Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

What’s the Worst Injury You’ve Suffered Because of Your Own Stupidity?

There’s nothing worse than hurting yourself doing something stupid. I cut four tendons by tapping the top of a beer bottle with another beer bottle to make it foam up. It left a pretty good scar.

Jasons Scar

Jasons Scar

These come from a discussion on about the horrible injuries people have suffered due to their own stupidity. Here are four of the best . . .

1. “Ran up a down escalator for fun. My shoes were untied and got caught up. I saw my shin bone that day.”

2. “I stuck a penny behind my night light when I was 10. The shock set the wall on fire, melted the carpet, and heavily damaged the nerves in my left hand. I was born left-handed, so to this day, I’m terrible with both hands.”

3. “I refused to go to a doctor over a urinary tract infection. It got so bad it looked like I was peeing strands of hair. My immune system mounted an all-out attack, wiped out the cells that produce insulin . . . and gave me type one diabetes.”

4. “I lost my right eye trying to pull a fork out of a sofa cushion.”
