Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Jason Bailey

Luke Bryan Likes a Little Sex on the Beach, But Prefers Miller Lite

Luke Bryan’s favorite spring break beverage is Miller Lite.  He adds, quote, “I’ll have a Sex on the Beach, or a Hurricane, but I like the simple stuff.”  He also knows the worst things people do on spring break.  Quote, “For guys it’s using cheesy pickup lines.  For girls it’s the wet T-shirt contest . . . and falling for cheesy pickup lines.”

Luke also released the video to his new song Spring Breakdown”.  It’s on his album “Spring Break . . . Checkin’ Out”, which is out tomorrow.



A Clothing Company Apologized For Washing Instructions That Say “Give It To Your Woman, It’s Her Job”

There’s a clothing company in Indonesia called Salvo Sports that’s in trouble for the washing instructions on one of their soccer jerseys.

The tag says the usual stuff like “machine wash warm with like colors.”  Then it says, quote, “Or give it to your woman.  It’s her job.”

Someone saw the tag and tweeted about it over the weekend, so Salvo Sports apologized yesterday . . . which also happened to be International Women’s Day.

But their apology wasn’t much better than the tag itself.  Quote, “The message is simply, instead of washing it the wrong way, you might as well give it to a lady because they are more capable.

“There’s no intention to humiliate women.  In contrast, learn from women how to take care of clothes.”




How Much Cash Are Your Body Parts Worth? Every State Has a Different Answer

Let’s say you lose a hand at work today.  I’m not sure how that would happen . . . maybe it gets caught in your desk drawer while you’re reaching for candy?  But let’s just say it happens.

Did you know someone’s already figured out exactly how much money that hand was worth?

Every state sets its own worker’s comp numbers . . . and has a chart that says how much you should get paid if you lose different body parts.

For example, Nevada is the best place to lose a hand . . . they say it’s worth $738,967.  Alabama only thinks one is worth $37,400.

Now, if you’re injured on the job and sue for worker’s comp, you might get more than the “list price” . . . but it’s probably a good jumping off point to get a sense of the payout you can expect.

Here’s a link to see a full list!


Things People Do To Be Polite… But Are Annoying

From an AskReddit thread: “What is something people to do be polite but actually turns out to be annoying?” Here are some of the answers:
– Opening candy slowly in a movie theater – crinkle crinkle crinkle …
– Not taking their turn at a stop sign, and screwing up everyone else.
– There’s a machine near my desk at work that beeps. It really doesn’t bother me though. What bothers me is everyone who thinks that I must think its really annoying and wants to commiserate with me about it.
– Holding a door open for you when you’re 20 feet away, and you then feel like you have to run to the door so they can get on with their life.
– When my guests try to help do the dishes.
– In a group when someone tells you,”You sure are being quiet!”


What Side Of The Bed Do You Sleep On?

It’s pretty much unheard of for couples to switch their sides of the bed.  If you wound up sleeping on the right when you were dating, you’ll probably stay there until the day you die.

A new survey found a bunch of stats on sleeping positions.  Check ’em out . . . Read More »


We Like to Smell Our Hands After a Handshake?

You know how dogs say “what’s up” by sniffing each other’s butts?  We actually do the same thing . . . except no butt sniffing.

A new study out of Israel found a lot of us smell our hands after a handshake.  We don’t do it on purpose . . . and don’t even realize it’s happening.

But the researchers found that after a handshake, we really linger the next time our hand is up near our face . . . we keep it there for twice as long as we normally would, so we can take in a nice, big sniff.

According to the study, quote, “It’s well known that germs can be passed through skin contact in handshakes, but we’ve shown that potential chemical messages can be passed on in the same manner.”

So what are we hoping to smell?  It could be anything from whether the other person’s pheromones are compatible with ours, to whether there’s a hint they’re carrying a disease.

