Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: Scientists Discover a Brand New Life Form . . . In a Truck Stop Bathroom

Here’s a perfect anecdote about how filthy bathrooms can get at a truck stop.

They’re so disgusting, they can breed new life. In South Africa, scientists discovered a brand new life form . . . in a, quote, “filthy” bathroom at a truck stop.

The scientists found a never-before-seen order of bugs. An order is bigger than a species . . . basically, species fall into an order. The scientists say this is like discovering bats if you never knew bats existed.

The bugs are small and bright green . . . they look kind of like pear-shaped crickets . . . and they’ve been named Manto-phasma-todes. The scientists found six unique species in the bathroom and took some to their labs to investigate more.

truck stop bug


Dailey Bailey: Four Things Your Parents Did That Could Get Them Arrested Today

Check out four things parents did back then that could get them arrested today.

1. Leaving you home alone. A lot of states have laws now that say you can’t leave a child unsupervised if they’re under 12. In some states it’s younger than that, and in Illinois it’s 14. (Check your state here.)

So you see stories like the one in South Carolina, where a woman got arrested back in July for letting her 9-year-old play at a park while she worked at McDonald’s.

2. Smoking while you were in the car. A bunch of states are still in the process of making it illegal to smoke cigarettes with kids in the car. But six states have already done it: Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Maine, Oregon, and Utah.

3. Letting you ride in the car without a seatbelt. All 50 states now have laws that require car seats or seat belts for kids. New Hampshire is the only one where adults don’t have to wear a seatbelt . . . they just officially ‘suggest’ it.

In most cases you won’t get arrested for it, you’ll get a fine. But if you crash and they get hurt because they weren’t buckled in, you could see jail time.

4. Taking photos of you in the tub. It’s legal to take photos of your kids in the buff . . . but in 2008, a couple in Arizona took a roll of film to Walmart, and the person who developed it thought some of the bath photos were child pornography.

All the charges were eventually dropped. But both parents had to register as sex offenders until it was dealt with . . . the mom got suspended from her job at a school . . . and their kids ended up in foster care for a month.


Dailey Bailey: Which States Love Bacon the Most?

If you accept that bacon is an all-American food . . . which you should . . . then by that logic, the states that love it the most also love America the most.

A new study ranked the 50 states on their love of bacon, based on the percentage of the bacon photos on Instagram they posted. And the state that loves bacon the most is . . . Nebraska. Tennessee is 8% above national average. Tennessee is home to bacon master Allan Benton, considered the “king of pork” by some of America’s top chefs.But we didn’t crack the top 10

People in Nebraska post 132% more bacon photos than the national average. The rest of the top 10 bacon loving states are:

West Virginia . . . Iowa . . . Colorado . . . Missouri . . . Connecticut . . . Alabama . . . Ohio . . . Wisconsin . . . and New Hampshire.

The state that’s the most anti-bacon is Hawaii. People there post 48% fewer photos of bacon than the national average. The rest of the 10 bacon hating states are:

Kansas . . . Florida . . . California . . . New York . . . New Mexico . . . Nevada . . . Mississippi . . . Idaho . . . and Washington.

50 States of Bacon
Click image to open interactive version (via Ginny’s)


Dailey Bailey: A Woman Gets Stuck In a Wall . . . and No One Helps Her For Seven Hours Because They Think She’s a Ghost?

If you hear a woman screaming for help, and the sound seems to be coming from inside your walls, what’s your first instinct? Is it: There’s a woman trapped in the walls? Or, OH MY GOD IT’S A GHOST!

In China, apparently the answer is . . . OH MY GOD IT’S A GHOST!

Late on Saturday, a woman was walking home in Anhui, in eastern China, and tried to take a shortcut through a narrow passage between buildings. It got narrower, and she ended up getting stuck . . . so she started screaming for help.

But no one in the buildings helped her . . . because they apparently all believed they were hearing a shrieking ghost. Seriously. And she was trapped there for 7 hours.

Finally, someone walking by heard the screams, and thought they might be coming from a non-ghost human. So he called for help.

Firefighters got the woman out of the wall in about 20 minutes, and she was okay.

Here’s a video . . . in Chinese . . . that shows the firefighters chipping away at the wall to rescue the woman.


Dailey Bailey: A Woman Stole a Kitten and Demanded Money, or “Something Bad” Would Happen to It

If you want to become Public Enemy Number One on the Internet, there’s no faster route than this.

kitten lady22-year-old Madeleine Kaye of Gainesville, Florida allegedly stole a woman’s kitten last week!! That’s bad enough . . . you do not mess with people’s pets in America.

But then she sent a bunch of texts saying she wanted $20 to return it . . . or, quote, “something bad” would happen to the kitten. Yes, she ransomed someone’s kitten.

So the woman called the cops. But when they went to Madeleine’s place, she said she hadn’t really stolen the kitten, and the texts were just a joke.

But they arrested her for extortion anyway. There’s no word on whether the kitten was found.


Dailey Bailey: One in Four People Who Name Their Car Pick a Name That Starts With “B”?

This is really an inexplicable trend . . . but the numbers are high enough that it feels like it can’t be a coincidence.

According to a new survey, one out of every four people who name their car give it a name that starts with the letter “B.”

The five most common names for cars all start with “B”: Baby, Betsy, Bessie, Black Beauty, and Betty.

The people behind the survey didn’t speculate on why “B” names are so popular for cars, and we really don’t know either.

The survey also found about one in five people name their car . . . and women are much more likely than men to name their car.

Also, half of people think their car has a gender . . . people are twice as likely to think of their car as female than male.


Dailey Bailey: The Top Seven Dealbreakers When You’re Dating . . . According to Every Study on Dealbreakers Combined

There’s a universal fascination with dealbreakers when you’re dating. What other subject gets researched by Harvard and “Cosmo”? And that means there have been a lot of studies on them.

So a new study looked at the results of seven different scientific studies to find the things that keep coming up. Yes, it was a study on studies.

These are the seven biggest dealbreakers across all the studies. Which is a good sign that they’re probably pretty accurate.

1. Being unattractive. Which is totally subjective and not specific at all. I guess that’s what happens when you combine too many studies.

2. Living an unhealthy lifestyle, like smoking or drinking too much.

3. Having undesirable personality traits, like being lazy or having a bad sense of humor.

4. Having different religious beliefs.

5. Not being the same social status.

6. Having different attitudes toward having kids.

7. Having different relationship goals.
