Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: The Six Conversation Tricks to Make People Like You

There might be something that feels wrong about tricking people into liking you . . . but whatever. Who has time to establish real connections these days, right?

Here are six scientifically proven tricks you can use in conversation to make people like you . . .

1. Encourage people to talk about themselves. It gives their brain the same sensation as eating good food or getting money.

2. Ask for advice. Believe it or not, asking for advice helps make you seem more equal with people in more powerful positions than you.

3. Repeat the last three words of some of their sentences. It’s a technique even hostage negotiators use to build rapport and it’s surprisingly effective.

4. Gossip . . . but only about positive things. When you gossip about how attractive or smart or funny someone is, the other person will subconsciously associate YOU with those traits too.

5. Ask about something positive in their life before you ask other questions. Like, asking about their kids first will make them more positive about everything else.

6. Use questions to help people come up with ideas and answers themselves. They’re less likely to feel threatened or criticized.
