Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Jason And Tony: What Emojis Are the Biggest Turn-Ons . . . and the Biggest Turn-Offs?

At this point, it’s weirder if you don’t use emojis than if you do. So it’s time to really use them to your advantage.

A dating app called Clover just analyzed which emojis are the biggest turn-ons and turn-offs. Here’s what they found . . .

The emojis that women are most likely to reply to are the faces with the tongue sticking out or smiling . . . that one of the woman holding her hand up . . . the monkeys covering their eyes or mouth . . . and the smiling devil.

Women are most turned off by the eggplant . . . the hands clapping . . . the flexed bicep . . . and the fist bump.

The emojis that men are most likely to respond to are basically all the faces that are smiling or laughing . . . and also the “okay” hand symbol . . . and the kissing lips.

And men are turned off by the crying face . . . the pile of poop . . . and the diamond engagement ring.


Jason And Tony: Mugshot of the Year? A Criminal Shows Off His Smushed Face and Gorgeous Blond Mullet

Sometimes a mugshot is so good, pretty much no back story is required. Like, I tried to read the article about what this guy did, but we couldn’t get through it, because our eyes were locked on his photo. But we’re going to try. Here goes . . .

mug shot of the year63-year-old Noel Dawson Jr. from North Toledo, Ohio was arrested last week for chasing around a family member with a hatchet, then smashing it into that person’s truck. He’s facing a bunch of charges. But that’s all negligible. Let’s talk mugshot.

First of all, he’s smushing up his face, like those old “bitter beer face” ads. He’s got these giant bags under his eyes that almost look like implants. And he’s got a long, flowing, blond mullet. He’s a god.


Jason And Tony: Which of These Messed-Up Things Would You Do For $5 Million?

A new survey by Buzzfeed asked people if they’d do a bunch of messed up things for five million dollars. And I’m a little afraid of how many of them Tony would do for five hundred dollars.

Let’s see if you’re a better person than Tony is. Check ’em out . . .

1. Would you only listen to country music for the rest of your life for $5 million? 54% would, 46% wouldn’t.

2. Knowing that somewhere in the world, one random person would die in exchange for you getting the money . . . with you never knowing who it is? 50% would, 50% wouldn’t.

3. Quit the Internet for the next 15 years? 45% would, 55% wouldn’t.

4. Have all your teeth removed? 42% would, 58% wouldn’t.

5. Do five years in a maximum security prison? 30% would, 70% wouldn’t.

6. Eat a live cockroach every day for the rest of your life? 25% would, 75% wouldn’t.

7. Live in solitude for the next 20 years? 24% would, 76% wouldn’t.

8. Only eat plain oatmeal for every meal for the rest of your life? 22% would, 78% wouldn’t.

9. Eat a large poop log with a knife and fork? 14% would, 86% wouldn’t.

10. Cut off the thumb on your dominant hand? 14% would, 86% wouldn’t.

11. Eat your pet? 8% would, 92% wouldn’t.

12. French kiss one of your parents for two hours straight? 7% would, 93% wouldn’t.

13. Never bathe again or use deodorant? 7% would, 93% wouldn’t.

14. Never use a bathroom again and only go in your pants? 5% would, 95% wouldn’t.


Jason And Tony: Wrestlemania Highlights… John Cena Proposed, and the Undertaker Retired?

THE UNDERTAKER hung up his tights last night at “Wrestlemania 33”.  Unfortunately, it was after losing to ROMAN REIGNS in the main event.

But that’s the way wrestling works.  Pretty much nobody gets to go out with a win.  When you leave, you lose, so that somebody else gets the career bump from beating you.  And beating the Undertaker at Mania IS a big deal.

Only one other person has done it:  BROCK LESNAR.  And Lesnar just happened to have beaten BILL GOLDBERG last night to capture the Universal Title.  This looks like a setup to have Reigns and Brock square off for that belt, as the only two men to EVER beat Taker at “Wrestlemania”.

Undertaker notched 21 straight victories at Mania before losing to Brock a few years back.  Then he won his next two, to bring his record to 23 and 1 before last night.  If he stays retired, that record stands at 23 and 2.

The retirement wasn’t announced.  After the match, Taker just laid his gloves, coat, and hat in the middle of the ring, then walked off as the fans chanted “Thank You”.




Undertaker is 52, and he’s been wrestling for more than 30 years.  He started with the WWE in 1990.  His real name is Mark Calaway.

In other results, JOHN CENA and his real-life girlfriend NIKKI BELLA defeated THE MIZ and his real-life wife MARYSE.  After the match, Cena got down on one knee and PROPOSED . . . but it looked totally scripted.

And it probably was, since their relationship is one of the big storylines on the “reality” shows “Total Divas” and “Total Bellas”.



One of the greatest tag teams of all time, the Hardy Boys, made their return after several years away, and won a ladder match for the Raw Tag Team Titles . . . Randy Orton won the WWE Championship from Bray Wyatt . . .

Kevin Owens beat Chris Jericho for the U.S. Title . . . Dean Ambrose retained the Intercontinental belt against Baron Corbin . . . A.J. Styles beat Shane McMahon . . . Seth Rollins beat Triple H . . .

Bayley retained her Raw Women’s Championship . . . and Naomi regained the Smackdown Women’s belt.

And during the “Wrestlemania” pre-show on the USA Network, New England Patriots tight end ROB GRONKWOSKI jumped into the ring and delivered a shoulder block to JINDER MAHAL . . . Which helped his buddy MOJO RAWLEY win the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.  Yes, they’re friends in real life.  Mojo used to play pro ball.


Jason And Tony: Crayola Is Retiring One of Its 24 Core Colors For the First Time Ever

So yeah, nothing from your childhood is sacred anymore. Eventually it’s going to get sold out as part of a marketing stunt.

First Monopoly started slashing its classic game tokens like the thimble and the wheelbarrow. And now Crayola is all like, “Hey, we can ruin your nostalgia too.”

crayonsCrayola just announced that they’re going to get rid of one of the colors from their box of 24 crayons. They’ve never eliminated one of those 24 core colors before. And because it’s 2017, they’ll be live streaming their decision on Friday morning.

So what are the 24 colors that are currently involved in this Russian roulette scenario?

They are: Red, yellow, blue, brown, orange, green, violet, black, carnation pink, yellow orange, blue green, red violet, red orange, yellow green, blue violet, white, violet red, dandelion, cerulean, apricot, scarlet, green yellow, indigo, and gray.

It’s hard to speculate which one will go, but it probably won’t be a super basic color like blue or yellow. It will probably be one that’s fairly redundant. like, do we need “yellow green” and “green yellow” or “red violet” and “violet red”?


Real Good: A Marine Who Lost Both Legs in Afghanistan Is the First Double Amputee to Become a Cop

There’s a 28-year-old Marine veteran in New York named Matias Ferreira, who lost both legs from the knee down in Afghanistan in 2011.

But he’s still a total bada$$ . . . uses two titanium prosthetics to get around . . . and recently started looking into being a cop.

vet-fNiHe didn’t know if it was even possible, but a police academy in Long Island accepted him last year. His only request was he didn’t want any special treatment. So he had to go through the exact same training as everyone else.

He says it wouldn’t have been fair to the other trainees if he didn’t have to do everything they did. And he wouldn’t have felt like he really earned it.

He spent around seven months in the program, and made history last Friday when he graduated as the president of his class.

He’ll be out on patrol starting this week. We haven’t seen this confirmed yet, but it looks like he’s the first double amputee to ever be a full-time, active-duty cop.


Jason And Tony: A Guy With the Last Name “Grabher” Is Banned From Putting It on a License Plate

The concept of “grabbing” women was in the news quite a bit during the election, and not in a good way.

And that awful connotation of grabbing is bad news in a different way for a guy named Lorne Grabher in Nova Scotia, Canada.

GRABHERHis last name is spelled G-R-A-B-H-E-R and he’s had a personalized license plate with his last name on it since 1991.

But in December, he got a letter from the Registry of Motor Vehicles telling him it was being canceled. Their reason was, quote, “People could misinterpret it as a socially unacceptable slogan.”

He’s fighting to try to keep the license plate.


Jason And Tony: How Many of These Weird Habits Do You Have?

Do you ever wonder if other people share the same weird habits as you? Well we found an online survey about it. Here are eight questions we liked . . .

1. When you leave a store without buying anything, do you get worried they’ll think you’re shoplifting? 75% of people said yes.

2. When you write the word “Wednesday,” do you sound it out in your head as “Wed-ness-day”? 85% of us do it.

3. Do you pace around and fidget with stuff while you’re on the phone? 78% said yes.

4. Do you cringe when you hear a recording of your own voice? 82% said yes.

5. Do you ever worry other people are judging you for how fast your windshield wipers are going in light rain? 52% say yes.

6. When you’re reading a book, do you ever space out . . . read a whole page . . . and then not remember any of it? 97% say yes.

7. Do you ever close Facebook or Twitter because you’re bored with it . . . then open it back up one second later without thinking? 93% say yes.

8. Do you ever respond to your pet by saying, “I know” after they bark or meow? 83% of us do it.


Jason And Tony: An X-Ray of a Dog Who Swallowed the Monopoly Dog Token

Apparently this dog heard that Monopoly is getting rid of some of its classic tokens and he was DETERMINED to protect the Scottie dog piece.

Someone on Reddit just posted an X-ray of their dog’s stomach that shows he swallowed the Monopoly dog token. Or, as one person joked, maybe it just shows the dog is pregnant?

Anyway, as far as we know, the dog is fine.

dog xray
