Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

The Best And Worst Cities For The 4th Of July ranked the 100 best and worst cities to celebrate the Fourth of July this weekend, based on factors like whether fireworks are legal . . . the number of July 4th festivals and parties . . . beer prices . . . the weather . . . and parks. Read More »


Men Think They’re Smarter Than They Really Are . . . Women Are More Realistic

Ever since people realized women actually had brains and might even be able to use them . . . you know, the 1960s . . . there’s been a great debate about which gender is smarter.

Well, according to a new study, men aren’t necessarily smarter than women . . . but they sure think they are.

Researchers at Washington State University had men and women take a math test, then asked them how they thought they did.

And men were far more likely to overestimate their grades . . . women were actually very realistic in their predictions.

The researchers say it could be one of the reasons why more men go into math and science . . . they have the confidence and ego that makes them think they can take it on.


Dailey Bailey: What State Is The Most Patriotic?

For the Fourth of July, analyzed all 50 states to find out which ones are the most pariotic.

They looked at eight different factors, including military enlistment rates . . . how many people voted in the last election . . . and how often people volunteer. And according to them, the most patriotic state is . . . Virginia.

Tennessee came in 29th by the way.

The rest of the top ten goes Washington, Colorado, Idaho, Alaska, Maine, North Carolina, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Georgia.

The least patriotic state is New York, which has the fewest veterans per capita. It also has the second-lowest number of volunteers, and it’s 46th in voter turnout.

The rest of the ten least patriotic states are New Jersey, Rhode Island, Utah, West Virginia, Arkansas, Connecticut, Illinois, Louisiana, and Pennsylvania.

Florida came in 14th . . . Texas came in 33rd . . . California is 35th . . . and Massachusetts came in 40th.

The study also found states that voted Republican in the 2012 election are slightly more patriotic than states that went Democrat. But it’s so close, it’s basically a tie.

Source: WalletHub

July 4th Weekend Traffic And Parking Downtown

traffic and Parking 200x200With Cookeville’s 4th of July Celebration set for this weekend, there will be some road closures to be aware of especially in the downtown area.

Please take note of these closings Friday and Saturday:

Broad Street, from the US Post Office to Washington Avenue

Fleming Avenue

Dixie Avenue, between Spring Street and Boyd Street

Madison Avenue, between Spring Street and Boyd Street

Jefferson Avenue, between Spring Street and Boyd Street

In addition, Broad Street will be closed Saturday morning between the Cookeville Depot and US Post Office for the 4th Of July Parade.

Finally, Veterans Drive will not be open to thru traffic Saturday night between Jefferson Avenue and Walnut Street due to fireworks.

Cookevilles 4th Road Closures




A Woman Survived Being Hit by a Car Thanks to Her 38JJ Breasts

Is there anything enormous breasts can’t do?

boob 228-year-old Sarah Foster of West Yorkshire, England was standing by the side of the road last year, when someone lost control of their Mini Cooper and slammed into her.

But she survived . . . all thanks to her gargantuan breast. Sarah is a 38-double J. So they took the brunt of the impact when they hit the windshield of the car, AND cushioned her fall when she rolled off the hood onto the road.

She says, quote, “My boobs hit the [windshield] so hard it smashed. The doctors told me if I wasn’t so big-chested I’d probably have died. The paramedic who treated me told me I should be grateful for my ‘airbags.'”

Sarah was actually considering having a breast reduction right before the accident because she was having back pain . . . but now it looks like she’ll be keeping them.

Her story just came out because she got a $7,800 insurance settlement.
