Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: Deep-Frying Vegetables Makes Them Healthier! Told Ya Mom!

We’re not putting too much stock in this study. But any time scientists tell us to eat more fried food, we’ll at least listen to their argument.

Researchers at the University of Grenada in Spain just released a new study that found vegetables are more nutritious when they’ve been deep fried. You have to use extra virgin olive oil though. Other types of oil probably don’t give you the same benefits.

It has to do with antioxidants called phenolic compounds, which can help prevent cancer and other diseases. And they occur naturally in vegetables, so you’re getting them no matter what.

But apparently olive oil is loaded with them. So when you deep-fry vegetables in it, they absorb even more.

But deep-frying them in any type of oil ups the number of calories big time. So if you’re trying to lose weight, you should probably stick with steamed vegetables. But if all you care about are the antioxidants, fry away.

Popular Science


Dailey Bailey: How to Win Monopoly Every Single Time

Monopoly is famous for taking forever and leading to brutal fights. So wouldn’t it be better if you could shorten the game, guarantee yourself a win . . . but, yeah, still get into brutal fights?

A random guy online just published a strategy for dominating Monopoly. It’s on the website It exploits a technicality in the rules to make sure you give yourself the best chance of winning.

Basically, he found that the rules limit the number of houses people can buy to 32. Once all the houses are on properties, no one can buy any more, so they either have to pay a ton for hotels or not improve their properties at all.

His strategy is to get a few quick, cheap monopolies . . . buy up as many houses as you can for the properties in those monopolies . . . and don’t upgrade to hotels.

You’ll get the big payouts when people land on your properties, and you won’t have to pay much when you land on other people’s spaces, because there aren’t enough houses to go around. Now you know.





Dailey Bailey: Your Teenager Has Trouble Sleeping Because His Room Stinks?

I don’t have official statistics to back this up, but I’d be willing to bet your teenager hates waking up in the morning . . . and has a room that resembles a toxic waste dump.

Ready to have your mind blown? Those two things might just be connected.

Colin Espie is a sleep medicine professor at Oxford University in England. And he believes the reason teenagers have sleep issues is because of their messy rooms.

He says the air in their rooms is low in oxygen and high in nitrogen . . . and if you keep breathing that, you’ll wake up with a headache after a bad night of sleep.

So get your kid to clean their room. Or at least open a window?


Dailey Bailey: The Four Foods Most Likely to Give You Food Poisoning

A website called “Bottom Line Health” recently talked to a food-safety lawyer who’s been representing people in food-poisoning cases for the past 20 years . . . including the recent one against Chipotle.

And they asked him to list foods he personally never eats because they’re too risky. Here are the top four . . .

1. Raw oysters. They’ve always been risky, but you’re even more likely to get sick from them now, because the oceans are warming. And even slightly warmer water helps microbes grow.

2. Pre-cut fruit and vegetables. Meaning the ones they sell in plastic tubs at the grocery store. The fact that they’re pre-cut means someone’s already handled them, so they’re more likely to be contaminated.

3. Sprouts, which a lot of people put on salads. There have been over 30 bacterial outbreaks linked to them in the past 20 years . . . mostly salmonella and e coli.

4. Rare meat. If you love your steak rare, this probably won’t change anything. But it should be cooked to at least 160 degrees all the way through to kill any bacteria. And that means at least medium-well.

The one thing you don’t have to avoid is sushi. The expert says it’s usually handled well, and there haven’t been many outbreaks linked to it.


Dailey Bailey: The Best Viral Videos From Winter Storm Jonas

This is a quick round up of the Videos that went viral over the past weekend from Winter Storm Jonas.

People diving into snow banks from their porches and WINDOWS became a “thing” over the weekend.  Hopefully no one broke their neck.

Some guys in New York used their Jeep to tow each other around the city on skis and snowboards, and set it to the song, “New York, New York” by Frank Sinatra.  And they called the video “Snowboarding with the NYPD”, because a cop pulls them over at the end, but lets them go.

A group from Indianapolis called the Endless Summer Band got stranded on a highway in Kentucky in their R.V. for over 13 HOURS on Friday.  So they killed time by covering “Stuck in the Middle with You” by Stealers Wheel.  But they made all the lyrics about the storm, and called it, “Stuck on the Highway with You”.

A video of a guy shoveling snow in Kentucky is all over Facebook . . . because he did it in a Tyrannosaurus rex costume.

Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact – licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

Posted by Amy Saxon White on Friday, January 22, 2016


Dailey Bailey: The Top 10 Ways We Indulge Ourselves During Winter

Do you feel like you deserve a reward for surviving the WORST STORM EVER? That’s cool. It totally doesn’t make you seem like a spoiled child.

A new survey found the top 10 ways Americans indulge themselves during winter. Check ’em out . . .

1. Sitting by the fire.

2. Cuddling and drinking hot chocolate.

3. Lying around reading a book.

4. Staying inside all day in your pajamas.

5. Sleeping in.

6. Baking something, then eating it all.

7. Staying in bed all day.

8. Ordering delivery.

9. Taking a hot bubble bath.

10. Watching TV.

The survey also found 50% of people never feel guilty afterward . . . but 7% always feel guilty.


Dailey Bailey: Here’s How to Stop That “Be Like Bill” Meme From Invading Your Facebook Feed

If you’ve been on Facebook in the past week, you’ve probably been judged . . . by a stick figure. And it’s all because of a meme called “Be Like Bill.”

It’s a drawing of a stick figure in a hat, along with some sanctimonious advice. I’ll give you an example. “Bill goes out for dinner. Bill doesn’t take a picture of his food. Bill knows no one cares what he eats. Bill is smart. Be like Bill.” It’s annoying.

And it’s expanded in the past week, where now people can customize the “advice” with their own name replacing Bill.

The meme was created by a 23-year-old guy named Eugeniu Croitoru in Milan, Italy . . . and when you share one of the photos, it links back to a spam content site he made.

So here’s how to get rid of it. Next time you see someone post a “Be Like Bill” meme, click the little arrow that’s on the upper-right side of their post.

Then select “Hide all from Blobla app.” And boom . . . they’re banished for good.


Dailey Bailey: New Trend Alert… Taking Your Freezing Jeans and Standing Them Up Outside

Don’t let super cold weather stand in the way of getting in on stupid social media trends. Embrace it!

People are celebrating the cold weather by taking their jeans, getting them wet so they freeze . . . then standing them up outside like they’re being worn by an invisible man.

Apparently people in Minnesota have been doing it for a few years now, but it’s just starting to catch on in other places too.


Dailey Bailey: You Can Now Get Chocolate on Your Fries at McDonald’s

choco friesMcDonald’s would be SO stupid not to bring this here . . . and I feel like they have to realize it.

A new product called “McChocolate Potatoes” is about to debut at McDonald’s in Japan. They’re French fries with milk chocolate and white chocolate drizzled on top. It only costs around 50 cents to upgrade your regular fries with the chocolate topping.

There’s no word if or when they’re planning to bring them to the States.



Dailey Bailey: A Family Let a Homeless Friend Stay With Them . . . and He Saved Them From a Fire

There’s a homeless guy in Houston named Thomas Smith, who recently got a nice break . . . an old friend said he could stay at her house for a while. (I’m not sure how old Thomas is, but he looks like he’s in his fifties.)

They didn’t release her name, but she’s 66, she’s lived there for 40 years, and she’s clearly very generous. But Thomas has already paid her back . . . big time.

Late Thursday night, he was woken up by a loud noise. He thought the house was being robbed, but it was actually on fire, and filling with smoke. So he ran to his friend’s bedroom, and found the ceiling had collasped, and trapped her.

It turns out there was an electrical fire in the attic, and the whole house was about to go up. So Thomas cleared the sheet rock off his friend, and got her out of there.

Then he rescued her eight- and ten-year-old granddaughters from another bedroom, where they were still sleeping . . . and led all three of them through the smoke and out of the house.

Firefighters were able to put out the fire, and there was extensive damage to the house. But Thomas and his friend’s family are fine. Obviously it could have been so much worse if they hadn’t welcomed him in.
