Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: The #1 Reality Show in Every Single State used Google Trends to come up with a list of the three most popular reality shows in every state.

The top three in Tennessee were Duck Dynasty,Naked & Afraid, and American Idol

Here are a few highlights from the other states:

1. “Sister Wives” was #1 in Utah, which is appropriate. Both the show and its stars were originally based in the state . . . and aside from the fact that polygamy is a thing in Utah, regional stuff is big in general.

“Keeping Up with the Kardashians” is an obvious #1 for California . . . “Pawn Stars” is #1 in Nevada . . . “Love and Hip-Hop” is #1 in Georgia . . . and “Duck Dynasty” is #1 in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi.

2. “The Apprentice” is #1 in Donald Trump’s future home of Washington D.C.

3. “The Apprentice” was #1 in the most places with SIX. The others are Idaho, Virginia, Maryland, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. “Hoarders” was next with five . . . Michigan, Indiana, Kansas, Montana, and New Mexico.

4. By the way, the folks in South Dakota really need to let go of “Jon and Kate Plus Eight” . . . and leave it to those wild and crazy liberals in New York to make their #1 show “RuPaul’s Drag Race”.

Review the whole report, here.  Scroll down to see every state’s Top Three


Dailey Bailey: Two Guys Robbed a McDonald’s While a Special Forces Team Was Inside… OOOPs

It’s not like we feel bad for these idiots, but there’s no way they could have seen this coming . . .

Two guys tried to rob a McDonald’s in eastern France on Sunday. One of them fired a warning shot while the other guy grabbed money from the registers, and ended up with about $2,200.

But there were about 40 people inside eating when it happened . . . and 11 of them happened to be members of an elite special forces team.

They were all off-duty, but armed, and they actually specialize in hostage situations. So they waited for the two guys to leave, because they didn’t want to put anyone else in danger.

Then they chased them through the parking lot, and arrested one of them when he tripped on some stairs. Then the other guy raised his gun like he was going to shoot, so one of the special forces guys shot him in the stomach.

But they got him to a hospital in time, and he survived. And now both guys are facing charges for armed robbery.


Dailey Bailey: Deep Fried Twinkies Are Now on Sale at Walmart

This is not a test!!!

You don’t have to go to a county fair to experience deep fried Twinkies anymore. Something that unhealthy needed to roam free.

Hostess just introduced a prepackaged version of Deep Fried Twinkies, and they’re on sale right now at Walmart. And Walmart has a one-year exclusive deal to sell them, because they know their customers.

They’re pre-fried, and they’re in the frozen food section. So you need to heat them up in the oven or the microwave before you eat them.


Dailey Bailey: Dads Reveal the Three Worst Father’s Day Gifts

Father’s Day is next Sunday, so you still have time to buy a new present if you botched it. You might actually have to walk into a store and buy it like it’s 1994 or something, but at least there’s time.

In a new survey, dads ranked the three worst Father’s Day gifts. They are . . .

3. Socks and underwear.

2. A tie.

1. Foregetting . . . or not giving him anything at all.

The best gifts include: Photos of the kids, handmade gifts and cards, and just spending time with the family.

But when dads had to list gifts that actually cost money . . . in other words, the real gifts they want . . . they mentioned electronics, power tools, and sports gear and equipment.

If you want to go power tools, a separate survey found for the first time ever, more dads want power washers than drills.


Dailey Bailey: A Kid Sold Newspapers for Five Years, and Made Enough to Pay for College

There’s a 17-year-old kid in Memphis named Kevuntez King, who’s been getting up at 3:45 every Sunday for four and a half years to sell newspapers.

Exactly . . . he’s a teenager, and he not only knows what newspapers are, he sells them. Outside . . . at the corner . . . every Sunday morning . . . no matter the weather . . . for 12 hours . . . for almost five years!!

He grew up with a single mom, so back when he was 12 he figured out he could make $150 a week doing it. And he eventually saved up enough money to pay for college.

He just graduated from high school with straight A’s . . . played three sports . . . and got voted Prom King. He’s headed to Tennessee State this fall, and is planning to study physical therapy.

He told the local news his mom is the one who taught him to work hard and never give up. And people in his apartment building have also offered support over the years.

His message for other kids is to stay positive, believe in yourself, and, quote, “make sure you surround yourself with people [who are] trying to go UP in life, and not trying to bring you down.”

| WBTV Charlotte


Dailey Bailey: People Stop Celebrating Their Birthdays at 31

When you’re a kid, your birthday is a huge deal. Then you grow up, and your birthdays stop being exciting . . . they just remind you that you’re getting old. I had to ask my wife the other day how old I was going to be on my birthday!! So this makes sense.

According to a new survey, the average person stops celebrating their birthday when they hit 31. Yeah, maybe you’ll let someone throw you a party for a big milestone like 40, 50, or 60 . . . but not anything in between.

Here are a few more results from the survey . . .

1. People who were born in June, September, or October are the least likely to celebrate their birthdays. People who were born in March or August are the most likely.

2. The average adult gets eight cards and five presents for their birthday . . . and two out of three get a cake.

3. The main reason people don’t do anything to celebrate their birthday is . . . they don’t want to spend the time organizing a party.

4. And if you HAVE to do something for your birthday, the top things people want are a weekend trip, or a dinner out with their family.


Dailey Bailey: Tennessee Is One Of The Most Dangerous States

A new study ranked all 50 states from safest to most dangerous, and we like their results . . . because they didn’t just base it on crime rates. This is some thorough stuff right here.

They also used criteria like car accidents, work injuries, disease rates, the number of major natural disasters in the past decade, the number of cops and firefighters, and suicide rates.

And based on all of that, the safest state in the country is . . . Vermont.

The 10 safest states are Vermont . . . Massachusetts . . . New Hampshire . . . Rhode Island . . . Maine . . . Connecticut . . . Minnesota . . . Virginia . . . Utah . . . and Iowa.

And the most dangerous state in the country is . . . Mississippi.

The 10 most dangerous states are Mississippi . . . Oklahoma . . . Alaska . . . New Mexico . . . Tennessee . . . South Carolina . . . Louisiana . . . Arkansas . . . Nevada . . . and Missouri.

Source: WalletHub

Dailey Bailey: A Dog Spots an Abandoned Newborn Baby in a Garbage Dump . . . and Rescues Her

This is some straight-up Lassie action right here.

Last week, in Tha Rua, Thailand, a dog named Pui was wandering around in a garbage dump. He spotted a plastic bag . . . with a newborn baby girl inside. Apparently, someone had just abandoned their newborn at the dump.

Pui picked up the bag with his mouth, brought it back to his owner’s house, and started barking.

His owner came out, found the baby, and rushed it to the hospital. The baby was clearly premature and only weighed four pounds . . . but doctors were able to save her life.

She’s been transferred to a bigger hospital. The cops are trying to track down her mother.

The local Red Cross gave Pui a new leather collar as a reward.


Dailey Bailey: 4% of Men Suffer Temporary Insanity When They Go Bald . . . and 10% Would Give Up a Year of Their Life to Get Their Hair Back

If you’re a guy and you’ve still got your hair . . . or a woman who doesn’t understand why going bald is such a big deal to men . . . maybe these statistics will give you a clue. Check out these numbers from a new survey on baldness . . .

13% of bald men say when they first started feeling truly bald it affected their relationship.

4% take it even further . . . and say they went temporarily insane when they lost their hair.

25% of bald men would give up a pay raise this year to get their hair back . . . 17% would give up sex for a year . . . 36% would give up their favorite football team . . . and 38% would give up alcohol for a year.

23% would, quote, “give up their mother-in-law” to get their hair back. We’re not entirely sure what that means . . . are these guys saying they’d murder their wife’s mom to get their hair back?

And finally, 10% of bald men would give up a year of their life to get their hair back.


Dailey Bailey: A Man Sues His Ex For the Cost of Two Years of Dates and Gifts

This happened on the other side of the world, so it’s probably not going to set a legal precedent over here . . . and that’s very good news.

A woman named Nina Zgurskaya in Siberia, Russia recently broke up with her boyfriend after two years because he didn’t propose to her.

(The guy’s name wasn’t released. We don’t know how old he is, but we do know Nina is in her 20s.)

Well, a few weeks later, she got court papers from him . . . because he was suing her for the cost of all of their dates and gifts!! Apparently he kept super detailed records of everything he spent on her.

And the whopping total was . . . $672, including legal fees.

He says he never even considered Nina his girlfriend so, quote, “I never said that I was giving her a present or a free ride . . . am I expected to give money to every woman on the street?”

Here is the whole story.
