Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: What Method of Death Do You Want to Avoid Most?

Eventually we all have to die . . . so you’ve gotta hope it happens peacefully and comfortably. And not, say, being eaten to death by tiny spiders that burrowed under your skin and laid eggs. Just me?

There’s a discussion online right now about the methods of death people want to avoid more than any other, and it’s morbid. Here are the top six. Happy Monday?

1. Being buried alive, and going insane from claustrophobia as you slowly suffocate or die from dehydration.

2. Locked-in Syndrome . . . where you’re totally paralyzed but your brain is still working and you die within a few months.

3. Being dragged down into the ocean, and watching the light from the surface slowly fade away.

4. Being crushed slowly from feet to head by a really slow steamroller.

5. Being stranded in a large body of water and eaten by some mysterious sea creature.

6. Swallowing hydrochloric acid that makes your organs disintegrate.
