Sure, your unconditional love of bacon might give you heart disease . . . but it could also help you find actual love.
Oscar Mayer released a dating app yesterday. It’s called Sizzl, and it only matches you up with other people obsessed with bacon.
Obviously it’s a marketing ploy, but it IS an actual app. It matches you with people based on your bacon preferences, and a ton of people are already signed up.
When you build your profile, every question is about bacon. First it asks if you prefer pork or turkey bacon . . . which should actually be a question on EVERY dating site. Because if you say turkey, you’re un-datable.
It also asks if you like thick cut . . . smoked . . . maplewood . . . or low sodium bacon. Then you have to say whether you like it chewy, crispy, or burnt.
And the last question asks what you’d do if you were on a date, and there was one strip of bacon left . . . would you take it, let your date have it, or share it with them? Apparently they’re expecting people to go on a lot of breakfast dates.
You can download the app at So far it’s only available for iPhone users.
Here is the commercial for it… Pretty funny.