Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

You Should Get Married When You’re 31 If You Want It to Last

Most people would say there’s no “right” age to get married. You should do it when you find the person you love, and you’re both ready. Well . . . those people are well, wrong. There IS a right age to get married. And it’s 31.

A new study out of the University of Utah found that people who get married when they’re 31 have the lowest risk of divorce.

Basically, the odds of getting divorced are the highest if you get married in your early 20s. Then they go down about 11% every year after that, and bottom out at age 31.

But from age 32 on, your odds of getting divorced go UP about 5% every year. That’s pretty surprising, and the researchers say it’s a new trend that just started over the past two decades.

They’re also not exactly sure why it happens. Their best guess is that people who wait to get married might just not be marriage material, but they do it because they think they’re “supposed to” . . . and then it goes badly.


There Are Four Different Types of Drunk People . . . Which One Are You?

Psychologists at the University of Missouri have found there are four different types of drunk people.

Here are the four types of drunk personalities, and what percentage of people fall into each category.

1. 42% of us don’t really change much at all.

2. 20% get a lot of courage and become louder and more outgoing. And men are more likely to become that way than women.

3. 15% become much nicer and more compassionate. And just to keep the stereotypes going, women are more likely to fall into this category than men.

4. And 23% become argumentative and start fights. But believe it or not, women are twice as likely to have this drunk personality than men.


[Watch] A Groomsman Did a Backflip at a Wedding Reception, and Kicked a Bridesmaid in the Head

We don’t know where this happened, but a bridesmaid and groomsman at someone’s wedding tried to make a big entrance by dancing into the reception, and the guy did a couple back handsprings onto the dance floor.

But on the second one he kicked the bridesmaid in the head. Then while she was still woozy, he picked her up . . . and she fell again. It looks like her head might have hit the floor the second time. And he kept dancing the whole time. Read More »


You Can Now Buy a Jewel That Covers Your Cat’s Rectum…. No Kidding

It’s official:  There is nothing left to invent.  I mean . . . that’s the only explanation for how someone thought of this.

Someone just created a cat accessory called Twinkle Tush.  It’s a jewel that covers up your cat’s rectum.

It’s perfect for anyone who hates staring right into their cat’s nasty place when it walks around with its tail up.  Just buy the Twinkle Tush and you can see a little blue sparkle instead.

The jewel has a cord attached that you slip around your cat’s tail, so the jewel dangles down . . . and when the cat actually needs to poop, the jewel will naturally hang just out of the way.

It’s on sale right now for $6 at

Here is the TV commercial for it….


The Five Worst Things You Can Do at a Wedding

There’s a chance you’ve already made a horrible fool of yourself and ruined a few weddings this summer. But maybe this little bit of advice can stop you from doing it again.

A new survey found the five worst things you can do at someone’s wedding. Unfortunately they’re most of the fun things you can do at a wedding too. Check it out . . . Read More »


60% of Us Have a Secret We Don’t Want People to Know . . . Here are the Ten Most Common Secrets

Do you have a secret that’s so bad you plan on taking it to your grave? If you say, “No” . . . you’re lying. I’ve got like 15 horrible secrets and I’m an open book.

A new survey found 60% of people say they have at least one secret they really don’t want people to find out about. And most of them have been keeping it for at least 15 years. Here are the ten most common deep, dark secrets . . .

1. An affair.

2. An embarrassing incident.

3. Your web browsing history.

4. Debt.

5. Sexual fetishes.

6. Something in your family history.

7. A phobia.

8. Something you bought.

9. That you smoke, or used to.

10. Someone you’re in love with.

See the top 25 secrets here.


A Guy Rocks Out on His Recorder While He Sits in Traffic

Someone recorded a guy sitting in traffic in Pasadena, California, listening to “La Grange” by ZZ Top . . . and rocking  out to it on a recorder, like the ones they made you play in third grade.

Then he starts driving while he’s playing, even though a cop is right next to him.
