Thursday, March 13, 2025
Happening Now

Olive Garden is Now Making Breadstick Sandwiches…Mmmmmmmm

OG SandOlive Garden is famous for their breadsticks. They may not be the most delicious thing in the world, but that’s not the point. The point is . . . everything tastes better when it’s UNLIMITED.

And Olive Garden just announced they’re upping their game next month . . . they’re going to start making breadstick SANDWICHES.

Starting June 1st, you’ll be able to get a chicken parm or meatball sandwich that uses breadsticks as the roll. They’ll only be available during lunch, and they’ll cost $6.99 for the meatball and $7.99 for the chicken parm.

The bad news is that the sandwiches AREN’T unlimited . . . you only get one. The good news is that they come with a side of unlimited breadsticks. No joke.
