Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: Five Weird Ways to Make Food Last Longer

I found a huge list online of weird ways you can make food last longer. I had seen most of them before, but here are five that are pretty good.

1. Use cooking spray on leftover guacamole. Apparently it keeps it from turning brown better than lemon juice. You can also do it with avocados.

2. Don’t store potatoes and onions together. Onions release a gas that can make potatoes sprout faster. But storing potatoes with apples can actually prevent them from sprouting.

3. Wrap the stems of your bananas with plastic wrap. Do it while they’re still together in a bunch. They should stay ripe three to five days longer, especially if they’re organic.

4. Put a paper towel in with extra salad. Then cover the bowl with plastic wrap. The towel sucks up some of the moisture, so the lettuce stays crisp.

5. Clean your refrigerator. Once something goes bad in there, it can leave mold behind. And that can make other things go bad.


Dailey Bailey: Powerball Quick Hits – Odds on a Winner . . . Staying Anonymous . . . and Broken Billboards

Here are three updates on tonight’s Powerball drawing . . .

1. It’s safe to say at least one person is going to win. The projections show more than one billion tickets will be sold by tonight. That means there’s about a 97% chance at least one of them will have the winning combination.

2. There are only five states where you can legally stay anonymous if you win the Powerball . . . Delaware, Kansas, Maryland, North Dakota, or Ohio.

In other states, you might be able to keep yourself anonymous . . . but it would take some very complicated procedures setting up blind trusts inside of blind trusts. You should probably contact a good tax attorney if you win and want privacy.

3. Have you seen a Powerball billboard advertising the jackpot as $999 million? It’s happening all over the country. The signs weren’t built to handle jackpots in the billions, since no one ever expected one . . . so that’s why they’re maxing out.

Powerball 1


Dailey Bailey: A Woman Attacks Her Fiancé Because He Once Gave the Same Ring to an Ex

A guy named Bengt Nyquist in Vero Beach, Florida recently proposed to his 43-year-old girlfriend Inga.

Inga Didn't Like She Got The Same Ring

Inga Didn’t Like She Got The Same Ring

And Inga was going through some of Bengt’s old photos on Friday when she saw one of him and his ex-girlfriend. And she noticed the woman was wearing an engagement ring . . . the same one she was wearing.

Yeah . . . it turns out Bengt took back the ring after things ended with his ex, and regifted it to Inga when they got engaged.

So . . . she flipped out. She grabbed a metal piece of their bed, threw it at his face, and chased him around their place trying to punch him.

She was arrested for misdemeanor battery. There’s no word if their engagement is still on . . . or if Bengt is going to get to give that ring to lucky woman number three.


Dailey Bailey: Could You Guarantee a Powerball Win by Buying Every Possible Number?

Here’s a question: If you were super rich, could you buy every existing combination of numbers and guarantee a win?

The answer is yes . . . but it’s a terrible idea.

It would cost $584 million to buy every combination . . . and you’d need a whole army of people buying them around the clock to have enough time to buy all 292 million tickets.

The lump-sum jackpot payment is estimated to be about $868 million, which would give you a $284 million profit if you bought every ticket.

But . . . if any other person hits the jackpot and you have to split it, you go from a $284 million win to at least a $100 million loss. And you’ve only got a 22% chance of being the only winner . . . which makes it a terrible bet.


Dailey Bailey: Five Ways We Avoid a Cold When Our Significant Other Is Sick

A recent survey asked people how far they’re willing to go to avoid getting sick . . .

55% said they’ve used hand sanitizer after shaking someone’s hand . . . 35% have opened a door knob with their sleeve . . . 25% have actually asked someone who’s sick to stay away from them . . . and 6% have worn a medical mask in public.

The survey also asked people how they prevent their significant other from getting them sick. Here are the top five answers . . .

1. 54% said they avoid kissing them if they’re sick.

2. 39% avoid sex . . . so 61% don’t?

3. 31% wash their hands more often.

4. 17% would cancel a date, so they didn’t have to deal with it.

5. 16% avoid sleeping in the same bed together.

The survey also found 66% of us would give up social media or alcohol to avoid getting sick. But it doesn’t say how long you’d have to give it up for.


USA Today


Dailey Bailey: Five Insane Things More Likely to Happen to You Than Winning the Powerball

You’ve got a one in 292.2 million shot of winning the $1.3 billion Powerball jackpot this Wednesday. Not to kick your optimism in the groin, but here are five ridiculous things with better odds . . .

1. You’re 25 times more likely to become President of the United States than win the Powerball.

2. Winning would be like flipping a coin 28 times in a row and getting heads every time.

3. You’re four times more likely to be hit by an asteroid.

4. You’re 10 times more likely to die in a fatal car accident on your way to buy Powerball tickets than to win.

5. And you’re 508 times more likely to become a billionaire through some other means.

CNBC / Time / Durango Bill / CNN


Dailey Bailey: Four Relationship Resolutions for 2016

If you want to get your relationship started off on the right foot in 2016, here are four resolutions you should make . . .

1. Do something exciting. Studies have shown that couples who do exciting activities together feel closer and more satisfied in their relationship . . . anything from riding a roller coaster to going rock climbing,.

2. Crack more jokes. Humor relieves stress and defuses tension. And couples who laugh and have fun together on a regular basis tend to rate their relationships as more satisfying.

3. Put your phone away. New research shows that just having your phone out during a face-to-face conversation reduces people’s satisfaction with that conversation . . . even if you never even touch it. Nevermind texting or talking.

4. Have more sex. Obviously.


Psych Central


Dailey Bailey: A Man’s Boss Forces Him to Take a Sick Day, and It Saves His Life

58-year-old Mike Bell works at a car dealership in McKinney, Texas, just north of Dallas. And he wasn’t feeling great last April, but decided to power

Mike Bell was made to take a sick day by his boss.

Mike Bell was made to take a sick day by his boss.

through it and go to work anyway. Luckily, he has a pretty great boss.

The owner of the dealership is a guy named Gus Rodriguez. And when he saw how sick Mike was, he told him he had to take a sick day and see a doctor.

So Mike did. Then while he was at a hospital getting an X-ray a few hours later, he collapsed.

It turned out he had an infected tooth, and the infection had spread to his blood. Then when he coughed, he tore his aorta, and needed open-heart surgery. And his doctor says that if he hadn’t come in, he would have died within hours.

He ended up in the hospital for two weeks, and couldn’t work for the next few months. But he says Guy told him he wasn’t allowed to come back until he was fully recovered, and also made sure he could keep paying his bills while he was out.
