Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: Quotes from the Police Scanner During the Kenny Chesney – Jason Aldean Concert in Green Bay, Wisconsin

A reporter for the “Green Bay Press Gazette” listened to the police scanner during the Kenny Chesney – Jason Aldean concert at Lambeau Field on Saturday . . . and then Tweeted his favorites. Here are some highlights:


[Watch] A Woman Wakes Up from Surgery and Thinks She’s Playing “Pac-Man”

A woman in Utah named Jenn Peckham had surgery on her leg last Tuesday, and thought she was playing “Pac-Man” while she was still drugged up afterward.

There’s a video of her pretending one of her hands is Pac-Man, and the other is a ghost chasing him. Then she thinks he gets backed into a corner by the ghost and starts crying!


The Eight Biggest Fashion Mistakes Men Make

Hey I’m stylish! If it were 1991! Over the past 10 or 15 years it has seemed men have gotten for fashion sense… No we haven’t. I’m guilty of at least 3 of these on a daily bases.

A new survey found the eight biggest fashion mistakes men make. Check ’em out. Read More »


The Most Common Rules Around the House Include No Shoes on the Couch and Putting Down the Toilet Seat

When you were growing up, I’m sure your parents had all sorts of rules around the house and you hated all of them. And now that you’re an adult . . . yeah, you’ve got just as many rules. Maybe even more.

A new survey found the most common rules people have in their houses. Here are the top 10 . . .

1. No shoes on the couch.

2. Always flush the toilet.

3. Take your shoes off in the house.

4. Put dirty clothes in the hamper.

5. Turn off the lights when you’re not in a room.

6. Empty the bathtub when you’re done.

7. Don’t leave wet towels on the floor.

8. No swearing.

9. Turn off the TV when you’re not watching it.

10. Put the toilet seat down.




Dailey Bailey: The Seven Animals Most Likely to Kill You This Summer

Two teenagers got attacked by sharks in North Carolina last Sunday, so everyone’s freaking out. But on average, sharks only kill one person a year in the U.S. And the same goes for other scary animals, like bears and alligators.

So your chances of dying from a shark attack this summer are basically zero. But here are six other animals that COULD actually kill you . . .

1. Deer. 200 people die each year by hitting them with their car

2. Bees, wasps, and hornets. On average, they kill 58 people a year in the U.S.

3. Dogs. They kill 28 people a year.

4. Cows. They kill 20 people a year, mostly ranchers. Obviously your chances of being killed by a cow are low if you’re never AROUND them. Other farm animals like pigs and horses kill about 50 people a year, for similar reasons.

5. Non-venomous arthropods. That means mosquitos that carry diseases. They kill nine people in the U.S. every year.

6. Spiders, 7 people a year.

7. Venomous snakes and lizards, 6 deaths per year.


Get Yourself a Pair of Cowboy Boot Sandals This Summer

boot sandlesNow THIS is an all-American product.

There’s a company in Missouri called Redneck Boot Sandals that’s offering a great service . . . if you’re desperate to wear cowboy boots this summer but know you can’t pull them off in 100-degree heat.

You send them a pair of cowboy boots . . . and they turn them into SANDALS.

From the photos we’ve seen, it looks like they carve out a lot of the foot part . . . turn the toe into a flip-flop . . . and leave the leather that goes up your leg intact. They actually look pretty well made. And also ridiculous, but whatever.

You provide the boots, and they charge $50, plus another $25 to ship them back to you once they’re sandals. So, $75 altogether. And the process takes one to two weeks.

You can start the process messaging them on Facebook.


The Top 11 Father’s Day Gifts, Ranked by How Much Dads Actually Want Them

Since you haven’t bought your dad a gift for Father’s Day yet, we can bail you out . . . even though we really shouldn’t because it just enables your slacking.

Here are 11 of the most common Father’s Day gifts, and the percentage of dads who say they want them . . .

1. A day with the family, 57%.

2. Electronics and gadgets, 37%.

3. Gift card, 37%.

4. Home-cooked meal, 36%.

5. Pictures of their children or grandchildren, 34%.

6. A hand-made card, 32%.

7. Tools, 31%.

8. Cooking equipment, like a grill or smoker, 28%.

9. Sports equipment or memorabilia, 28%.

10. Jewelry or accessories, 9%.

11. A tie, 7%.


Marriage Might Benefit Men’s Health More

I’m sure all you ladies knew this already…. But now there’s proof!

According to a new study, marriage might benefit men’s health more than it benefits women’s health.

Researchers found that marriage definitely improves the health of those involved. Men and women who have neither married nor lived with a partner end up having the worst health in middle age – with a higher risk of heart and breathing problems.

But men enjoy a bigger boost in their health when married.

And – bonus! – even when men get divorced, they’re very likely to hold onto their good health and their good health habits.
