Halloween is, basically, about artificially getting scared. Like, you might get spooked by a haunted house or the skeleton decorations in someone’s yard or maybe even a well-done costume. But it’s all manufactured fear.
We want to talk about real fear. What’s the scariest thing that’s actually happened to you? There’s a discussion going on right now on Reddit.com about it. Here are three of our favorites to get you going . . .
1. “When I was six, my cat curled up with me for the first time ever in my bed and let me pet him until I fell asleep. The next morning I told my parents, and they said they’d found his body behind the house . . . so he couldn’t have been in my bed.”
2. “There was a small door to the attic in my bedroom that kept opening on its own . . . and one time I saw a face staring at me from it. I switched rooms with my brother. When we moved, the new owners also had the problem with the door opening itself.”
3. “I dreamt I was being choked and woke up to find my own hands around my throat.”
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