Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: What’s the Weirdest Thing You’ve Seen at Someone’s House?

You probably don’t have many memories of your friends’ houses from when you were a kid, because they were normal, boring houses filled with normal, boring stuff. But I bet there’s one that sticks out.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen at someone’s house? Here are five answers from Reddit that are pretty good . . .

1. “My friend’s dad wouldn’t eat with the family. The mom would make a plate of food, take it down the hall, and slide it through a space under the door to the basement. The dad would eat down there, then slide the empty dish back under the door.”

2. “When I was eight, I went to a friend’s house and noticed the wallpaper in their hallways was a pattern featuring naked women.”

3. “I’m a paramedic. I went to a guy’s house and he had 100 two-liter soda bottles filled with pee because, quote, ‘the toilet is broken.’ But where was he pooping?”

4. “I was at a friend’s house and their halls were lined with a ton of grandfather clocks. I didn’t think it was that strange until his dad told me, ‘Don’t you kids go around telling anybody about my clocks.’ Now I’ll never forget them.”

5. “I went to my friend’s house and he was taking a bath . . . in the tub with his mom. Apparently they just bathed together, naked, all the time.”
