Sunday, December 22, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: Five Myths About Being Sick That Moms Still Believe

A survey by Vicks, the vapor-rub people, found that your mom may not be the best source of medical advice when you’re sick. Here are five myths that many moms believe, even though they’re false:

#1.) Cover your head, because that’s where you lose most of your body heat: 85% of moms believe it, but it just feels that way because your face is sensitive to heat.

#2.) Get plenty of rest, and do not exercise when you’re sick: 72% believe it. While you need to get your rest, exercise can actually make you feel better.

#3.) Cover your mouth with your hand when you sneeze: 49% of moms believe it, but then your hands are covered with germs. Instead, cough into your elbow.

#4.) “Starve a cold and feed a fever.” Or is it “feed a cold and starve a fever?” Actually, neither. You should always eat well and be hydrated, but 40% believe the myth.

#5.) If you go outside with wet hair, you’ll get sick: 38% of moms think so. Wet hair doesn’t expose you to any more viruses than dry, but it will make you colder.


Dailey Bailey: The Top Five Excuses for Ditching a Date

According to a recent survey, half of us have ended a date in the middle of it, because it wasn’t going well.

But obviously you can’t just tell the person you think they’re stupid. Or annoying. Or ugly. You have to pretend you really want to stay but can’t . . . then you just never return their phone calls after that.

But in case you can’t think of something to say, here are the five most popular excuses for ending a date early.

1. “There’s a family emergency.” Or maybe something happened to a friend. Whatever it is, it’s urgent and can’t wait.

2. “I’m suddenly not feeling very well.” If they chose the restaurant and you can blame it on the food, bonus.

3. “I feel a migraine coming on.” Which is pretty close to the last one. But women use the headache excuse so much, it deserves it’s own spot on the list.

4. “There’s a problem at work.” It’s harder to pull off if it’s nine at night. But it seems like people are constantly working now, so it probably still works.

5. “I forgot to take my dog out.” Or a variation, like you forgot to feed your cats. Which is pretty weak, but hopefully they’d get the hint and just never call you.

Female First


Dailey Bailey: Leap Day Is The One Day Where Women Are Traditionally Expected To Ask Men To Marry Them . . . And 24% Of Women Are Considering It

Traditionally this is the one day every four years where women are supposed to propose to men. But even though it’s tradition . . . would you do it?

In a new survey, believe it or not, 24% of women say yes, they actually are considering asking their boyfriends to marry them tomorrow.

Before you pull the trigger, you should probably make sure you’ve got a boyfriend who’s okay with that scenario. 54% of men say they’d be happy if their girlfriend proposed, and another 16% say they wouldn’t just be happy, they’d be thrilled.

Only 14% say they’d be horrified.

So that’s 70% of men who are into it, 14% who aren’t, and the rest don’t really have an opinion. In other words, ladies . . . the odds are in your favor.


Dailey Bailey: A Girl Coming Out of Oral Surgery Cries After Thinking She Missed Luke Bryans Concert

There’s a viral video of a girl who just had her wisdom teeth removed, and she’s crying because she missed his concert, even though it hasn’t happened yet. She actually thinks he’s mad at her for not being there.

She tells her mom, quote, “I love his songs, he’s such a good guy. He’s great, his songs are just amazing. They’re so good. He’s so good.” She eventually comes around and realizes she didn’t miss it.


Dailey Bailey: A Woman Says She Was Using Her Dead Grandmother’s Handicapped Parking Pass to Honor Her

We all have different ways of dealing with grief, and remembering previous generations.

21-year-old Emily Davis of Hampshire, England was busted back in August for illegally parking in handicapped spots.

She did have a handicapped parking pass in her car … but it was her grandmother’s… Her dead grandmother’s.

Emily’s grandma died back in September of 2014, but Emily hung onto the pass and used it to avoid having to pay for parking.

And when the cops questioned her about it, she had one heck of an excuse: She said she was using the handicapped pass to honor her dead grandmother.

For some reason they didn’t buy that. So she was in court last week, and got over $1,500 in fines and penalties.



Dailey Bailey: Stupid New Trend – Posting Photos of Your View From the Toilet

potty viewAt this point, it’s a given that everyone uses their phone while they’re sitting on the toilet. So you might as well share that time with the world?

Apparently there’s a new trend where people are sharing photos of their view from the toilet.

It’s especially popular when you’re in a bathroom with a great view, like overlooking a city or the beach. But even if it’s just you staring straight at a door, hey, share that too. Welcome to 2016.



Dailey Bailey: [Watch] The Battle for World’s Loudest Burp Continues

A guy in Australia tried to break the record for loudest burp this week, and he thought he did. The noise meter he was holding clocked it at 110.6 decibels, which is about as loud as a chainsaw, and slightly louder than the current record of 109.9 decibels.

But the official record holder is a guy in England named Paul Hunn, who takes this stuff very seriously. And he immediately posted his own video, where he uses the same kind of noise meter . . . and registers a burp of 117.9 decibels.

Both videos are below.
