Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

What Side Of The Bed Do You Sleep On?

It’s pretty much unheard of for couples to switch their sides of the bed.  If you wound up sleeping on the right when you were dating, you’ll probably stay there until the day you die.

A new survey found a bunch of stats on sleeping positions.  Check ’em out . . .

1.  Men are more likely to sleep on the right side than women.

2.  Women are more likely to sleep facing away from their partner than men . . . which maximizes how much space they have and minimizes touching.

3.  More than half of us didn’t really give any thought to it when we first picked sides.

4.  20% would pick the other side if they could do it all again.

5.  And 20% say they would NOT be willing to switch right now if their partner asked.


