Sunday, March 16, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: “Glamour’s” List of 13 Ways to Make a Guy Fall For You

“Glamour” magazine is catching heat for a list they posted last weekend called “13 Little Things That Can Make a Man Fall Hard for You.”

Readers thought it was like something you’d read in the 1950’s, so “Glamour” pulled it down earlier this week. I guess it could be offensive but these things would make a man fall for you!

Here are all 13 tips . . .

1. Stock the fridge with his favorite drink, and hand him a beer as soon as he steps out of the shower.

2. Make him a snack after you get it on, like a grilled cheese or milk and cookies.

3. Email him the latest online gossip about his favorite TV show.

4. Brag about him to other people while he’s around.

5. When he comes over, answer the door in a negligee . . . or better yet, naked.

6. Be open to whatever he wants to try in the bedroom.

7. Let him help solve your petty work problems . . . because guys like to fix things. And yes, they really used the word “petty.”

8. Memorize stats about his favorite sports team.

9. Make a big deal out of his favorite meal. If he likes cut up hot dogs mixed with macaroni-and-cheese, serve it to him on a silver platter.

10. Treat his friends as well as you treat your own. If you win their affections, you’ll win his heart.

11. Sit next to him while he watches whatever he wants to on TV.

12. Give him a massage . . . happy ending completely optional.

13. “[Take] him back to third grade with a gentle tease over anything, from how you’ll dominate him on the basketball court to the weird way he just styled his hair.”
