Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

If You Want to Attract a Man, Stop Shaving Your Armpits?

If you keep your body nice and groomed, and it still hasn’t translated into finding a boyfriend . . . maybe it’s time to go the exact opposite route.

Des Tobin is a professor of cell biology at the University of Bradford in England . . . and he says it might help you attract a guy if you stop shaving your your armpits.

Quote, “In other mammals, body hair is very important for dispersing odors, such as pheromones, [to] help you attract mates . . . shaving your underarm hair could mean those odors are not dispersed into the air so quickly.”

Of course, that’s all well and good scientifically . . . but he didn’t talk about what could go wrong after someone IS attracted to your pheromones, then spots your hairy armpits.
