Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: All 50 States Ranked From Best to Worst Using Things Like Arby’s, Nickelback Concerts, and Magicians

I’m not sure this is a scientific way to figure out the best and worst states in the country, but we still like it.

A real estate website called Estately just ranked all 50 states from best to worst using these eight . . . um . . . “non-traditional” criteria:

We’re talking Arby’s locations, vape shops, magicians, and Nickelback concerts per capita . . . Facebook fans of Chris Brown and Gwyneth Paltrow’s newsletter Goop . . . and the total Google searches for egg salad recipes and hoverboards.

I think it’s okay that we are in the bottom ten on this one!!

And based on all that, the 10 worst states in the country are Nevada . . . Oklahoma . . . Nebraska . . . Ohio . . . Delaware . . . New Mexico . . . Tennessee . . . North Carolina . . . New Jersey . . . and Florida.

And the 10 best states are: New Hampshire . . . Oregon . . . Maine . . . Alaska . . . Vermont . . . Hawaii . . . West Virginia . . . Massachusetts . . . Virginia . . . and Wyoming.



Dailey Bailey: Your Dad Wants a Vacation Or Football Tickets For Father’s Day . . . Not a Gym Membership

Have you bought your dad a gift for Father’s Day this Sunday? No? Now who’s being emotionally unavailable?

A new survey asked more than 1,000 dads what gifts they want for Father’s Day . . . and what they Don’t want.

The top seven things they want are: A trip . . . tickets to a sporting event . . . power tools . . . an iPad . . . a watch . . . beer . . . and barbecue gear.

And the top four things they really don’t want are: A gym membership . . . underwear . . . socks . . . and ties.

And they’re really not kidding about the whole “I don’t want a gym membership” thing. 92% of dads say that would be a terrible gift, which makes it three times worse than the runner up, underwear and socks.


Dailey Bailey: Would You Help a Friend Cover Up a Crime? Give Them a Kidney? Loan Them Thousands of Dollars?

You never know how strong a friendship is until you get a call at three in the morning saying, “I’m in big trouble . . . can you grab a shovel and come over?”

A new survey asked people just how far they’d go to help out their best friend. Here are the results . . .

1. 15% of women and 10% of men would help their best friend cover up a crime. It’s interesting that women are more likely to do it than men, right?

2. 70% of women and 60% of men would donate a kidney to their friend.

3. And women would let their best friend borrow an average of $1,800. But men would let them borrow $2,600.

The survey also found women consider someone their best friend a lot quicker than men. Women say it takes an average of one year . . . men say it takes an average of three years.


Dailey Bailey: A Guy Riding a Horse Lassoed a Thief Outside Walmart

Just because it’s 2016 doesn’t mean cowboy justice is dead.

A 22-year-old guy named Victorino Arellano-Sanchez was trying to steal a woman’s bike from outside a Walmart in Eagle Point, Oregon last week, and the woman saw him. She started yelling for help.

And fortunately for that lil’ lady, a man on a horse just happened to be in the parking lot . . . and he didn’t take too kindly to bike russlin’.

So he started chasing Victorino . . . and he lassoed him.

Then he kept Victorino tied up until the cops got there to arrest him.


Dailey Bailey: Five Tips for Talking to Kids About a Tragedy

It’s hard talking to kids about things like the Orlando shooting. And with small kids, should you even bring it up at all? Here are five things to think about . . .

1. It’s okay to just shield them from it if they’re really young, like 4 or 5. Or if you think they do need to talk, just give them the broad strokes and make sure they still feel safe.

2. If slightly older kids have questions, answer them. Otherwise they’ll get all their information from friends or online. But again, you don’t need to go into all the details.

3. Don’t let them get too wrapped up in the media coverage, regardless of how old they are. Several studies after 9/11 found that kids who were exposed to a lot of news coverage about it were more likely to have issues with anxiety.

4. Treat teenagers more like adults. You still want to make sure they feel safe, but it’s okay to have a real discussion about it if they’re a little older. The best way to start is by asking what they know, and then asking follow-up questions.

5. Try to be as calm and levelheaded as you can. Even if they’re older, your kids probably still look to you for cues on how they should feel about stuff. So if you’re super stressed or angry about something, they will be too.

And keep in mind that if you say something while you’re angry or place blame on someone, they might hear it and think it’s how you really feel.


Dailey Bailey: If You Paid Dad for All the Work He Did Around the House . . . You’d Only Owe Him $20,000

Every Mother’s Day, we tell you how much the average mother would be worth if she was paid fair-market value for everything she does around the house.

Depending on what jobs are included in the estimate, mom would earn anywhere from $60,000 to $119,000 a year if she was paid for all her work.

Well, someone decided to do a similar study for Father’s Day, to see how much the average dad would be worth . . . and the guys don’t come out looking very good.

The average dad does about $20,248 worth of work around the house each year. That’s about a third of what the average mom does in the lowest estimate.

Corrected for inflation, dads are doing about $1,000 less work than they did 20 years ago.


Dailey Bailey: The World Record Holder for Fastest Light Bulb Eater Has Now Been Arrested for Bank Robbery

Who would’ve guessed that a world record holder for light bulb eating might not be the most stable person out there?

Back in December, 22-year-old R.J. Williams of Manhattan, New York set a world record when he ate an entire light bulb . . . not including the metal parts . . . in 33.86 seconds.

He was arrested for seven recent bank robberies where he stole a total of $14,000.

Last Friday, he tried to rob an Apple Bank branch in Brooklyn, but ended up running off empty handed.

Then, he was in the same bank, writing a note demanding money, when a teller recognized him and called the cops. The teller says he has very distinctive ELVIS-style sideburns which she recognized immediately.

He’s now facing several bank robbery charges.

Here is a video of him breaking the record:


Dailey Bailey: A Guy Bites Into His McDonald’s Cheeseburger . . . and Finds $20

Believe it or not, someone just ate something gross at McDonald’s.

A guy named Dave Cook from Chesterfield County, Virginia bit into a double cheeseburger at McDonald’s earlier this week . . . and found a $20 BILL in between the two patties.

The manager at the McDonald’s says he has no idea how it got there, but the corporate office is investigating. Dave is keeping the money for now, but he says he’ll return it if someone claims it.
