Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Jason And Tony: The 5 Most Romantic Places To Stay In The Upper Cumberland

armoursArmour’s Hotel in Red Boiling Springs:
The Hotel is furnished with antiques, each with private baths. Porches with rockers on 2 levels overlooking Salt Lick Creek.Mineral and Steam baths available anytime and massages by appointment. Armour’s has the only genuine mineral baths in Tennessee. Home cooked Country Breakfasts and Dinners available. Covered bridges & beautiful scenic drives nearby. Comfortable,relaxing, and romantic ambiance.

blackberry brambleBlackberry Bramble Cottage in Cookeville:
The Blackberry Bramble Cottage was built around 1920 and was once owned by the Whitson family. It was part of a 600 acre working farm. When it was put up for sale in 2007, Cindy Bellis and her husband Fred fell in love with the home and saw its potential.

It has now been completely restored with fireplaces in each bedroom, beautiful new kitchen and baths. The beds have pillow top mattresses and plush Cashmina sheets. Every room is filled with vintage furniture, antiques and shabby chic decor.

The cottage sits on five manicured acres that have been beautifully landscaped complete with a white picket fence. Mature trees tower over the home. The border on all the gardens came from a 100 year old building that was torn down in Cookeville.

blue herrenBlue Heron Lodging & Art Retreat Gainsboro:
When you are ready for an ideal experience at a slower pace, visit the Blue Heron Studio and Retreat. This beautiful property boasts a mile of shoreline on the Cumberland River and the Cordell Hull Lake. Woodland walks will easily put you in touch with nature as you see bald eagles soaring over your head and lake. You will find yourself caught into the magical “pixie dust” of nature. The rooms have everything you need, including plasma T.V. and hot tub.


grandviewGrandview Mountain Cottages :
Vacation cottages on 145 acres on the Cumberland Plateau. Romance, mountain views, hot tubs, gas grills, fully equipped kitchens, spa bathrooms, fireplaces, outdoor cowboy fire-pits and many luxury B & B style amenities. Cottages sleep 2-5 in beds. Organic catering services with delivery available. Onsite hiking, spring fed fish pond.


garden innGarden Inn Bed and Breakfast at Bee Rock:
Enjoy a romantic weekend  with fifteen acres of mountain scenery, hiking trails, fall foliage, gardens, and landscaped beauty. You will enjoy an atmosphere of peaceful elegance in the backyard of Mother Nature’s mountain splendor.


Jason And Tony: Six Things Us Guys Think Are Romantic . . . But Aren’t

“Cosmo” has a list of things that guys think are romantic . . . but really aren’t. Here are six of ’em . . .

1. Cheesy gifts. Like heart-shaped jewelry and stuffed teddy bears.

2. Fighting over you. For whatever reason, men think it’s romantic to get in a fight with another guy over you, even if it means getting arrested. When really, there’s nothing romantic or sexy about jail time.

3. Public proposals. These can be romantic, but it has a better chance of going wrong than if you just made it a private thing between the two of you.

4. Buying anything that requires a commitment. You’d better think long and hard before you buy her a puppy, a car, or anything that requires ongoing care, maintenance or payments.

5. Scaring you. There’s nothing sexy about sneaking up behind someone and scaring them while they’re making dinner. That’s how people get stabbed.

6. Tickle fights. It’s all fun and games until someone pees their pants.


Dailey Bailey: The Five Most Ridiculous Things Brides Worry About at Their Wedding

There’s plenty of REAL stuff to worry about when you’re planning a wedding. Well, “real” in the context of a wedding, not “real” in the context of things in the world that actually matter.

But either way, none of THIS stuff qualifies. A new survey found the five most ridiculous things brides worry about at their weddings. Check ’em out . . .

1. 36% worry that people will realize they stole ideas off social media.

2. 33% worry the wedding won’t look great in Facebook photos.

3. 20% worry that the professional photos of them won’t look as good as their selfies.

4. 16% worry the best man will do something crazy at the reception.

5. And 10% worry their bridesmaids won’t fit into their dresses.

The survey also found 41% of women would be upset if everything at their wedding didn’t go PERFECT.


Dailey Bailey: Four Ways Mindfulness Can Improve Your Life

The “mindful meditation” trend has taken off recently, but most people still don’t really understand what mindfulness means. Basically, it’s about being more aware of how you feel and act in the moment, so you don’t just react without thinking.

And you don’t have to sit on the floor with your legs crossed to do it. Just focusing on your breathing for a few seconds can help you relax. Or there are apps like one called Headspace to get you started. Here are four benefits of mindfulness that are all backed by science . . .

1. It helps you focus and think differently. Studies have found it lengthens your attention span and improves cognitive flexibility. Meaning it’s easier for you to think outside the box.

2. It can help your relationship. Couples who practice mindfulness tend to communicate better, get in fewer fights, and have a healthier relationship in general.

3. It can affect your health. It’s been shown to lower blood pressure, help with chronic pain, and even boost your immune system. And it can also improve mental health.

4. It makes stressful things less stressful. That’s because it helps you focus on the present instead of stressing out about stuff that happened in the past, or MIGHT happen in the future. And it’s also been shown to make you less critical of yourself when you mess something up.


Dailey Bailey: Dog People Have More Friends Than Cat People, But Watch Less Hip TV Shows

A new study looked at dog people and cat people on Facebook to find the biggest differences between them. And . . . they mainly just confirmed some stereotypes. Here are the four big things they found . . .

1. Dog people seem more excitable and emotional . . . and cat people seem moodier and a little smug.

The words that dog people are much more likely to use include “excited,” “proud,” “blessed,” and “fabulous.” Cat people’s top words are “tired,” “amused,” “annoyed,” “happy,” and “sad.”

2. Cat people watch hipper TV shows. They’re more likely to watch anime, “Doctor Who”, and shows on Cartoon Network. Dog people are more likely to watch “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Duck Dynasty”.

3. Dog people have an average of 26 more Facebook friends, but cat people get invited to more events.

4. And finally, cat people are more likely to be single than dog people, 30% to 24%.


Dailey Bailey: Science Proves Women Hold Grudges and Stay Angry Longer Than Men

Next time you’re in an argument with your wife, make sure to bring this up. I’m sure she’ll love it.

A new study just proved women hold grudges and stay angry longer than men.

Researchers at Harvard studied videos of sports like tennis and boxing from 44 different countries to see how men and women interacted with their opponents after a match.

And they found the men were MUCH friendlier with each other afterwards. And they were much more likely to have, quote, “peaceful” contact like a handshake or a hug.

The researchers say there’s an evolutionary reason why men are quicker at forgiving than women. Men originally had to work together to hunt or defend their tribe . . . while the women just took care of and defended their own family.

So men had to get over fights quicker to survive . . . and women had to hold grudges longer and be less trusting, also to survive.


Dailey Bailey: A Man Is in Court For Slipping His Boss Viagra as an April Fools’ Prank

You know you pulled off an epic April Fools’ prank when you could go to jail for it. Um . . . actually, maybe you shouldn’t pull April Fools’ pranks quite that epic.

Somehow this didn’t make the news at the time, but back on April 1st, a 24-year-old guy named Benjamin Chope in Newton Abbot, England pranked his boss by slipping him some viagra.

Unfortunately some people just don’t have a sense of humor. His boss called the cops!

So Benjamin was accused of maliciously administering a poison with intent to injure. He was in court last week for a hearing, and his trial is going to start in a few weeks.


Dailey Bailey: The Pumpkin Spice Wave Has Already Started . . . With Cheerios

It’s August 8th, which means there are almost three full months until Halloween. But this year’s wave of pumpkin spice products has already started.

General Mills just announced that their brand new Pumpkin Spice Cheerios are coming soon . . . like, prematurely soon.

They should be on sale everywhere before the end of the month.

pumpkin cherios


Dailey Bailey: A Man’s Wife and Girlfriend Both Place Obituaries For Him in the Same Paper

I’m sure this was an incredibly awkward funeral for everyone involved . . . but it’s like winning a lottery ticket for me. Because this is gold right here.

A 55-year-old man named Leroy Black from Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey died last Tuesday. And apparently Leroy left behind a wife . . . and a girlfriend.

We know that because both of them placed obituaries for him in the “Press of Atlantic City” newspaper. And both of those obituaries ran on Friday, one right after the other one. And they used an identical picture of Leroy.

The first one was his wife’s, and it says, quote, “He is survived by his loving wife, Bearetta Harrison Black.” The second one was his girlfriend’s, and it doesn’t mention a wife. But it does say he’s, quote, “survived by his longtime girlfriend, Princess Hall.”

According to the funeral director, Bearetta and Princess did know about each other, and they’ve even been coordinating on the funeral . . . they clearly just disagreed about who should get mentioned in the obituary, so they both ran their own.

The funeral was yesterday in Atlantic City. As far as we know, there weren’t any fights.
