Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: Ronald McDonald Was Shot Outside a Sonic

It must be tough to go through life with the name Ronald McDonald. But since this guy does have that name, shouldn’t he avoid fast food?

A 43-year-old guy in Lumberton, North Carolina named Ronald McDonald was at a Sonic last week, because his wife works there as a manager.

Ronald got into an argument with one of the employees, a 24-year-old guy named Telvin Drummond.

Then they pulled their guns and shot at each other. Ronald missed, but Telvin didn’t . . . and Ronald had to go to the hospital with injuries.

So far no charges have been filed because the cops are still investigating.


Dailey Bailey: Women Wearing Low-Cut Shirts Are 19 Times More Likely to Get a Job Interview

Well this sets men and women back at least 40 years.

A new study just found that if you’re a woman and you want to get a job interview, don’t worry about tweaking your resume or writing a good cover letter. Nope, the best thing you can do is . . . wear a low-cut shirt!

Researchers in France had some women send in job applications with a picture that didn’t show cleavage . . . and had some send in pictures that were more revealing.

And the women who wore low-cut shirts were 19 times more likely to get an interview. That’s a 1,900% increase in your odds of getting an interview just by letting a company know your breasts exist.

The study did not figure out if those women were more likely to get hired, though. So your cleavage may or may not get you a job . . . but it’ll at least get your foot in the door. Or rather, your chest.


Dailey Bailey: A Guy Who’s “Addicted” to Hiding Under Cars and Grabbing Women’s Feet Keeps Getting Busted

If you’re getting into your car and suddenly feel a hand around your ankle, don’t worry, you’re not in a horror movie. It’s just the town pervert! So relax!

There’s a 20-year-old guy named Jesse Johnson in Lincoln, Nebraska who’s obsessed with hiding under women’s cars and grabbing their feet. He says, quote, “I just have this weird addiction and odd behavior. I don’t know why.”

He was busted for grabbing a woman’s feet outside a grocery store last week . . . and that was the third time he’s been busted this year.

He was also arrested for it last year and got a fine . . . and he was busted for it in 2014 too.

He says he wants to get counseling, but he has trouble paying for it. Most of the time he just gets a ticket for disturbing the peace, but now that it’s such a pattern he might be looking at jail time.



Dailey Bailey: A Lunch Lady Is Busted For Stealing Thousands of Dollars of Lunch Money

This story almost makes me wistful for when I was a kid, and the only people stealing my lunch money were bullies. Even though I was, um, totally cool and popular . . . yeah.

There’s a 51-year-old woman named Fadwa Sarsaur in Alexandria, Virginia who works as a lunch lady at an elementary school. And she was just busted for stealing kids’ lunch money.

Now, she didn’t do it by shoving them against lockers or anything like that. The kids today pay for lunch with electronic accounts, and Fadwa was in charge of adding money to them when the kids would bring in cash or a check.

But she figured out a way to mess with the records so she could siphon out thousands of dollars over the past three years.

She was finally caught last week, and she turned herself in on Friday on three counts of embezzlement.


Dailey Bailey: A Dunkin’ Donuts Manager Dropped a Tray of Donuts on the Floor . . . Then Put Them Back

When you eat fast food, you have to suspend disbelief and say, “This food magically appeared in front of me. It didn’t have a long, disgusting journey leading up to this moment.” But stories like this make it so hard.

A former Dunkin’ Donuts employee from Mendon, Massachusetts just posted a surveillance video on Facebook.

It’s from last November, and it shows his manager dropping an entire tray of donuts on the floor . . . waiting a little bit . . . then putting them back into the case for sale.

Dunkin’ Donuts released a statement about the video. Quote, “The franchisee . . . investigated the matter and met with the employee to discuss the fact that the donuts should have been immediately disposed of.”

Translation: Somehow, she wasn’t fired.


Dailey Bailey: How Much Do You Know About Going Number Two? Try This Quiz

For as much time as we spend camping out on the toilet, it’s amazing we’re not experts on the fine art of feces.

WebMD just put up a quiz about pooping, and it’s a lot harder than it sounds. The quiz, not your poop. Hopefully. Anyway, here are five questions, see if you can get ’em . . .

1. Your poop should always be an S-shape, true or false? False.

2. Toxins can build up in your body if you don’t poop daily, true or false? False, but you’re considered constipated if you do it less than three times a week.

3. How long does it take something you ate to come out? One to three days.

4. Only brown poop is healthy. False, lots of colors are fine . . . but black, white, gray, or red might be a sign you should go to a doctor.

5. How often does the average person pass gas in a day? 14 times.

Take the whole quiz… Click Here.


Dailey Bailey: The World’s Ugliest Dog Is a Blind, Incontinent Chihuahua With a Mohawk

Every year there’s a “World’s Ugliest Dog” contest at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, California. Usually the winner is ugly, but also kinda adorable in a way.

Not this time. This dog is just straight up ugly.

The 28th annual World’s Ugliest Dog contest was Friday night, and the winner was a 17-year-old Chinese Crested Chihuahua named SweePee Rambo.

She’s a small black dog who’s blind . . . she needs to wear diapers because she’s incontinent . . . she has a blonde mohawk . . . and she has a sore on her leg that was oozing pus during the contest.

Her owner is a 44-year-old guy named Jason Wurtz from Encino, California. He and SweePee won $1,500 . . . and he says it’s going to go toward removing a tumor in her mouth. See, there’s someone out there for everyone.


Dailey Bailey: A Dad Got a Tattoo to Match His Son’s Brain Surgery Scar

An eight-year-old kid in Kansas named Gabriel Marshall was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer last year, and surgeons were able to remove most of the tumor. But it left him with a nasty S-shaped scar on the side of his head.

And now a photo of him with his dad John is going viral . . . because John got a tattoo on the side of his head to match his son’s scar.

BBD-Josh-MarshallHe says Gabriel was really self-conscious after the surgery, and thought the scar made him feel “like a monster.” So he got the tattoo to boost Gabriel’s self-esteem and show him it’s no big deal.

Then he entered a contest earlier this year called “Best Bald Dad,” where guys shave their heads to support their kids while they’re going through chemo. And he was just named the winner on Sunday.

He posted about it on Facebook, and made it a point to say he’s no better than any of the other dads who entered. And they’d all do anything to help their kids.

By the way, Gabriel is doing better since his surgery. His dad says he loves the tattoo, and tells everyone they’re like twins now.

There’s still a small portion of the tumor that the doctors couldn’t get to. But Gabriel’s been having MRI’s every three months, and so far it hasn’t gotten any bigger.
