Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: The Top 10 Naughty Things We Did This Year

Regardless of whether you were “naughty” or “nice” this year, you’re going to get Christmas presents. It’s like how you basically have to tip a server even if they’re terrible.

A new survey found the top 10 naughty things we did this year. Check ’em out . . .

1. 57% faked being sick to get out of doing something.

2. 52% used their kids as an excuse to get out of doing something.

3. 33% threw trash in a recycling bin.

4. 33% lied to their significant other about where they were going or what they were doing.

5. 29% had sexual thoughts about their significant other’s friends.

6. 27% gossiped. Which seems way too low.

7. 19% of people in relationships cheated. Which seems kinda high, right?

8. 17% cheated on their taxes.

9. 8% bullied someone.

10. And 7% of the people who found a purse or wallet kept it.
