Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: How to Deep-Fry a Pumpkin Spice Latte

We found something that combines two great American obsessions . . . adding pumpkin spice to everything, and deep frying everything. Someone online figured out how to deep fry a pumpkin spice latte.

You take a loaf of pound cake . . . cut it into one inch slices . . . cut the slices into one inch cubes . . . soak them using two grande pumpkin spice lattes . . . then deep fry the cubes for five minutes.

Then you sprinkle them with cinnamon sugar, put whipped cream on top, and sprinkle pumpkin pie spice on the whipped cream. Pretty simple, and probably not what you were thinking.

They say it tastes like warm, mini cinnamon doughnuts dunked in coffee.


Dailey Bailey: Six Signs You’re in the Wrong Relationship

Here are a few signs that your relationship is all wrong for you . . .

1. You’re settling for Mr. or Ms. ‘Good Enough’. If you’re settling for someone, you’re really just biding time with them because you’ve gotten comfortable, or are afraid of being alone.

2. They’re your harshest critic. If nitpicking and criticism are a regular thing in your relationship, that’s not good.

3. You don’t share a sense of humor. It might seem like a small thing, but if the person you spend most of your time with doesn’t regularly laugh with you, it’s a problem.

4. Your personal goals are at odds. The best relationships are built on a strong sense of partnership. And as a couple, you should support each other’s goals.

5. You’re more in love with the fantasy of who they could be than who they really are. When you’re in love, it’s easy to overlook incompatibilities and think about who they may become someday. But you’re wasting your time with that.

6. You need to change who you are to keep them satisfied. No couple in the world loves everything about each other. But if they look at you as someone they feel compelled to change, you’re in the wrong relationship.


Dailey Bailey: A Woman Glued Her Butt to a Storefront Window to Protest “Everything”

This is the least-focused protest we’ve ever seen. A 56-year-old woman named Kay Bishop went to a mall in London yesterday, wearing a bra, underwear, and a beauty queen sash that said, “World’s Grumpiest Old Woman”.

grumpy1Then she walked up to a plate-glass window in front of a store, and glued her butt to it. Then when people asked her why, she said she was protesting “EVERYTHING”.

Quote, “I’m doing it because I don’t like the way the world’s going. There are some real serious issues going on, and no one’s doing anything about it.” She also said she was sick of just yelling at the TV all day.

When police got there, she said she glued herself to the window so they couldn’t make her leave. But since she wasn’t naked, they said they wouldn’t have arrested her anyway.

It’s not clear if she had to use some kind of solvent to free herself, but she did an interview afterward and narrowed her interests down a little bit.

She said she’s mostly angry about how police are being treated these days, and that people don’t want refugees coming over from Syria.


Dailey Bailey: A Farmer Has Found a Way to Grow Pumpkins That Look Just Like Frankenstein’s Monster

frankenpumpkinInstead of carving a pumpkin like a sucker this year, just let creepy agricultural engineering take care of things for you.

Tony Dighera is a farmer in Fillmore, California, and he figured out a way to grow pumpkins in a mold that makes them look just like Frankenstein’s monster. They’re tall, narrow, and have the monster face molded right into them.

It took him four years and $500,000 to get these pumpkins right. They’re sold out on his website right now but grocery stores around the world are importing them . . . if your grocery store has them, expect to pay at least $100 each.

Tony is working on a new mold now for pumpkins that look like a Jolly Roger-type pirate . . . those will be on sale next Halloween.


Dailey Bailey: Three Ways Money Can Buy Happiness

There was a story about how donating to charity makes you feel good for a week, and donating time makes you feel good for 24 days. But if you’re lazy, cold hard cash still works.

And despite what you always hear about how “money can’t buy happiness”, here are three more ways it actually can, according to science.

1. Spending money to do things, like going on a vacation. Researchers at Cornell found that buying stuff only makes you happy in the short term. But paying for experiences can make you happier in the long term.

2. Spending money to give yourself more free time. For example, a study at Stanford found that paying for a housekeeper did make people happier. But only if they could afford it. If it would make you stress out about money, it won’t work.

3. Spending money to pick up a check. And it doesn’t even matter how much the check is. Researchers at the University of British Columbia found that even buying your friend a drink can put you in a better mood.

And in general, spending money on others makes you happier than spending money on yourself.


Dailey Bailey: The Five Best and Worst Pumpkin-Flavored Products This Fall

It’s officially fall, which means it’s only been a month since the world began “pumpkin spicing” everything . . . including your mom. Yes. Your mom is now pumpkin spice-flavored.

Anyway, a website jumped on it and created a list of the best and worst pumpkin-flavored products. There doesn’t seem to be any rationale for the rankings other than the author’s personal taste, but it still works.

Their favorite pumpkin product is pumpkin ice cream. That’s a classic and it’s been around for decades. The rest of the top five are pumpkin Cinnabons . . . pumpkin Mini-Wheats . . . pumpkin-flavored coffee . . . and pumpkin Jell-O.

Their pick for the worst pumpkin product was . . . Pumpkin Hershey’s Kisses. You don’t mess with a classic. Although they put it better. Quote, “Eating Kisses is like telling society, ‘I’ve given up on buying actual candy and I’m settling for these gnome turds of tastelessness.'”

The rest of the bottom five are pumpkin M&M’s . . . pumpkin spice Candy Corn . . . pumpkin Oreos . . . and pumpkin Marshmallow Peeps.


Dailey Bailey: Four Secrets to Never Getting Sick

We’re getting into cold and flu season, so here’s a list from of the four ‘secrets’ of people who never get sick. Although they’re not really ‘secrets’ just common sense. Check ’em out . . .

1. Get as Much Fresh Air as Possible. Stepping outside gives you a break from the germs circulating indoors. Plus when you’re outside, you’re normally more active. Just walking around leads to an increase in the white blood cells that kill off bacteria.

2. Find Time to Relax. Just being stressed out messes with your immune system. Stress hormones inhibit your body from producing a certain type of protein molecules called cytokines. (Sigh-toe-kines)

They trigger your immune system to fight off different microbes that enter your bloodstream. And without enough of them, white blood cells don’t know where to go.

3. Wash Your Hands More Often. According to the Centers for Disease Control, hot water and soap are still better than any kind of hand sanitizer. Ideally, you should soap up for about 20 seconds before you rinse.

And the kind of soap that comes in a pump is best. Germs can actually GROW on a bar of soap.

4. Get Enough Sleep. A 2009 study by Carnegie Mellon found that getting less than seven hours of sleep almost TRIPLES your odds of catching a cold. (


Dailey Bailey: Yes… There Is A Sexy Donald Trump Costume For Halloween

sexy donaldEveryone’s talking (well, reporters who can’t find a better story are talking) about the sexy Donald Trump Halloween costume.

Online costume and lingerie shop is selling a limited-edition outfit called the “Donna T. Rumpshaker,” for $69.95. That price includes a white sleeveless collared shirt, red tie, royal blue faux blazer and matching “booty shorts.” Just like Donald Trump wears, apparently.

For an additional $7.95, shoppers can also purchase the matching “Making America Great Hat,” and for $9.95, the “Comb Over Politician Wig.”



Dailey Bailey: It’s Official . . . Selfies Have Killed More People This Year Than Sharks

It’s official: Selfies have killed more people this year than sharks. So take that, shark-haters!

A couple Japanese tourists slipped while they were taking a selfie on some stairs at the Taj Mahal this week. One of them broke his leg, and the other guy hit his head . . . lost consciousness . . . and died. crunched the numbers, and that brings total selfie deaths this year to twelve. Four of them were people who fell, and the next highest cause of death involves trains.

That also includes a guy in August who got gored during the running of the bulls . . . the guy in July whose selfie stick was hit by lightning . . . the Russian woman who accidentally shot herself in May while posing with a gun . . .

And two Russian guys in January who posed with a live grenade. There have already been more selfie deaths this year than all of last year. And it’s only September.

As far as shark-related deaths, there have only been eight this year. It just seems like sharks are more dangerous, because of all the media coverage.

So this seems inappropriate . . . but apparently makeup companies are now tweaking their formulas to make you look better in selfies.


Dailey Bailey: Here Are the 10 Biggest #FirstWorldProblems

Sure, war and famine are terrible . . . especially if you live in a Third World country where they’re a reality. What about the irritating things we deal with in the so-called ‘First World’?

According to a survey by UNICEF in New Zealand, here are the 10 biggest “first-world problems”.

#1.) Slow internet access: 80% of people complained about it.

#2.) Not being able to find something at the supermarket: 65%.

#3.) Bad-tasting fruit, like mushy apples: 55%.

#4.) Getting a bad haircut: 42%.

#5.) When the TV remote stops working: 36%.

#6.) Having to move around to get a wireless signal: 34%.

#7.) The barista screwing up your coffee order: 31%.

#8.) Not having access to e-mail or the Internet: 31%.

#9.) Uncomfortable couches: 21%.

#10.) Not being able to win a game on your phone: 21%.
