Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: Five Things You Can Do With Beer, Besides Drink It

The average adult in America drinks about 21 gallons of beer a year. Just to put that in perspective, we drink about 19 gallons of coffee a year.

But it’s only Tuesday, ya drunk. So we’ve got a list of five other things you can do with beer . . . not that you ever would.

#1.) Clean Jewelry. According to, you can soak gold jewelry in light beer before you polish it. Apparently the acid in beer helps get it clean.

#2.) Kill Slugs, Snails, Fruit Flies, and Cockroaches. Slugs, snails, and cockroaches are attracted to the smell. Fruit flies are attracted to the glycerol, which is created by yeast when the beer’s fermenting. (Of course, there’s also a chance you’ll just attract ants.)

#3.) Loosen Rusty Bolts and Screws. The carbonation in beer can supposedly help break down the rust. With that said . . . if you have WD-40 in the garage, don’t waste your beer.

#4.) Clean Wood Furniture. Not any kind of beer works though. It has to be a darkish ale, and you have to let it go flat first. You’re supposed to rub it on the wood with a cloth, then use another cloth to dry it. It should help restore the color, and give the wood more of a polished look.

#5.) Cleanse Your Skin. The yeast and other ingredients in beer can actually exfoliate your skin. The downside is . . . you smell like you’re hammered.


Dailey Bailey: Couples Where the Man Does Chores are More Likely To Get Divorced

Next time your wife wants you to do the dishes, tell her no . . . You know… To save your marriage.

According to a new study out of Norway, the divorce rate for couples who split housework and chores equally is almost 50% higher than the divorce rate for couples where the woman does most of the housework.

The researchers say they were surprised at the result. Quote, “One would think that break-ups would occur more often in families with less equality at home, but our statistics show the opposite.” They have two theories why this happens . . .

One is that relationships might work better when both people, quote, “have very clear roles with lots of clarity. There could be less arguments than if both have the same roles and one has the feeling the other isn’t pulling his or her weight.”

The other theory comes off sounding wwwwwaaaaaayyyyy more sexist. The researchers say couples that evenly divide the housework are usually more, quote, “modern” couples where the woman works and makes good money.

That means she’s less financially dependent on her husband like, ya know, women were 50 years ago . . . so she’s not afraid to get a divorce.


What’s the Worst Injury You’ve Suffered Because of Your Own Stupidity?

There’s nothing worse than hurting yourself doing something stupid. I cut four tendons by tapping the top of a beer bottle with another beer bottle to make it foam up. It left a pretty good scar.

Jasons Scar

Jasons Scar

These come from a discussion on about the horrible injuries people have suffered due to their own stupidity. Here are four of the best . . .

1. “Ran up a down escalator for fun. My shoes were untied and got caught up. I saw my shin bone that day.”

2. “I stuck a penny behind my night light when I was 10. The shock set the wall on fire, melted the carpet, and heavily damaged the nerves in my left hand. I was born left-handed, so to this day, I’m terrible with both hands.”

3. “I refused to go to a doctor over a urinary tract infection. It got so bad it looked like I was peeing strands of hair. My immune system mounted an all-out attack, wiped out the cells that produce insulin . . . and gave me type one diabetes.”

4. “I lost my right eye trying to pull a fork out of a sofa cushion.”


The Top Ten Things That Make You Seem Sophisticated

According to a new survey, 7 in 10 people think they’re “sophisticated”. And as for the top things that make someone sophisticated . . . somehow watching football and drinking Natty Light didn’t make the list. Here are the top ten . . .

1. Going to the theater.

2. Recognizing paintings, and knowing who the artist is.

3. Doing educational things when you go on vacation.

4. Listening to classical music.

5. Going to the ballet.

6. Knowing how to pair wine with food.

7. Watching the news.

8. Watching documentaries.

9. Knowing how to read music.

10. Being interested in politics.

The rest of the top 40 included reading the newspaper . . . doing crosswords . . . reading a book before the movie comes out . . . watching “Antiques Roadshow” . . . having a library card . . . knowing how to use chopsticks . . . and knowing how to pronounce “quinoa”. By the way It’s pronounced KEEN-wah


Teenagers Are the Best Liars, and Tell the Most Lies Per Day

According to a new study, your kids aren’t always being honest with you. Not a huge surprise. But they might be getting Away with it more than you think.

Researchers at Amsterdam University talked to 1,000 people of all ages while they were hooked up to a lie detector, and found that teenagers were the BEST liars.

Kids between 13 and 17 were more likely to lie and get away with it than any other age group. The researchers think it’s because the frontal lobe of their brain hasn’t started deteriorating yet, so they were quicker on their feet than adults were.

The study also found that teenagers tell the most lies. On average, people tell just over two lies a day, but 60% of teenagers tell around five.

Apparently you can trust your kids until they’re about ten years old though. Kids between six and nine told fewer lies than any other age group.

And most six-year-olds aren’t great liars, so it’s pretty easy to catch them.


Dailey Bailey: The Top 20 TV Shows of All Time, According to Hollywood Insiders

The “Hollywood Reporter” has put out a list of Hollywood’s 100 Favorite TV Shows. To do it, they surveyed more than 2,800 “insiders” . . . including hundreds of actors, producers, and directors.

In the end, “Friends” came out on top. So, surveying thousands of people was a TOTAL a waste of time, because all they needed to do was ask someone’s sister-in-law . . . ANYONE’S sister-in-law . . . what her favorite show of all-time is.

Before you get upset, remember: This is NOT a list of the ‘best’ shows, it’s their ‘favorite’ shows. In other words, Hollywood types don’t always like the best quality stuff. Shocking, I know. Here’s the Top 20:

1. “Friends”, NBC, 1994-2004

2. “Breaking Bad”, AMC, 2008-2013

3. “The X-Files”, Fox, 1993-2002

4. “Game of Thrones”, HBO, 2011-Present . . . Clearly, popularity contests like this favor more recent shows, even though it supposedly covers 70 years of history.

5. “Seinfeld”, NBC, 1989-1998

6. “The Sopranos”, HBO, 1999-2007

7. “Saturday Night Live”, NBC, 1975-Present

8. “I Love Lucy”, CBS, 1951-1957

9. “Mad Men”, AMC, 2007-2015

10. “The Simpsons”, Fox, 1989-Present

11. “The West Wing”, NBC, 1999-2006

12. “Sex and the City”, HBO, 1998-2004

13. “M*A*S*H”, CBS, 1972-1983

14. “Modern Family”, ABC, 2009-Present

15. “Lost”, ABC, 2004-2010

16. “Arrested Development”, Fox / Netflix, 2003-Present

17. “The Twilight Zone”, CBS, 1959-1964

18. “30 Rock”, NBC, 2006-2013

19. “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”, CBS, 1970-1977

20. “Twin Peaks”, ABC, 1990-1991

Hit up for the full Top 100.

And here are some surprising omissions that DIDN’T make the cut: “Fringe” (#101), “Dallas” (#120), “Miami Vice” (#126), “NYPD Blue” (#127), “Beverly Hills, 90210” (#136), “The Larry Sanders Show” (#143), “The Andy Griffith Show” (#145), “CSI” (#160), and “The Honeymooners” (#162).

“The Cosby Show” came in at #112. It’s kind of surprising people mentioned it at all, given, well . . . you know.


Dailey Bailey: Being Around Humans Is Making Dogs Stupid

Most people either think their dog is a genius or a slobbering moron. And it looks like the people in that second group might be right.

According to a new study, dogs might be getting dumber and dumber . . . all because they’ve been hanging out with people too much.

Researchers at Oregon State University set up an experiment where dogs had two minutes to solve a puzzle. They put a sausage in a clear box, and the dogs had to grab a piece of rope attached to the lid to open it.

They tried it with 20 dogs, and only ONE of them managed to do it. Most of them didn’t even try, and just sat there waiting for a human to help them. But when they tried it with ten wolves, eight of them were able to do it.

The researchers think it’s because dogs have had humans helping them for so long, they’ve lost a lot of their problem-solving skills. But wolves still have to be able to solve problems like that in order to survive.


Dailey Bailey: Five Times You Should Lie to Your Boss

In general, you shouldn’t lie to your boss. But according to the author of a book called “Business Without the [B.S.]”, here are five situations where lying to your boss is actually a good idea.

1. When you’re protecting a co-worker. For example, maybe someone calls in sick, and you know it’s because they drank too much at a party the night before. It’s not your job to offer up that information to the boss.

And even if they ask, you’re better off saying you don’t know anything, because it’s safer to not get involved.

2. When you’re looking for a different job. Obviously, there’s no need to tell anyone about it, just like your boss wouldn’t tell you if they were planning to lay people off.

3. When they ask how they look. Like before a big meeting or something. Unless there’s something glaring, like a stain on their shirt, just say they look great. Chances are all they want is an ego boost.

4. When they tell a lame joke. Even if it’s the tenth time you’ve heard it, you have force a laugh. Especially if it’s in front of a client.

5. When they ask about anything personal you don’t want to talk about. Chances are they’re just trying to be friendly. But if you don’t want to talk about it, it’s perfectly fair to lie all you want.


Dailey Bailey: The State With the Rudest Drivers Is Idaho . . . And the State Which Hates Your Driving the Most

Usually in surveys that rank the 50 states, Idaho finishes somewhere in the middle . . . because in general, people don’t have strong opinions on Idaho. not this time. Today, we all unite against Idaho.

A new nationwide survey asked people which state has the rudest drivers. And somehow, Idaho came in first. Why? The main reason is they drive too slowly.

Tennessee drivers came in at the 38th rudest drivers…. And Alabama hates Tennessee drivers the most.

The 10 states with the rudest drivers are: Idaho . . . New York . . . Wyoming . . . Massachusetts . . . Delaware . . . Vermont . . . New Jersey . . . Nevada . . . Utah . . . and Alaska.

The 10 states with the most polite drivers are: North Dakota . . . Maine . . . New Hampshire . . . Montana . . . Minnesota . . . Oregon . . . Wisconsin . . . Nebraska . . . Washington . . . and North Carolina.

The survey also did something we’ve never seen before: For every state, they figured out which other state gave their drivers the worst rankings. So we know which state hates every other state’s drivers the most.

In a lot of cases, it was a neighboring state . . . Georgia is most hated by Florida, New Jersey is most hated by New York, North Carolina and South Carolina hate each other.

But there are a few totally random ones. Vermont drivers are most hated by California . . . Alaska drivers are most hated by Arizona . . . and in the weirdest rivalry of all, Hawaii drivers are most hated by Kansas.
