Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: Half of Teachers Would Quit As Soon As Possible If They Got a Job That Paid Better

This is bad news for teachers, the American educational system, and children . . . but good news if your company is looking to hire some smart, talented people ASAP.

A new survey found 49% of teachers say they’d quit as soon as possible if they could find a job that pays better. For what it’s worth, the average teacher makes around $56,000-a-year.

And here are a few more sad results from this survey . . .

1. 62% of teachers say they spend way too much time getting students prepared for state tests.

2. 60% say they don’t have as much enthusiasm now as when they started.

3. 49% say the stress and disappointment of the job aren’t really worth it.

4. And 42% say they sometimes think about staying home because they’re too tired to go to school.


Dailey Bailey: Here’s What Your Mom Wants to Eat on Mother’s Day

If you’re taking your mom out for brunch or dinner on Mother’s Day, do not go anywhere where she might find herself eating lettuce.

A new survey asked women what kind of food they want on Mother’s Day, and only 1% said salad. So when you’re picking your restaurant, here’s what they do want . . .

1. Seafood, 26%.

2. Italian, Mexican, sushi, Greek, or something else that’s international, 18%.

3. Steak, 16%.

4. A buffet, 12%.

5. Chicken, 9%.

6. Barbecue, 8%.

7. Breakfast food, 7%.

8. Burgers or sandwiches, 2%.

9. Salad, 1%.


Jason Bailey Talks to Astronaut And TTU Grad Butch Wilmore about “A Beautiful Planet”

Capt. Butch Wilmore’s resume is impressive — 178 days in space, nearly 7,000 flight hours as a Navy pilot and four military deployments. And, once again, it’s “Mission Accomplished” for Wilmore.

He recently returned from his second trip to the International Space Station.

While in the Space Station he and the other Astronauts used special video cameras to create an IMAX movie called “A Beautiful Plant”

Check out the preview for it:



Dailey Bailey: The Most Stressful Job for Women is . . . Stay-At-Home Mom

This one’s for all the women dreaming about the day you can drop out of the rat race and just stay at home raising kids.  About three months in, you’re going to wish you still had a boss yelling at you.

A new study from the University of Washington found that the most stressful job for women is being a stay-at-home mom.  Stay-at-home moms did worse on mental health assessments in the study compared to moms who still have careers.

Not that it was easy for working moms, either.  Mothers who still worked were a little less stressed than stay-at-home moms . . . but still exhibited some signs of depression.

In other words:  Basically all moms are bummed out about trying to balance their life, family, work, and mental health.


Dailey Bailey: [Watch] Here’s An Ad For A Ridiculous Product Called “TV Hat”

If you haven’t seen the stupid infomercials for “TV Hat”, it’s a hat with an enormous bill that has a slot for your iPod or iPhone.

Then there’s a lens to magnify the image. The idea is that you can sit and watch the screen in the comfort of your dark, ridiculous-looking hat, hands-free. The only thing worse than the product is the terrible acting in the infomercial.


Dailey Bailey: What Moms in Each State Want For Mother’s Day… Tennessee Moms Just Want A Gift Card.

A new survey asked moms what they want most for Mother’s Day, and found the most popular gift in each state.

Cosmetics and makeup came out on top in seven states, which is the most of any gift. A trip to the spa came in first in six states.

Moms in Tennessee just gave up on getting anything good so they have opted for a gift card!

As for some other traditional Mother’s Day gifts . . .

1. Jewelry is only the most popular gift in three states: New Jersey, Alabama, and New York.

2. Flowers also only came in first in three states: Oregon, Maryland, and Kentucky.

3. And CASH came in first in two states: Kansas and South Carolina.

See the rest of the states here.



Dailey Bailey: 2% of People Say the Biggest Romantic Gesture is . . . Taking Out the Garbage Without Being Asked

Have we really reached a point where our expectations for romance have gotten THIS LOW?

In a new survey by the dating website, 2% of people say the single most romantic gesture their significant other can do for them is . . . taking out the garbage without being asked!!

That’s how one in 50 people defines romance.

The top two answers aren’t chores like that . . . but they aren’t exactly spectacular or innovative either. 41% say the most romantic thing someone can do is give them a hug and a kiss. 39% say it’s a candlelit dinner.

The survey also found that anniversaries are the most romantic day of the year for couples. Summer vacations are second, Valentine’s Day is third.


Dailey Bailey: The Five-Second Rule for Dropped Food Might Just Be True . . . At Least When It Comes to Junk Food

You know the five-second rule? It’s the old myth that if you drop a piece of food on the floor, it’s safe to eat as long as you pick it up in five seconds. Some people call it the three-second rule, but the idea’s the same.

Well . . . according to a new study, in some cases, it’s true.

If you drop something healthy on the floor, like a piece of fruit or some lean chicken, you probably shouldn’t eat it even if you grab it quickly. But if you drop bacon or chocolate, go ahead and eat away.

The study out of Manchester Metropolitan University in England found that foods with high salt or sugar levels are safer to eat after being dropped on the floor than healthier items. Bacteria have less of a chance of surviving on junk food.

But in general, the five-second rule . . . along with its cousins, the three-second rule and the ten-second rule . . . probably isn’t the best idea.

The researchers did find trace levels of E. coli on a lot of the stuff they dropped, even after just a few seconds. (–Sounds like they need to mop their floor.)


Dailey Bailey: What Disgusting Habit Do We Hate the Most . . . Bad Gas, Spitting, Swearing, or Burping?

It’s about time someone took all our disgusting habits and ranked them. Now I know that I’ll offend more people with my burps than with the nonstop stream of curse words that fly out of my mouth. Crucial info.

A new poll had people rank other people’s habits by how disgusting they are. And here’s how the list turned out, from most disgusting to least disgusting . . .

#1.) Spitting

#2.) Using someone else’s toothbrush and not telling them

#3.) Bad gas

#4.) Swearing

#5.) Burping

#6.) Biting your nails

#7.) Sucking your thumb
