Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: Women Are More Interested in Romance After They Eat

Many women . . . possibly all women . . . turn evil when they’re hungry. Which is why this makes perfect sense.

A new study from the University of California, San Diego, found that women are the most into romance right after they eat.

They had 20 young women fast, then look at images of romantic things during an MRI scan. Then the women did the same thing on a full stomach . . . and were much more responsive to romantic cues.

The researchers say, quote, “Instead of being anxious and annoyed and irritable when [we’re] hungry . . . once we’re sated, then we can get on to better things.”

It was a pretty small study, it didn’t look at men, and they don’t want to draw major conclusions. Be we’re going to run with it.

In other words: After a meal might actually be the best time to try to have sex. Now you know, guys.


Full Story At: Time
