Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: Women Who Dress Sexy Look Smarter?

Here’s a question for women: If you were trying to dress so you look smart, what would you wear? Librarian glasses, sensible clothes, your hair in a bun, flat shoes, maybe a traditional brooch . . . right?


A new study out of the University of Bedfordshire in England found that people actually think a woman is smarter when she dresses sexy.

The researchers showed people two photos: One of a model wearing a low-cut shirt, a jacket, and a short skirt . . . and one of the model with a long skirt and shirt that didn’t show any skin.

And believe it or not, people who saw her dressed sexy thought she was smarter than the people who saw her dressed more conservatively. They also believed she was more faithful in relationships!

The researchers believe it shows how people’s stereotypes are evolving . . . now we believe that positive traits like brains and attractiveness are connected. Because, you know, good-looking people didn’t have it easy enough already.


Dailey Bailey: Your Son Loves You More Than Your Daughter . . . At Least According to Mother’s Day Spending

You obviously love one of your kids more than the other. It’s okay. You don’t have to say which one. But we can tell you which one of them loves you more . . . at least if you believe money is love. Which we do.

According to separate surveys on Mother’s Day spending in the U.S. and Canada, your son loves you more than your daughter.

In the U.S., the average man will spend $189.74 on Mother’s Day. That’s almost 62% more than the average woman, who will spend $117.42.

In Canada, the average man will spend $105.02 on Mother’s Day. That’s 69% more than the average woman, who will spend $61.99.

According to one retail analyst, men usually spend more on gifts for big holidays than women. Quote, “Men tend to have their wallets out less often. But when they do, it’s for big purchases. So there’s a different expectation about what to spend.”


Dailey Bailey: Engineers Have Finally Figured Out How to Walk With a Coffee Mug Without Spilling

It’s always good to see science being used for something practical. Any scientist can try to cure diseases, right? But only these guys used their knowledge to solve a real problem: Carrying a coffee mug without spilling.

Two mechanical engineers at the University of California, Santa Barbara ran a series of lab experiments to figure out how to walk with a coffee mug without spilling a drop. And these are their three conclusions:

#1.) Start your walk slowly. You don’t want to accelerate too fast . . . that gets the liquid moving too much.

#2.) Leave a gap between the top of the coffee and the top of the mug. They say it should be at least one-eighth of the mug’s diameter. Since you’re not going to bother to calculate that, just leave about half an inch of space.

#3.) Look at the mug while you walk. That keeps your body focused and is the biggest key to preventing a spill.


Dailey Bailey: A Woman In Florida Wanted To Get Off Work Early . . . So She Set Her Entire Office On Fire

On the list of “ways to get out of work early,” I’m thinking ARSON needs to be somewhere near the bottom. At least, it really should be.

mug_Perrino-thumbBut 40-year-old Michelle Perrino of New Port Richey, Florida, doesn’t see the world the way most of us do. She used to work at a medical supply company called Bayonet Point Oxygen, and on May 12th of last year, she wanted to leave work early.

So she decided that setting the building on fire would be the best plan. Michelle set a fire in a filing cabinet . . . it spread to the whole office . . . and, mission accomplished, she and all her co-workers got to leave early.

Michelle didn’t think the police would do an investigation. But unfortunately for her . . . they did. And when they were questioning the employees, she slipped up and mentioned the fire starting in the filing cabinet.

That detail had never been released . . . so, just like in a TV show when a criminal gets busted by mentioning an unreleased detail, the police used Michelle’s slip to connect her to the arson.

They figured out she’d also tripped the main breaker on the office building to kill the power and screwed with the phones so they wouldn’t work . . . really making sure she’d be able to get off for the afternoon.

On Monday, Michelle pleaded guilty to criminal mischief. She was sentenced to nine months in prison, five years of probation . . . and has to pay $4,800 in restitution. And, obviously, she was fired from her job.


Dailey Bailey: If You Want To Seduce A Woman, Bust Out Some Keith Whitley Or George Strait

There’s a reason that painfully cheesy love ballads have been printing money for almost a century now. It’s because they work!!

A new study in Paris found that women find men more attractive if there’s a love song playing than they do if there’s a rap, heavy metal or rock song on.

Researchers also found that a woman was twice as likely to give a guy her number when the background music in the room was a love ballad.


Dailey Bailey: Men With Gray Hair Look Younger Than Women With Gray Hair

I hate to pull the sexism card, but dang it all, everyone’s sexist. Not me… or you, of course . . . just everyone else.

A new survey found that when a woman has a lot of gray hair, people think she’s six year older than she is. But when a man has a lot of gray hair, people only think he’s three years older than he is.

The survey also found 74% of women dye their gray hairs when they first notice them, versus only 18% of men.

Men are actually much more worried about going bald.

71% say they’re more worried about losing their hair than going gray, and only 36% are actually worried at all about their hair turning gray.


Dailey Bailey: Drinking Red Wine Increases a Woman’s “Sexual Appetite”

According to a study out of Italy, drinking red wine increases a woman’s, quote, “sexual appetite.” And no, not just because she’s drunk.

So I’ll just leave this link here for ya fellas Stonehaus Winery.

Doctors at the University of Florence tested three groups of sexually healthy women ages 18 to 50. One group drank one to two glasses of red wine a day, one group drank a few glasses a week, and one completely abstained from red wine.

In the end, the women who drank red wine daily reported higher sexual appetites and improved sexual performance.

The doctors think it could be because certain chemical compounds in red wine increase blood flow . . . including blood flow to the ummm you know . . . which helps a woman get turned on quicker and enjoy sex more.

I mean there is even a song about it!


Dailey Bailey: A Guy “Promposed” to His Girlfriend by Taking Her to Hawaii… This Is Getting Out Of Hand!

We’re living in the “promposal” era, where just ASKING someone to the prom isn’t good enough anymore . . . you either put on an elaborate show or you might as well not bother. It’s terrible.

And this kid just escalated the “promposal” to a place where even adults with salaries like us would have trouble pulling it off!!

Thomas Maher is a senior at Marcos de Niza High School in Tempe, Arizona. And he just took his girlfriend Annalise Wilfert on a trip to Hawaii for his “promposal.” Are you kidding me!!!!

They told the whole story to “Seventeen” magazine, who mention that they’re both, quote, “aspiring social media stars.” Because of course they are.

There’s no word on where Thomas got the money from to pay for the trip.

And their prom is this Saturday.
