Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: The Term For Looking at Your Phone is “Phubbing” . . . and It’s Ruining Relationships

There’s a term for looking at your phone in social situations instead of talking to people. It’s called “phubbing.” It’s a combination of the words “phone” and “snubbing.”

As far as we can tell, the word “phubbing” has only been in the pop culture lexicon for like two days . . . and it’s ALREADY trying to steal yo girl.

According to a brand new study from Baylor University in Texas, it’s killing relationships.

The researchers say, quote, “We discovered that when someone perceived that their partner phubbed them, this created conflict and led to lower levels of reported relationship satisfaction . . . and higher levels of depression.”

And a LOT of people are phubbing victims. 46% of people say they’re in a relationship with someone who regularly phubs them. And 22% say it’s caused fights in their relationship.



Dailey Bailey: Ten Things Men Over 30 Should Never Wear

There are some things men over 30 should just never wear. Dressing like a nitwit is for your 20s. Once you hit 30, you’ve got to start making more mature choices. Check out the ten things men over 30 should never wear:

1. Fedoras.

2. Choker necklaces.

3. Dangly earrings.

4. Skull jewelry.

5. Fake tanner.

6. A wrist full of bracelets.

7. Crocs.

8. Sports jerseys customized with their name on the back.

9. Backwards hats.

10. Mohawks.


Dailey Bailey: Toy Hall Of Fame Finalist

The 12 finalists for this year’s National Toy Hall of Fame have been announced. Nominated are the

Spinning top

Coloring book

Wiffle Ball

The puppet

The American Girl doll




The scooter

Super Soaker

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Two winners will be inducted into hall on Nov. 5. Anyone can nominate a toy, but to earn a place in the hall of fame, they must have survived multiple generations, be widely recognized and foster learning, creativity or discovery through play.

The finalists are chosen by historians and curators at The Strong. From there, a national panel of judges made up of inventors, educators, psychologists and others choose the winners. Last year, little green Army men, the Rubik’s Cube and bubbles took their place in the hall.


Dailey Bailey: [Watch] A Toilet Paper Dispenser That Sorta Sounds Like Chewbacca

Someone posted a video of a toilet paper dispenser at either their office or a public bathroom, that makes a squeaking sound when you pull the paper out . . . and sounds exactly like Chewbacca from “Star Wars”.

They also printed out a photo of him, and taped it to the outside of it, just in case there was any confusion about what the joke was.


Dailey Bailey: Want to Get Away With a Crime? Gain Some Weight

I’d never encourage you to commit a crime . . . but I would encourage you to get as chubby as possible, because chubbiness is next to godliness. And if a side effect of that chubbiness is becoming a master criminal, so be it.

A new study found people are the least likely to suspect that a chubby person committed a crime . . . so I guess if you want to get away with stuff, gain some weight.

For the study, researchers showed people videos of robberies with the robber’s face and body blurred out. Then they showed the people some potential suspects and asked them who they thought committed the crimes.

51% believed a muscular suspect did it . . . 37% believed it was one of the suspects who were average weight . . . and only 10% thought that an overweight person committed the crimes.

The researchers say, quote, “Stereotypes about body type may be getting in the way of justice. Our findings suggest that if you are an innocent suspect of a crime but happen to be muscular, you may be at a significant disadvantage.”


Dailey Bailey: Eight Weird Things Women Do Without Realizing It

There’s plenty of stuff about women that’s a complete mystery to men. Right?

There’s a discussion going on right now on where guys are sharing the weird things women do without realizing just how weird they are. Here are eight of my favorites . . .

1. If you have straight hair, wanting to curl it . . . if you have curly hair, wanting to straighten it.

2. Wiggling into your jeans while you pull them up by the belt loops.

3. Saying you don’t want fries, then eating half of someone else’s fries.

4. Always being cold in every situation.

5. Putting decorative soaps right by the sink, then getting mad when someone uses them.

6. Borrowing a sweatshirt . . . then keeping it.

7. Not realizing that just responding to a text with “yes” or “k” makes a guy think you’re furious at him.

8. Saying you don’t have an opinion on where to go eat . . . but hating all of the options someone else suggests.

You can check out the 8 weird things men do here.


Dailey Bailey: Sagging Pants Were Voted the Worst Fashion Trend of This Century . . . Jeggings and Fake Designer Purses Also Made the List

This century is just 15 years old, and we’ve already managed to create so much horrible fashion. A new poll asked people to rank the worst fashion trends of the 21st century. Here are the results, in order . . .

–Sagging pants and exposed underwear on men.

–Jeggings . . . meaning tight leggings that look like jeans.

–Cheap jewelry or too much jewelry.

–Women’s hot pants.

–Wearing a denim shirt or jacket with jeans.

–Fake designer purses.

–Wearing athletic gear at all times.

–Socks with sandals.


Dailey Bailey: A Guy at a Gas Station Tried to Kill a Spider With His Lighter . . . and Set the Place on Fire

Technically you’re not supposed to use your cell phone while you’re pumping gas, because it could spark and start a fire. Gas stations are THAT flammable. So . . . um . . . definitely don’t try this!

spider gasA guy was filling up his car at a gas station in Center Line, Michigan last week, when he saw a spider. And he decided to try to kill it by . . . using his lighter.

He tried to set the spider on fire, but he accidentally set the pump on fire instead, and it went up in flames.

He grabbed a fire extinguisher, and managed to put the fire out before it spread. But the pump was totally destroyed. Other than that, there wasn’t any real damage and there were no injuries.

The guy was embarrassed and apologized, and the station isn’t pressing charges. They say their insurance is going to cover the damage.

It’s not clear if the spider survived.
