Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

The 10 Most Common Body Language Mistakes

According to “Forbes”, here are the 10 most common body language mistakes people make, and why you shouldn’t do them . . .

1. Avoiding eye contact. You look like you’re hiding something, or don’t respect the other person.

2. Slouching. It looks like your energy is zapped, and you have low self-esteem.

3. A weak handshake. Which can signal a lack of authority.

4. Crossing your arms. It makes you seem standoffish and not interested in what the other person is saying.

5. Looking at the ground when you talk. It makes you seem weak and self-conscious.

6. Angling your body away from the other person instead of facing them. It makes it seem like you want the conversation to end.

7. Fidgeting. It makes you seem anxious.

8. Standing too close. When you talk to someone, you should always be at least a foot-and-a-half away from them.

9. Glancing at the clock. It makes you seem disinterested and arrogant.

10. Frowning or scowling. You can do it unconsciously, and it makes it seem like you’re disagreeing with what someone said, which isn’t necessarily the case.


Mugshot of the Day: A Guy With One of the Longest Necks You’ll Ever See

A 38-year-old guy named Jonathan Whatley from Parkersburg, West Virginia stole $3,000 worth of antique coins from a store last week.

long neckThat’s not a particularly sexy or exciting crime. So why are we telling you about it?

Because Jonathan’s mugshot must make its way around the world.

This guy has one of the longest necks I’ve ever seen. Like, it’s got to be close to a foot long. He looks like he’s more llama than man.

He’s facing robbery charges and had outstanding warrants in Alabama . . . but whatever. We’re not here over some stolen coins, I’m entirely in it for the neck.


Granny Panties Are Coming Back . . . and Thong Sales are Dropping

It was a good run for sexy underwear. But apparently granny panties are coming back, baby.

Thong sales have gone down 7% over the past year . . . and sales of larger types of women’s underwear are up 17%.

There are three theories on why underwear trends are shifting to bigger options . . .

1. They’re more comfortable.

2. They can be more flattering on some women . . . and by covering up areas you feel insecure about, they could actually make you feel sexier.

3. They make a feminist statement.


“Friends” Tops a List of Shows People Missed the Most After They Ended

People were not ready to see “Friends” go off the air in 2004, and a new survey proves it. Over 2,000 people were asked which show upset them the most by coming to an end, and “Friends” was #1. Here’s the Top 10:

1. “Friends”, 1994-2004 . . . 10 seasons, 236 episodes

2. “M*A*S*H”, 1972-1983 . . . 11 seasons, 256 episodes

3. “Firefly”, 2002 . . . 1 season, 11 episodes

4. A tie between “Seinfeld” and “Breaking Bad” . . . “Seinfeld” lasted nine seasons between 1989 and 1998 with 180 episodes, and “Breaking Bad” had five seasons from 2008 to 2013 with 62 episodes

6. “The Sopranos”, 1999-2007 . . . six seasons, 86 episodes

7. “Lost”, 2004-2010 . . . six seasons, 121 episodes

8. “Parenthood”, 2008-2014 . . . six seasons, 103 episodes

9. “Sons of Anarchy”, 2008-2014 . . . seven seasons, 92 episodes

10. “How I Met Your Mother”, 2005 . . . nine seasons, 208 episodes


Ten Little Things in Life That Make Us Happy

What’s the one little thing in life that makes you happy? Someone posted the question on Reddit. Here are the ten best answers we’ve seen . . .

1. A shower with good water pressure.

2. Sleeping in your own bed after a trip.

3. Fresh sheets.

4. Fresh bread, with butter that’s easily spreadable.

5. Getting a piece of food out of your teeth.

6. Waking up for work, and realizing it’s Saturday.

7. When you’re sick, and you can suddenly breathe through your nose again.

8. Using the bathroom when you really have to go.

9. Falling asleep on a road trip, and realizing you slept through a huge chunk of it.

10. Hitting every green light.


What’s the Rudest Thing Your Coworkers Do?

There’s not a single person in the world whose coworkers are polite and considerate 100% of the time. Even if you’re self-employed and work solo, sometimes you probably do something to make YOURSELF mad at yourself.

A new survey asked people around the country to name the RUDEST thing people do around their office. Here are the results . . .

1. Gossiping about other coworkers, 28%.

2. Not responding to calls or emails in a timely way, 21%.

3. Playing around on their phones during meetings, 16%.

4. Running late or missing meetings, 12%.

5. Not giving other people credit, 12%.

6. Criticizing other people publicly, 11%.

0% said that they work at a place where no one ever does anything rude.


A Website Shows How Rich You’d Be If You’d Invested the Money You Spent on Your Wedding

If you’re debating between quickly eloping to Vegas or having a massive wedding with 300 guests, a performance by Tom Jones, and a flyover by the Blue Angels . . . listen up. put together a calculator that figures out how much money you’d have now if you took your wedding budget and INVESTED it instead.  They used the S&P 500 as the basis for their investing.

You just put in how many years you’ve been married, and how much you spent on your wedding . . . and it delivers the MORTIFYING TRUTH.

Like, if you got married five years ago and spent $10,000, it would be worth more than $20,000 now.

If you got married 20 years ago and spent $10,000, it would be worth more than $65,000 now.

Here’s the link to find out…..’Did You Spend Too Much on Your Wedding?’
