Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: The Best and Worst Celebrity Baby Names of 2015

Celebrities have a tendency to choose unusual baby names, so recently polled over 1,000 people to ask them which ones were the best of 2015, and which they did not like.

Technically, not all the kids were born in 2015, but they’re all relatively close.

Here are the top five, in no particular order . . .

• Prince William and Duchess Catherine’s daughter Charlotte Elizabeth Diana

• Ice-T and Coco Austin’s daughter Chanel Nicole

• Nick and Vanessa Lachey’s daughter Brooklyn Elisabeth

• Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher’s son Isaiah Michael

• Jennifer Love Hewitt and Brian Hallisay’s son Atticus James


Here are people’s five LEAST favorite, in no particular order . . .

• Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s son Saint West

• Ashlee Simpson and Evan Ross’ daughter Jagger Snow

• Liv Tyler and David Gardner’s son Sailor Gene

• Zoe Saldana and Marco Perego’s son Bowie Ezio. He’s a twin. His brother was named Cy Aridio, but he didn’t make the list.

• Zooey Deschanel and Jacob Pechenik’s daughter Elsie Otter


Dailey Bailey: Four Steps to Defrost Your Windows Twice as Fast

Here’s something that might help you this winter. A former engineer for NASA recently did a bunch of tests, and figured out how to defrost the windows in your car twice as fast. Here are the four things you need to do . . .

1. Turn your heater up all the way. Hot air can hold more moisture than cold air, and that’s why blasting your windshield with hot air works better.

2. Turn your A/C on. Air conditioners pull moisture out of the air, which is key.

3. Make sure your air circulation setting is off. It’s usually a button with a picture of a car, and there’s a circular arrow in the middle of it. When it’s on, it only recirculates air that’s already inside your car.

The reason you want it off is because the air outside your car is colder. And cold air can’t hold as much moisture. So you want to draw it in and heat it up, so it sucks up more of the moisture that’s already in your car.

4. Crack your windows for a few seconds. Again, it’s about getting the humid air out, and the dry air in.

He also found you can prevent your windows from fogging up in the first place by wiping down the inside with shaving cream.


Dailey Bailey: Who Would You Call First If You Won the Powerball?

Nobody won the Powerball yesterday, and it’s up to 675 million now. So lets say you win the next drawing, who is the first person you would call?

According to a new survey, 46% of people say they’d call their significant other first. 10% say they’d call their lawyer. Smart.

Here are four more results from the survey . . .

1. 64% of people say they rarely use the same numbers every time they play.

2. When people pick their own numbers, 38% use birthdays and 11% use their anniversary.

3. People don’t really tune in to watch the lottery numbers drawn on TV anymore. Three out of four people get the results from the Internet.

4. And 18% say if they give someone a lottery ticket as a birthday present, and it’s a winner, they expect a cut.


Dailey Bailey: The Average Woman Criticizes Herself Eight Times a Day . . . Here Are the Top 10 Ways They Do It

A sad new survey by Weight Watchers found the average woman criticizes herself 8 times a day. It didn’t ask men the same question, which seems sexist. Men can be self-loathing too, you know.

Here are the top 10 things women say when they criticize themselves . . .

1. You’re too chubby.

2. Your hair is a mess.

3. Your belly looks big.

4. You don’t exercise enough.

5. You don’t look as put together as other women.

6. You don’t make enough money.

7. You can’t pull off the clothes you want to wear.

8. Your pictures on social media don’t look as good as other women’s.

9. You say too many negative things about yourself. (Um . . . obviously?)

10. People are talking about you behind your back.


Daily Mail


Dailey Bailey: Why Do We Like the Smell of Our Own Flatulence?

When someone else passes foul and juicy gas, you find it repulsive. But when you pass gas toxic enough to kill a small animal . . . why doesn’t it bother you? Why do you almost kind of like it?

A YouTube show called ‘ASAP Science’ studied why. Here are the two main reasons:

1. Our negative reaction to other people’s gas is a biological instinct to protect us from disease. Because if someone rips one when they’re naked, poop particles swirl in the air and can make you sick.

But our noses are trained to recognize our own brand. Everyone’s gas has its own unique smell. And our brains know it won’t make us sick, since it contains our germs.

So we’re not repulsed by the smell. In fact, we like it because it’s kind of familiar.

2. The other reason is that your brain knows when you’re about to pass gas, so it has time to prepare. Other people’s gas can catch you off guard, especially if it’s silent-but-deadly . . . which really freaks out your brain. Now you know.



Dailey Bailey: Four Things to Do If You Win the Powerball Jackpot

Your chances of winning tonight’s $450 million Powerball jackpot are about 290 million to one.  But we’re all about keeping hope alive.  So when you do win, here are the first four things you should do.  Right after you change into unsoiled underwear . . .

1.  Sign the back of the ticket.  That way no one can steal it and claim they won.  If you want to be extra careful, you can sign it before the drawing.  It might make you feel extra pathetic when you don’t win though.

2.  Resist the urge to tell everyone.  Only tell the people you’re closest to, and maybe not even them.  The point is you don’t want everyone you know hitting you up for money for the rest of your life.

3.  Hire a money management team.  Meaning an estate planner, a financial planner, and an accountant.  And you should do it before you even claim the money, because they’ll explain why you take the lump sum instead of yearly payments.

4.  Don’t start buying stuff yet.  44% of lottery winners blow through their entire winnings within five years.  But that’s mostly if you win something like a million bucks.  It’s kind of hard to blow through $450 million.

And here’s one more we added:  Quit your friggin’ JOB already.  You know those people who win the lottery and DON’T quit their jobs?  Everyone hates those people.


Dailey Bailey: Science Proves That When Mommy Kisses Your “Boo-Boo,” She Doesn’t Actually Make it Better

A team of scientists from Ottawa, Canada just published the results of a study on whether mommy’s kisses really make their children’s boo-boos feel better.

And those aren’t my words. The official tile of the study is, quote, “Maternal kisses are not effective in alleviating minor childhood injuries (boo-boos).” It’s in something called the “Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice”.

I wonder when these scientists were getting their PhDs, if they thought one day they’d finally get published in a prestigious journal that repeatedly uses the word “boo-boos.”

Anyway, they found that, no . . . a mom’s kisses don’t actually make minor injuries feel any better. In fact, they might make it worse.

The study found that toddlers whose mothers tried to kiss their injuries to make them better had worse reactions to pain than toddlers who didn’t have anyone help. So now you know: Your kisses don’t help . . . and might even hurt. Thanks, science.

It seems like they’re in on the joke though. Because they call themselves the Working Group on The Study of Maternal and Child Kissing . . . SMACK. Get it?


Dailey Bailey: Having A Dry January? Here’s What Happens If You Stop Drinking for a Month

Here’s a New Year’s resolution you only have to stick to for a month. According to several studies, having a “dry January” where you don’t drink any alcohol can have a huge impact on your health.

A study in 2013 had “normal drinkers” stop drinking for one month. They lost an average of 3.5 pounds . . . were less likely to develop diabetes . . . and had lower cholesterol levels.

They also slept better . . . found it easier to concentrate . . . and lowered the amount of fat in their liver by an average of 15%. Which is important, because a fatty liver can lead to liver disease.

And a new study found that not drinking for a month can actually change your drinking patterns too.

850 people agreed to stop drinking for one month. And six months later, the ones who followed through with it were still drinking significantly less than they did before they took part in the study.

Only about two-thirds of them actually made it a month without drinking though. The rest of them couldn’t do it.


Dailey Bailey: Five Bad Habits That Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight is always the most popular New Year’s resolution. So here are five ways to do it while embracing some of your ‘bad’ habits . . .

1. Drink wine. There’s an antioxidant in the grapes called ellagic acid that’s been shown to boost your metabolism and slow down the growth of fat cells. And white wine is better than red. But one glass has about 125 calories, so don’t drink too much.

2. Eat chocolate. Especially dark chocolate. Researchers at U.C. San Diego found that people who ate chocolate regularly tended to be thinner . . . even if they consumed more calories on a daily basis.

3. Have lots of sex. You only burn 3 to 4 calories a minute. But it also makes your body produce the hormone oxytocin, which can prevent you from gaining weight by reducing stress. And some studies have found it also helps suppress your appetite.

4. Using butter, not margarine. It seems like they go back and forth on this, but recent studies have found butter is better if you’re trying to lose weight, because of the fatty acids in it. And also because margarine has trans fat.

5. Sleeping in. When you don’t get enough sleep, you’re more likely to binge eat. And a recent study found teenagers who lost just one hour of sleep ate an average of 200 extra calories a day. Which is enough to make you gain two pounds a month.

