Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

The World’s Ugliest Dog Is a Hunchbacked Mutt Named Quasi Modo

The annual World’s Ugliest Dog pageant went down in Petaluma, California on Friday. And the winner is certainly deserving . . . although she’s definitely attractive in her own unique way.

ugly dogThis year’s winner is a 10-year-old mixed breed dog from Loxahatchee, Florida named Quasi Modo. She has several birth defects that make her completely hunchbacked . . . and she looks more like a hyena than a dog.

She beat out 26 other dogs in categories like unusual attributes, raw ugliness, shocking first impression, and personality.

Her owners get a $1,500 prize.


A Guy Tore His Knee Doing the “Dirty Dancing” Lift at His Wedding, and Almost Died

One of the most famous movie scenes ever is the end of “Dirty Dancing”. You know . . . when Jennifer Grey jumps up, Patrick Swayze lifts her above his head, and spins her around to “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life”.

Well, 36-year-old Mike Snell of Hampshire, England got married last summer. And right after he and his new wife Cerise had their first dance, the DJ put on “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life”.

Out of nowhere, one of Mike’s coworkers ran at him and tried to jump up to recreate the lift. But when he caught her, his knee snapped.

Dirty Dancing Mike in the Hospital.

Dirty Dancing Mike in the Hospital.

He went to the hospital and doctors found he’d torn pretty much all the ligaments in his left knee. So he needed surgery, and had to cancel his honeymoon in Jamaica.

Then things got even worse. He got an infection in the hospital that was so severe it almost KILLED him. Fortunately, he managed to beat it and fully recovered from his knee surgery.

He’s taking all this pretty well, but he says, quote, “If I never hear ‘Time of My Life’ again I’ll be a happy man.”

By the way this is the second time this year this has happened. LINK


Dailey Bailey: The States That’ll Get the Most Drunk This Summer

Summer’s a great time to get drunk. I mean, so are fall, winter, and spring, don’t get me wrong. But summer, man . . .

A company that makes a breathalyzer for phones analyzed their data to figure out a bunch of stats on SUMMER DRUNKENNESS. Here are the four highlights . . .

1. The Fourth of July is the drunkest day of the summer, and July 3rd is second.

2. The week leading up to July 4th is the drunkest WEEK. And hey, that’s next week.

3. The five states that get the most hammered in the summer are: West Virginia . . . Nevada . . . Pennsylvania . . . Connecticut . . . and Nebraska.

4. And the five states that stay the soberest are: Kentucky . . . Delaware . . . Utah . . . Missouri . . . and New Mexico.


Camping Is the Least Popular Type of Vacation

Apparently we’ve all become FAR too high maintenance to use leaves as toilet paper.

A new survey had people rank different types of vacations, and CAMPING came in dead last for both men and women.

Both genders picked the beach as the best type of vacation.  For women, going to a national park came in second.  And for men, going to a new city came in second.

The survey also found our biggest pet peeve when we travel is being next to someone noisy in a hotel . . . number two is getting stuck in a traffic jam.

And the majority of men would rather deal with turbulence than sit next to a crying baby on a plane . . . the majority of women would rather sit next to the baby.


What Your Favorite Show Says About Your Personality

Researchers recently looked at what people said on social media about different TV shows, and analyzed their profiles to see what their favorite shows might say about their personality.

These things tend to be about as accurate as your horoscope, but here’s what they found . . . Read More »


[Watch] Ghost Town Under Dale Hollow Lake

Under water ghost town?? Yeah! It’s under Dale Hollow Lake! Seems like I heard about this when I was a kid but totally forgot about it! The name of the town was Willow Grove and it was settled in 1785.


A Woman Spent Four Days in the Hospital Because Her Jeans Were Too Tight

There’s an old cliché that it’s better to look good than to feel good. I would say that counts as terrible advice . . . especially when someone takes it to the extreme like this.

But as Luke Bryan always says:

luke tight jeans


A 35-year-old woman in Adelaide, Australia was recently helping a relative move . . . and she wore super tight jeans. She spent a few hours squatting to get stuff out of the kitchen cabinets and when she tried to walk right afterward, she couldn’t.

Her calves were so swollen it was impossible to get the jeans off, and she had no feeling in her feet.

She was rushed to the hospital where they had to cut the jeans off . . . and she was there for FOUR DAYS before she could walk again.

The doctors who treated her said this should be a good warning about being careful with wearing skinny jeans . . . or at least being careful about what you do when you’re wearing them.
