Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: How Many Days Into a Relationship Do You Say “I Love You”

Is your relationship totally average? Which we mean in the best possible way. Here’s how to find out . . .

A new study by found the number of days into a relationship when the average couple hits 10 major milestones. Check ’em out . . .

1. The first kiss happens after one day. And sex happens within 31 days.

2. Saying “I love you” happens after 144 days . . . that’s just under five months.

3. Updating your relationship status on Facebook happens after 157 days, or just over five months.

4. You meet their parents after 170 days, or about six months.

5. Your first argument also happens around 170 days in. And no, we don’t think that’s a coincidence.

6. The first overnight trip happens after about seven months.

7. The first vacation together happens after 10 months.

8. You get engaged after 743 days, or just over two years.

9. You get married after 1,190 days, or a few months into your third year.

10. And you have your first child at 1,422 days, or right around four years.


Dailey Bailey: A Guy Drove 60 Miles Before Realizing He Forgot His Wife at a Gas Station

I figured you should hear this story once, since this guy is going to hear about it every single day for the rest of his life.

A guy named Walter from Argentina went on a trip to Brazil with his wife Claudia and their 14-year-old son last week. And as they were driving home, they stopped at a gas station to fill up. And Claudia got out to buy some cookies.

But Walter didn’t realize it . . . he thought she was still sleeping in the backseat. So he and his son drove off and left her behind. And when she tried to call him, it didn’t work . . . since he was going through a rural area and he didn’t have a signal.

So she finally called the police, and they took her to the police station. And Walter drove sixty miles before he finally realized she was missing. Then he turned around to go back and get her, but she’d been stranded for over two hours by then.

And the cops say she was furious. Quote, “There was no physical assault . . . but she was very angry. She was moaning at him for taking so long to realize.” She also kicked the car when he showed up.


Dailey Bailey: A Man Wrote a Flight Attendant a Note About Another Passenger’s Bad Gas

Everyone passes gas when they’re flying. Everybody! And it’s not even your fault . . . it’s the change in air pressure. But we hope your flatulence isn’t this bad.

A passenger on a Southwest flight recently wrote a note on a napkin, and gave it to the flight attendant . . . complaining about another passenger’s horrible gas. And now a photo of the note is going viral.

Here’s what it said. “I don’t know if you can make an announcement, but if you can you should say that whoever is farting in the area of rows 10 to 12 should definitely see a doctor because they might have [a**] cancer.”

note-QT5 copy


Dailey Bailey: Here Are 12 Movies That Turn 20 This Year… To Make You Feel Old!

It’s time for another one of those lists that make you feel old: 12 Movies that Turn 20 This Year . . .



“Happy Gilmore”

“Independence Day”

“Jerry Maguire”


“Mission: Impossible”

“Romeo + Juliet”

“Sling Blade”

“Space Jam”




Check out more here.


Dailey Bailey: The Best Diet to Try This Year, and the Five Worst

“U.S. News & World Report” recently released its annual list of the best and worst diets. It’s based on their success rate, how healthy they are, and how easy they are to follow.

And for the sixth year in a row, the best one overall is the DASH Diet, which is mostly about eating fruits, vegetables, and grains . . . cutting down on salt . . . and avoiding red meat. Now here are five diets you might want to avoid, because they came in last . . .

1. The “Whole 30” Diet. It’s a one month plan that’s low carb and high protein. But it’s hard to stay on it, because you have to give up grains, dairy, sugar, and booze. Which is one reason it took last place.

2. The Paleo Diet, where you basically just eat meat and vegetables. It’s the second-worst one, partly because it’s so expensive.

3. The Dukan Diet, which also involves eating lots of protein. There are a lot of rules to follow, and it’s also pretty expensive.

4. The Raw Food Diet. You’ll definitely lose weight on it, but there are a lot of rules . . . the food doesn’t always taste great . . . and preparing it can take a while.

5. The Atkins Diet, which is about limiting carbs. A lot of people have lost weight on it, but it’s just not very healthy, according to experts.


U.S. News & World Report / ABC News


Dailey Bailey: A Grandma in a Bikini Got Busted for a DUI . . . For the Second Time

This woman is rebelling hard against being a young grandmother . . . with horrible, horrible, results.

50-year-old Patricia Ebel of Naples, Florida was arrested last April for drunk driving. She was wearing a bikini . . . and she had her 10-year-old grandson in the car.

So she was in court in September and got probation.

But clearly she ignored it. Because last week she was pulled over for drunk driving again . . . and she was wearing a bikini, and had her grandson in the car.

She was charged with a DUI and a probation violation.


Dailey Bailey: The Top 10 Things That Can Sink a Job Interview . . . Plus the Weirdest Things People Have Done During Interviews

If you’re sticking to your New Year’s resolution to get a new job, hopefully you’ll have an interview lined up soon. Consider this your refresher course on how not to blow it.

A new survey from CareerBuilder asked hiring managers to name the biggest ways that someone can sink a job interview. Here’s the top 10 . . .

1. Lying about something, 69%.

2. Answering your phone or texting during the interview, 68%.

3. Not making eye contact, 67%.

4. Acting arrogant or entitled, 60%.

5. Dressing inappropriately, 50%.

6. Swearing, 50%.

7. Not smiling, 39%.

8. Playing with something on the table, 33%.

9. Having bad posture, 30%.

10. Fidgeting too much in your seat, 30%.

The survey also found the weirdest things people had ever done during interviews. Here are our eight favorites . . .

1. A woman took a family photo off the interviewer’s desk and put it in her purse.

2. A person trying to get a data entry position said their ideal job was, quote, “painter of birdhouses.”

3. A woman said her main job was a psychic and tried to read the interviewer’s palm . . . even when they said no.

4. A person put lotion on their feet during the interview.

5. A woman sang the answers to the questions.

6. When a guy was asked why he’d applied, he said, quote, “My wife wants me to get a job.”

7. A person felt the interviewer’s chest so they could, quote, “connect heart to heart.”

8. A guy on a phone interview took the phone into the bathroom . . . and flushed.




Dailey Bailey: A Guy Proposed To His Girlfriend in 148 Different Selfies Without Her Noticing

Once the whole ‘whacky marriage proposal’ trend is over, we’ll all look back and laugh . . . or cry in shame. The newest is a guy who took 148 selfies with his girlfriend, where he was proposing to her in secret on a little scrap of paper facing the camera.

So, she never knew. That’s 148 days in a row, until he actually proposed on Christmas. Then he made a video slideshow. Cool? Or just creepy?


Dailey Bailey: The Hot Men’s Grooming Trend This Year Is . . . Looking Like a Slob

Good news, bro. You’re totally trendy and fashionable without even realizing it.

Apparently the hot, new men’s grooming trend for 2016 is . . . looking like a slob!!

Men’s fashion week in London just ended, and pretty much all the designers had their male models look disheveled, like they just rolled out of bed.

One male model told reporters, quote, “They told me not to shower . . . you have to look like you don’t care. You’ve got this disheveled look, but you still look good.”

Another model said, quote, “I used to pluck my eyebrows . . . now I have to grow a unibrow. A lot of [us] haven’t even had our hair cut.”

See. You knew if you waited long enough you’d look cool again. Fingers crossed that the hot trend in 2017 is fanny packs.
