Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: Women Wearing Low-Cut Shirts Are 19 Times More Likely to Get a Job Interview

Well this sets men and women back at least 40 years.

A new study just found that if you’re a woman and you want to get a job interview, don’t worry about tweaking your resume or writing a good cover letter. Nope, the best thing you can do is . . . wear a low-cut shirt!

Researchers in France had some women send in job applications with a picture that didn’t show cleavage . . . and had some send in pictures that were more revealing.

And the women who wore low-cut shirts were 19 times more likely to get an interview. That’s a 1,900% increase in your odds of getting an interview just by letting a company know your breasts exist.

The study did not figure out if those women were more likely to get hired, though. So your cleavage may or may not get you a job . . . but it’ll at least get your foot in the door. Or rather, your chest.
