Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: The Seven Animals Most Likely to Kill You This Summer

Two teenagers got attacked by sharks in North Carolina last Sunday, so everyone’s freaking out. But on average, sharks only kill one person a year in the U.S. And the same goes for other scary animals, like bears and alligators.

So your chances of dying from a shark attack this summer are basically zero. But here are six other animals that COULD actually kill you . . .

1. Deer. 200 people die each year by hitting them with their car

2. Bees, wasps, and hornets. On average, they kill 58 people a year in the U.S.

3. Dogs. They kill 28 people a year.

4. Cows. They kill 20 people a year, mostly ranchers. Obviously your chances of being killed by a cow are low if you’re never AROUND them. Other farm animals like pigs and horses kill about 50 people a year, for similar reasons.

5. Non-venomous arthropods. That means mosquitos that carry diseases. They kill nine people in the U.S. every year.

6. Spiders, 7 people a year.

7. Venomous snakes and lizards, 6 deaths per year.
