Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Jason And Tony: A Mom Emails Her Daughter’s School to Say She’s Done Doing Homework

Is this a mom who’s doing the right thing to protect her kid . . . or ridiculously coddling her kid?  It’s a damn good question.

A woman named Bunmi Laditan in Quebec, Canada has a 10-year-old daughter named Maya in elementary school right now.  And she sent Maya’s teachers an email on Tuesday to tell them she’s DONE with homework.

Quote, “Maya will be drastically reducing the amount of homework she does this year.  She’s been very stressed and is starting to have physical symptoms such as chest pain and waking up at 4:00 A.M. worrying about her workload.

“She’s not behind academically and very much enjoys school . . . doing two-to-three hours of homework after getting home . . . is leaving little time for her just to be a child and enjoy family time.”

She posted a copy of the email on Facebook and it’s been going viral ever since.  It seems a lot of the responses so far have been supportive of her . . . but there’s some negative mixed in too.

