Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: The Top Seven Dealbreakers When You’re Dating . . . According to Every Study on Dealbreakers Combined

There’s a universal fascination with dealbreakers when you’re dating. What other subject gets researched by Harvard and “Cosmo”? And that means there have been a lot of studies on them.

So a new study looked at the results of seven different scientific studies to find the things that keep coming up. Yes, it was a study on studies.

These are the seven biggest dealbreakers across all the studies. Which is a good sign that they’re probably pretty accurate.

1. Being unattractive. Which is totally subjective and not specific at all. I guess that’s what happens when you combine too many studies.

2. Living an unhealthy lifestyle, like smoking or drinking too much.

3. Having undesirable personality traits, like being lazy or having a bad sense of humor.

4. Having different religious beliefs.

5. Not being the same social status.

6. Having different attitudes toward having kids.

7. Having different relationship goals.
