.

2. Freshly baked cookies.

3. The smell of a fire.

4. Peppermint.

5. Apple cider.

6. Pine. In other words, the smell of having a Christmas tree in your house. Which is kind of surprising that it came in sixth.

7. Potato latkes. That’s a shout-out to all our friends celebrating Hanukkah.

8. Pie.

9. Candles.

10. Gingerbread.


Huffington Post


Dailey Bailey: You Walk Five Miles During a Christmas Shopping Trip

Christmas shopping might actually be good exercise. And that’s important . . . because literally nothing else during the Christmas season is even remotely healthy.

A new study found the average person walks about five miles during a Christmas shopping trip.

It’s usually because it takes at least five hours to find everything you need.

The study also found 77% of us make up to five shopping trips leading up to Christmas.

If you’re counting, that’s 25 miles over 25 hours. Which is actually some pretty serious exercise.

And 93% of us go to at least three different cities to do our shopping.


Dailey Bailey: The Six Worst Things You Can Do to Your Body

Researchers in Australia just finished a six-year study that involved more than 230,000 people over the age of 45. And they found there are six main things that put you at risk for an early death.

1. Smoking. People who smoked had a 94% higher mortality rate. Meaning you’re 94% more likely to die early.

2. Not getting enough exercise, 72%

3. Sitting for more than seven hours a day. You’re 33% more likely to die early. And that’s even if you exercise.

4. Sleeping more than nine hours a night. It increases your chance of dying by 31%. People who slept LESS than seven hours only increased their chance of dying early by 9%.

5. Poor diet. It increased people’s chances of dying by 11%. But it goes up to 21% if you eat like crap AND drink too much.

6. Drinking too much. It increases your chances of dying by 8%. But if you drink a lot and smoke, it’s 180%.

People who did all six were over five times more likely to die over the course of the study than people who didn’t do any of them.


Dailey Bailey: The Ten Most Common Arguments Couples Have at Christmas

Nothing says “Christmas” like fighting with the people you love!

A new survey found the most common arguments that couples get into around Christmas. Here are the top 10 . . .

1. Who’s cooking Christmas dinner.

2. Where to spend Christmas Day.

3. Whose family to visit over the holidays, which is kinda similar.

4. How much to spend on presents for other people.

5. Who does the dishes after Christmas dinner.

6. How much to spend on each other.

7. Whether you should take extra time off of work for the holidays.

8. What to watch on TV on Christmas Day.

9. What presents to buy the kids.

10. Whether you got too drunk on Christmas.


Dailey Bailey: The Top 10 Naughty Things We Did This Year

Regardless of whether you were “naughty” or “nice” this year, you’re going to get Christmas presents. It’s like how you basically have to tip a server even if they’re terrible.

A new survey found the top 10 naughty things we did this year. Check ’em out . . .

1. 57% faked being sick to get out of doing something.

2. 52% used their kids as an excuse to get out of doing something.

3. 33% threw trash in a recycling bin.

4. 33% lied to their significant other about where they were going or what they were doing.

5. 29% had sexual thoughts about their significant other’s friends.

6. 27% gossiped. Which seems way too low.

7. 19% of people in relationships cheated. Which seems kinda high, right?

8. 17% cheated on their taxes.

9. 8% bullied someone.

10. And 7% of the people who found a purse or wallet kept it.


Dailey Bailey: A Montage of the Best Viral Videos of the Year

A YouTuber named Luc Bergeron just posted his annual “Best of Web” montage of the best viral videos of the year.

Last year he used about 230 videos, and it got nine million views.  This time he used over 500, so it covers a lot of ground.  But it’s also 20 minutes long.
