Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Happening Now

Just In Time For Spring Break….The Three Most Disgusting Things in a Hotel Room

If you stay at a NICE hotel, this stuff might not apply.  But if you’re at the cheapest place in town, you’ll thank us.  Here are the three grossest things you come in contact with in a hotel room.

1.  The remote.  A study in 2012 found that remote controls and light switches are two of the dirtiest things in hotel rooms, because everyone touches them and they hardly ever get cleaned.

2.  The drinking glasses.  Fox News used hidden cameras in 2007, and discovered that a lot of maids don’t even wash them out.  Or if they do, they just spray them with GLASS cleaner.

3.  The comforter.  Specifically the part that covers the foot of the bed, because a lot of people sit there and maids don’t always wash them.  It’s also the spot people with kids are most likely to change a diaper.

