Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

The Ten Smells We Love Most . . . And the Ten We Hate

I love that sweet Honeysuckle smell around here in the spring but that didn’t make the list…

A new survey found the ten smells people love most . . . and the ten smells we hate most.

Our ten favorite smells are:

Fresh baked bread


fresh cut grass


a cake baking

the ocean

clothes right out of the dryer

meat cooking

fried food

and fresh flowers.

The ten smells we hate are:

Garbage cans


body odor



spoiled milk

rotting food

public bathrooms

dirty diapers

and old shoes

The survey also found three-quarters of us have smells that make us nostalgic, and 84% of us try to keep our homes smelling good.


Don’t Have Your First Cup of Coffee Until You Get to Work

f you’re one of those people who can’t start your day until you’ve had that first cup of coffee . . . you’re doing it wrong. You shouldn’t have coffee right after you wake up, because that’s when your body is producing more of the stress hormone cortisol, and that makes caffeine less effective.

Studies have shown the average person’s cortisol levels peak between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning. And cortisol prevents caffeine from doing its thing.

So you should get to work and then have your first cup of coffee. Or if you wake up really early, wait an hour.

There are actually three times in the day when your cortisol levels peak . . . right after you wake up, between noon and 1:00 PM, and between 5:30 and 6:30 PM. So you shouldn’t have coffee then either.

The good news is you can just keep doing what you’re doing, and ignore all this if you want to. Drinking coffee right after you wake up won’t kill you.

But drinking it while your cortisol levels are up does make you more likely to become addicted to caffeine. Because you’ll start needing more and more of it to feel the effects.


[Watch] Great Job Pooping

“America’s Funniest Home Videos” posted a nine-second clip of a dog going to the bathroom.  Then a little girl who looks about two-and-a-half runs up and starts patting it on the back . . . and yells, “Great job pooping!”


Five Myths About Men That Aren’t True

Here are five myths about men that aren’t true . . .

1. They want to make the first move. Guys today are into smart, confident women more than ever before. And according to’s Singles in America survey, 90% of guys say they’re cool with a woman asking them out.

2. They only want no-strings-attached sex. Not all guys want casual sex, and even those who do don’t necessarily want JUST that. Just because someone is into casual sex doesn’t mean he ISN’T interested in a relationship.

3. Big feet equals big…. you know. There’s no scientific proof that shoe size or hand size is a reliable indicator of what he’s packing.

4. They’re commitment-phobes. It’s actually the complete opposite. Men on average want to introduce their girlfriend to friends and family sooner than women do, they like public affection more, and they want to move in together sooner.

5. Men think about sex every seven seconds. Thinking about sex every seven seconds adds up to more than 8,000 times a day. It’s more like once an hour. In a 2011 study of men ages 18 to 25, they thought about sex almost 19 times a day. Which is a lot . . . but WAY less than 8,000.



The Most Uniquely Popular Food in All 50 States

For a country that gets criticized for having generic fast food restaurants on every corner, we all sure do have different and fascinating tastes.

The social media site Foursquare just analyzed its data to see what people in every state eat or drink way more than people anywhere else. Here are some of the highlights of their study of the most uniquely popular foods around the country.

Some states stuck to their stereotypes and signature foods perfectly. Maine has lobster . . . Vermont has maple syrup . . . Missouri has toasted ravioli . . . Louisiana has crawfish . . . Minnesota has the Juicy Lucy burger . . . and Hawaii has poke.

The South really divided up the classic “Southern foods.” There’s banana pudding in Tennessee . . . catfish in Arkansas . . . po boys in Mississippi . . . fried green tomatoes in Alabama . . . grits in South Carolina . . . and hushpuppies in North Carolina.

The state that will probably be most upset about its result is Pennsylvania, which got “chicken cheesesteaks” . . . not regular cheesesteaks, which are probably too popular elsewhere. But chicken cheesesteaks? Ouch.

And finally, the funniest result is definitely Nevada’s. Their most popular food is . . . bottle service. I guess the best thing to eat there is a $400 bottle of vodka at a nightclub.

Click Here For A Map Of All 50 States.


Emily Cowan Of Smith County Is A Dream Big Scholar

Emily Cowan Smith County High School106-9 Kicks Country and The Tennessee Credit Union recognized Emily Cowan, a senior atSmith County High School, as a Dream Big Scholar.

Emily has been a peer partner in school helping in the special ed classes. She has been a member of the Smith County High School Band for the last 4 years. For the last 2 years she has been the drum captain and has mentored an autistic band member.

Emily has been involved in many extracurricular activities they include Spanish Club, Student Council Member, FBLA, Science & Math Club, Interact, Marching band, Concert band, and Jazz band.

In the future she plans to attend college and get a degree to be a Special Education teacher.

Emily Cowan will now be eligible to win scholarship money from 106-9 Kicks Country and The Tennessee Credit Union.


What Breakfast Looks Like in Ten Other Countries

Every day for breakfast, I have a short stack of pancakes, eight strips of bacon, and a large stuffed crust pizza. And I’m not changing for anyone. But if you’re sick of eating the same thing every day, check out what people in ten other countries typically have for breakfast . . .

1. Japan: White rice, miso soup, and pickled vegetables.

2. India: Dosa, which is kind of like a crêpe . . . sambar, which is a vegetable stew with lentils . . . and a side of chutney.

3. Germany: Two hard-boiled eggs, two or three sausages, and a bread roll.

4. England: Eggs, grilled tomatoes, a few strips of bacon, and sausage.

5. China: Congee, which is a type of porridge. (Pronounced conjee) And a “pork bun,” which is kind of like a dumpling.

6. Iran: Butter and jam on a piece of naan, which is flatbread.

7. Italy: A roll of bread with jam, and a cup of coffee.

8. Sweden: Untoasted bread with cold cuts and cucumber, plus some tomatoes, and a hard-boiled egg. And when they make coffee, they mix a raw egg in with the grounds.

9. Russia: Rye bread, porridge, and sausage.

10. Australia: Corn Flakes, and toast with Vegemite. That’s a dark brown paste made using leftover yeast from breweries.


[Watch] A Scene from “Bloodsport” Makes a Perfect Mentos Commercial

Remember the cheesy Mentos commercials from the ’90s, where a guy pops one in his mouth, and then gets a really “brilliant” idea to get out of the jam he’s in?

Well, there’s a scene in the 1988 movie “Bloodsport” where Jean-Claude Van Damme is running from two guys. And someone realized it makes a pretty good Mentos commercial if you just add the music in.
