Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: The New Trend Is Seeing How Many Cheerios You Can Stack on Your Baby

Did you have a heartwarming, emotionally-fulfilling Father’s Day with your baby? Cool. Time to stack food on its head.

There’s a new viral trend called the “Cheerio Challenge,” where parents see how many Cheerios they can stack on top of their baby! So it’s kind of like Jenga, but using cereal instead of blocks . . . and your baby’s head instead of a table.

I’m not sure anyone’s keeping official numbers on this thing, but we saw one picture where a dad stacked 21 Cheerios on his kid’s cheek . . . and that has to be the current record, right?


Dailey Bailey: A Waitress Is Upset She Won the “Best Butt” Award at Work

In 2016, you can’t talk about a person’s butt anymore . . . even to compliment it. You can’t talk about anything, actually. But at least everyone’s happier this way. Ahem. Anyway . . .

There’s a woman who works as a waitress at a restaurant and bar called Scotty’s Brewhouse in Southport, Indiana.

And on Monday night, the managers held an awards ceremony for the 50 employees. People won things like “Best Bartender” and “Best Server” . . . but this woman won “BEST BUTT.”

Then they called her on stage to give her the award, and told her to turn around so people could take pictures of her award-winning butt.

And she was not happy. Quote, “I feel like I’m more than just a butt. I feel like I’m smart, I’m going to school.”

The owners of Scotty’s say the awards weren’t their idea and they were just something the managers did on their own.

The woman says no one’s apologized to her yet, and she’s thinking of filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.


Dailey Bailey: What Word Is Most Popular on People’s Resumes in Each State? “Christian” Is The Most Popular In Tennessee

When you’re trying to land a job, I’m not sure talking about hunting Bigfoot or being a redneck is going to help. But to each their own, I guess.

A career website called Zippia just analyzed more than 3.5 million resumes to figure out what word is disproportionately popular on people’s resumes in each state.

Some of them make perfect sense. Like, “Ford” is more popular in Michigan than anywhere else . . . “poker” is biggest in Nevada . . . and “Coca-Cola” is number one in Georgia, since that’s their headquarters.

But a lot of them leave you just baffled at how people are finding ways to get these words on their resumes. Or why?

Like “redneck” in Missouri . . . “Batman” in Oklahoma . . . “ghosts” in Maryland . . . “Harry Potter” in Rhode Island . . . “anime” in Massachusetts . . . “Bigfoot” in New Hampshire . . . “Superman” in Pennsylvania . . . and “Warcraft” in Nebraska.

But no one can touch North Carolina, where the most disproportionately popular word on resumes is . . . “Kardashian.”

See the whole list here!


Dailey Bailey: Dating Advice Every Dad Wants Their Daughter to Know

Father’s Day is Sunday, so “Glamour” magazine talked to a bunch of dads about the best dating tips they’d give their daughters. Here are the four best ones . . .

#1.) Men Communicate Differently. Don’t feel bad if a guy isn’t eager to sit down and talk about your day for two straight hours. Women like to talk things out, while men want to come up with a solution to a problem and be done with it.

#2.) Ignore What a Man Says and Pay Attention to What He Does. A guy might say the nicest things in the world, but none of that matters if he doesn’t DO nice things for you too.

#3.) You Won’t Change Him, So Don’t Try. If you’re not cool with a guy’s behavior, interests, attitude or values in the beginning, there’s basically no chance he’s going to change for you.

#4.) Never Settle. Above all, never settle for anyone. There’s someone out there who will love and appreciate everything about you . . . and he’s worth waiting for.


Dailey Bailey: A Family Fight Over Whether the Earth Is Flat Needs Police and Firefighter Intervention

Well this makes my family’s fights over Monopoly seem downright sophisticated.

A 56-year-old man in Brockville, Ontario, Canada was camping with his son and his son’s girlfriend on Monday night, and they got into a debate over whether the Earth was flat.

The guy was arguing it’s round, but his son’s girlfriend kept saying it’s flat.

And he got so upset that he started throwing stuff into their campfire . . . including a propane tank.

The fire got out of control, so firefighters had to come put it out. Then the police came too, to sort things out.

The man was gone by the time they got there, but the cops are trying to track him down. They say he’s looking at one count of criminal mischief.


Dailey Bailey: Beer Goggles Really Do Exist!

Ever been on a date and realized you were going to need to keep drinking until the other person was attractive? Yeah . . . apparently almost everyone has.

We’ve got the results from a new survey that found Beer Goggles really do exist. Listen to this . . .

1. 74% of women and 84% of men say they’ve been on a date and found the other person more attractive after a few drinks.

2. 86% of women and 92% of men say they’re more likely to wind up getting-it-on with someone after a date if they’ve had some drinks. Sounds great, right? Maybe not. Check this out . . .

3. 84% of women and 67% of men who’ve drunkenly had sex with someone they weren’t particularly attracted to, say they never contacted that person again.

4. But even though alcohol can clearly lead to some bad decisions, 68% of women and 82% of men still always drink on a first date.


Dailey Bailey: A Drunk Driver Tries to Bribe a Cop With Some Beer

When your back’s against the wall, you go to what you know. And this guy knows beer.

A 24-year-old guy named Lazaro Hernandez was pulled over in Marietta, Georgia earlier this month, when he tried to speed past a cop who was directing traffic around an accident.

So the cop stopped him, noticed he seemed drunk . . . and had half of a bottle of Corona in his car.

But when the cop started to arrest Lazaro, he tried to BRIBE him . . . by offering him $400, and some BEER.

For some reason, that bribe didn’t work, so Lazaro tried to get the cop to charge him with something besides drunk driving. He wanted to be charged with “super speeding.” Unfortunately for him, that’s not a thing.

So he was arrested and charged with a DUI, bribery, having an open container, and reckless driving.
